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The Figure in Art History

The Figure in Art History. Mrs. Moore Art I/II. Objectives:. Students will recognize the progression of proportions in the human figure through history of art Students will compare the various depictions of the human figure through art history. P R E H I S T O R I C. Fertility.

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The Figure in Art History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Figure in Art History Mrs. Moore Art I/II

  2. Objectives: • Students will recognize the progression of proportions in the human figure through history of art • Students will compare the various depictions of the human figure through art history

  3. P R E H I S T O R I C Fertility Venus of Willendorf c. 24,000-22,000 BC

  4. Unchanged E G Y P T I A N

  5. G R E E K Contrapposto 8 Heads

  6. R O M A N Realism

  7. Italian R E N A I S S A N C E Foreshortening LEONARDO DaVINCI MICHELANGELO

  8. M A N N E R I S M Paragianino Elongation Ammanati

  9. IMPRESSIONISM Everyday Renoir Life Degas

  10. M O D E R N I S M Experimentation Henry Moore Egon Schiele Picasso

  11. Citations The images and information in this PowerPoint Presentation derived from the ppt. “The Figure in Art Through History: A Mirror of Cultural Ideas.” • Slide 3 http://witcombe.sbc.edu/willendorf/images/willendorfa.jpg • Slide 4 http://www.bres.boothbay.k12.me.us/wq/breichard/Magazine/images/Egyptian%20Sculpture • Slide 5 http://faculty.evansville.edu/rl29/art105/img/greek_spearbearer.jpg http://employees.oneonta.edu/farberas/arth/Images/109images/greek_archaic_classical/ sculpture/kouros_kroisos.jpg http://employees.oneonta.edu/farberas/arth/Images/109images/greek_archaic_classical/ sculpture/kritiosboy.jpg • Slide 6 http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ekondrat/portae.jpeg • Slide 7 http://faculty.evansville.edu/rl29/art105/img/michelangelo_lastjudge.jpg http://www.exrx.net/Images/daVinci.jpg • Slide 8 http://faculty.evansville.edu/rl29/art105/img/parmagianino_longneck.jpg http://www.hermanstudios.com/quiz%202/nymph.jpg • Slide 9 http://www.eyeconart.net/history/Impressionism/DegasBath2.jpg http://www.svcc.cc.il.us/academics/classes/murray/hum210/renoir.jpg • Slide 10 http://www.xtec.es/~jarrimad/contemp/moore01.jpg http://www.studioprogetto.net/incubatoio16/2/schiele.jpg http://ml.hss.cmu.edu/ml/Polyglot/Polyglot_Fall_2001_edition/picasso_demoiselles.jpeg PowerPoint Quiz – TeacherWeb.com/MN/UMDEduc5413/MrsMoore

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