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All About Ponds

All About Ponds. by: Isabella Sullivan October 2010. Geography. Definition: A Pond is a body of water. The sun can warm the pond so roots and plants can grow. Climate: The water temperature is even from top to bottom and changes with air temperature.

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All About Ponds

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  1. All About Ponds by: Isabella Sullivan October 2010

  2. Geography Definition: A Pond is a body of water. The sun can warm the pond so roots and plants can grow. Climate: The water temperature is even from top to bottom and changes with air temperature. Location: You can find ponds all over the world. You can even find some in Kentucky.

  3. Animals There are many animals in the pond. Some animals, suppose ably mammals live by the pond instead of in it. There are different types of animals. Mammals, Amphibians, insects, birds, and reptiles.

  4. Mammals • Red bats, raccoons, and muskrats are mammals that live by ponds. Red Bat (mammal) http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resources/Karen_Francl/Lasiurus_borealis.jpg/medium.jpg musk rat Raccoon http://www.richwooders.com/appalachian/wildlife/semiaquatic-animal/muskrats/muskrat.jpg http://media.photobucket.com/image/raccoon/LISoldIt/raccoon.jpg

  5. Amphibians • Bull frog, Eastern Spotted newt, and Spotted Salamander live in or by a pond. Spotted Salamander Bullfrog http://www.vernalpool.org/images/21_ys_a.jpg Eastern Spotted newt http://greennature.com/gallery/frog-pictures/bullfrog.jpg http://images.veer.com/IMG/PIMG/MPP/1507621_P.jpg

  6. Insects • Whirligig Beetle, Green Dragonfly, and Honeybees all live In ponds. Whirligig Beetle http://australianmuseum.net.au/Uploads/Images/3743/Whirligig%20Beetle_big.jpg

  7. Reptiles • Painted Turtle, Banded water snake, and Snapping turtle live by or in Ponds. Banded water snake http://animal-world.com/encyclo/reptiles/snakes/images/BandedWaterSnakeWHSnGw_AcRp14.jpg Snapping Turtle Painted Turtle http://grizzlyrun.com/Files/Images/Other/snapping_turtle1.jpg http://easyturtlecare.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/AFW_art_painted_turtle_18x14_175.00.jpg

  8. Birds • King Fisher, Barred Owl, and Mallard Duck all live in or by a pond Mallard Duck http://animal.discovery.com/guides/wild-birds/gallery/mallard_duck.jpg Barred owl King Fisher http://duncraft.atom5.com/files/barred-owl.jpg http://duncraft.atom5.com/files/barred-owl.jpg

  9. Fish • Bluegill, sunfish and Largemouth bass live in ponds. Bluegill http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/Fish/Bluegill/bluegill4.jpg Largemouth Bass Sunfish http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://stockyourlake.com/largemouth_bass1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://stockyourlake.com/bass.html&usg=__RKghGIgvngdF8bO5pupWGaOpu5w=&h=400&w=600&sz=27&hl=en&start=9&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Gkw7NtHa38kuaM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlargemouth%2Bbass%2Bpictures%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26tbs%3Disch:1

  10. Animal Lifecycles-Mosquito • Mosquito Eggs: Oval shaped eggs that stand on the water. Mosquito larva: At the end of the body, there's a slender breathing tube that rises to grab the waters surface. At the other end feathery brushes send food to the larva’s mouth. Mosquito pupa: The larva covers itself in a pupa, (a hard shell) when it’s ready to hatch, out comes the mosquito that we recognize. http://www.wired.com/images_blogs/photos/uncategorized/2008/05/22/dengue_mosquito.jpg Full Grown Mosquito

  11. Animal Adaptations • Because of winter, many animals have to leave home for winter until spring comes again. Here’s some ways animals thrive to survive during winter. A turtle covers itself in mud where the frost can’t reach. A salamander goes to the woods to spend winter. And also a water strider spends its winter in the earth at the waters edge. A Turtle in mud. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2050/1806854867_064265a5c4.jpg?v=0

  12. Plants • There are many plants in the pond. Blue flag irises, Duck Weed, Willow trees, mosses and water lilies live and grow in ponds. blue flag iris Moss in a pond http://www.hickerphoto.com/data/media/29/blue-flag-iris_5686.jpg http://galenfry.com/OR/jap12.jpg

  13. Plant Lifecycles-Duckweed Duck weed have very short lives. It survives only about 5-6 weeks! The mature Duckweed produces a small outgrowth from a bud on one end which breaks off becoming a small new Duckweed which follows what has just happened. In this cycle there becomes more, and more duck weed. That’s how a Duckweed spends it’s very short life! Duckweed http://jeremybiggs.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/duckweed.jpeg

  14. Plant Adaptations • In the winter, when the pond is frozen, a water Lillie goes down into the ground until the spring comes again. When spring comes, the water Lillie will blossom once more. Water Lillie in a pond. http://www.teachenglishinasia.net/files/u2/white_water_lily_pad.jpg

  15. Food Chains A Grebe is a bird. The Grebe eats: Insects, fishes, snails, and also crayfish. Some Turtles May eat Frogs! Raccoons feast on frogs, fish ,berries, duck eggs and more. And also a catfish prefers to eat at the bottom of the pond. Grebe http://www.wildlifehobbies.com/Photos/Grebe_Little_2009_01.jpg

  16. Threats To Ecosystem • Some Threats to a pond are people. Humans are littering everywhere and it may cause pollution in the water which can kill the animals taking their homes in it.

  17. References One Small Square Donald M. Silver The hidden life of the Pond Dwight Kuhn http://www.brainpopjr.com/html : Brain POP Jr. Fresh Water Habitats http://www.gma.org/katahdin/pond.html http://www.library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00228/animals.html http://www.mbgnet.net/fresh/lakes/ponds.html http://www.ehow.com

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