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Economics and Culture in Greece

Explore the interconnectedness of economics and culture in Ancient Greece, with a focus on trade, slavery, and the spread of Greek culture through cultural diffusion. Learn about the economic systems of Sparta and Athens, the impact of trade on Greek society, and Alexander the Great's conquests and their cultural effects.

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Economics and Culture in Greece

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Economics and Culture in Greece

  2. Economics • Deals with jobs, money, trading, how businesses are owned/run. • SPARTA (Helots): relied on slaves to grow food on the farms. • ATHENS: also had slaves (1/3 of its population) who worked farms and in mines. • ATHENS: Traded with other areas being that it was along the sea.

  3. Cultural Diffusion • When more than one culture are mixed together to form a new one. • Ancient Greeks traded along routes which exposed others from India, Persia, and other areas to Greek culture. • Alexander the Greats’ conquests created cultural diffusion with all of the areas he took over; spread Hellenistic ideals.

  4. GOOD Soldiers loved his bravery Egyptians welcomed him He built a big empire Beat large amounts of soldiers BAD Sold women and Children Killed his general while drunk He had his soldiers fight when they were too tired Alexander the Great

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