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The Impact of the American Revolution on American Society

The Impact of the American Revolution on American Society. Changes to American Society. Blacks demanded the right to freedom in petitions & lawsuits. States abolished “feudal” laws of primogeniture & entail.

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The Impact of the American Revolution on American Society

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  1. The Impact of the American Revolution on American Society

  2. Changes to American Society • Blacks demanded the right to freedom in petitions & lawsuits • States abolished “feudal” laws of primogeniture & entail • The American Revolution led to unintended social changes by forcing many Americans to question the meaning of “equality” • Many wanted to eliminate the idea of an American aristocracy • Fighting British tyranny made slavery seem hypocritical; Abolitionist sentiment grew • Women gained increased status • Many states lowered property qualifications to vote; but none offered universal male suffrage • Franklin, Jay, Hamilton founded abolition societies; Washington manumitted his slaves • Most states clearly separated church & state • VT, PA, MA abolished slavery • Some Southern slave owners privately freed their slaves • “Republican Motherhood”—mothers should instill virtue in their children • Took greater control over family farms & businesses

  3. Benjamin Banneker & Phillis Wheatley

  4. Postponing Full Liberty • The Revolution was limited in its extension of rights & failed to abolish slavery, grant universal male suffrage, or apply equality to women; But… • …it introduced the ideal of freedom and equality that future generations would use to make these ideals a reality • Lots of references to the “Spirit of ‘76” • World War I propaganda poster

  5. New State & National Governments

  6. Forming New Governments • Whenindependencewasdeclared from England in 1776, colonists considered themselves a new nation & needed a new gov’t: • Colonies became individually sovereign states governed by written state constitutions • A national gov’t was needed to provide basic services like sign treaties & develop a military • In 1776, the American Revolution has just started; The colonists did not wait to gain British recognition of their independence before creating new governments!

  7. States Constitutions • In 1776, the new states created written constitutions which: • Clearly defined the citizens’ rights & the limits of government • Guaranteed natural rights; Eight states had bills of rights • Almost all states reduced the powers of the governor & kept most power in the hands of the people via state legislatures

  8. The United States, 1783 • How “democratic” are these new state gov’ts?

  9. Defining Republican Culture • But, creating a national gov’t that met everyone’s needs was hard: • How to balance individual liberty with maintaining order? • How to balance property rights with equality? • How to create a centralized gov’t without creating a new tyrannical authority?

  10. Defining Republican Culture • Civic virtue is now a necessity • Americans set out to create a republican form of government after independence was declared: • Gov’t with no king or aristocracy • With power held by the citizens • Even though all previous republics had failed, Americans were optimistic this would be an “uncompromising commitment to liberty & equality”

  11. The Articles of Confederation • In 1775, three committees were formed to sever ties with England: • Thomas Jefferson headed the committee to draft a declaration of independence • John Adams headed committee to establish foreign alliances • John Dickinson headed a committee to draft a new central government

  12. Articles of Confederation • The Articles of Confederation was adopted as America’s 1st national gov’t in 1777 (but ratified in 1781) • The Articles established an intentionally weak central gov’t in order to protect state power • The confederation-style gov’t gave all 13 states 1 vote in a unicameral congress • There was no national president • Each state was treated as a pseudo-nation • Too similar to a monarch

  13. The Articles of Confederation • The Articles were created to loosely tie the states together • The only powers granted to the national government were to • Settle disputes between states, negotiate treaties, handle Indian affairs, oversee a military • It could not tax citizens or states; could only request contributions • Laws required 9 of the 13 states • Amending the gov’t required agreement by all 13 states

  14. “A firm league of friendship” The colonies were loosely joined to address common problems • "each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every power...which is not... expressly delegated to the United States.…"

  15. What is the significance of the following quote: • “People do not chop off heads so readily when they can chop down trees.”

  16. Western Lands • The “West” presented a problem: • Many states had overlapping land claims in the West • Some “landless” states (MD, NJ, DE) wanted part of West & refused to ratify the Articles without this issue resolved • The US gov’t negotiated treaties with Indians to gain land in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky

  17. The United States, 1783 • The USA in the “Critical Period”

  18. Western Lands • Virginia took the lead to solve the “West problem” by ceding its westernclaimstothenationalgov’t • Other states, especially NY, ceded their western lands too • By 1781, Congress (not the states) gained control over all lands west of the Appalachians • With dispute over, Maryland was the last state to ratify the Articles With the new gov’t finally ratified in 1781, Congress created the Departments of War, Foreign Affairs, & Finance

  19. Don’t forget Indian lands too • Indian Land Cessions:1768-1799 Western Land Claims Ceded by the States

  20. The Land Ordinance of 1785 • The U.S. gov’t was eager to sell off Western lands to settlers to gain revenue (since the gov’t did not have the power to tax) • The Land Ordinance of 1785 established an orderly process for laying out western townships • Section 16 of the each township was dedicated to public schools

  21. The Northwest Ordinance • The Northwest Ordinance (1787) gave structure to the NW territory: • Created new territories, ruled by a governor, & whose citizens were protected by a bill of rights • Residents could create a legislative assembly when the population reached 5,000 • Residents could apply for statehood with 60,000 people • Slavery outlawed in NW lands

  22. The United States, 1783 • Because of the 1785 & 1787 ordinances, the Northwest territories were well organized & orderly • Prospectors poured into Kentucky & Tennessee • By 1790, the region was plagued by land claims & counterclaims that generated lawsuits for years • The USA in 1787 • Territories south of the Ohio River received less attention from Congress

  23. Conclusions • The Articles of Confederation accomplished exactly what its framers intended: • By creating a weak central gov’t, the power of the states was preserved & no tyrants emerged • The weaknesses of the central gov’t failed to meet the long-term needs of the new USA

  24. Examining the Articles of Confederation

  25. The Weaknesses of the Articles • The Articles of Confederation served as the framework for the U.S. gov’t from 1781 until 1789: • Early in the “Confederation Period,” the weakness of the national gov’t was seen as good because it eliminated tyranny • Later, these same weaknesses kept the gov’t from solving serious national problems

  26. Economic Problems • During the American Revolution, colonial boycotts hurt trade • Everyone expected the economy to improve after independence, but the Confederation Congress had a difficult time: • Payingoffdebt&collectingtaxes • Halting inflation • Generating a favorable balance of trade (foreign & domestic)

  27. Debt, Taxes, & Inflation The gov’t could request, but not require, states to send money to Congress • The U.S. was burdened with $40 million in war debt in 1783: • The Confederate Congress could not ease the national debt because it had no power to tax • Congress printed $200 million in new currency to pay off debt but this led to massive inflation • Creditors demanded repayment of debts at market value

  28. Trade Problems under the Articles Connecticut levied heavier duties on Massachusetts goods than on British goods • Congress was unable to create a favorable balance of trade: • To raise revenue, states created tariffsongoodsfromotherstates • The lack of hard currency made trade difficult • Desire for cheap British goods hurt infant American industries • England prohibited its Caribbean colonies from trading with USA This especially hurt the North This especially hurt Southern planters

  29. U.S. Trade with Britain, 1783-1789 Debt

  30. Economic Problems Washington kept generals from overthrowing the new government: "Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles, for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the service of my country." • The economic stagnation of the Confederation era led to uprisings: • The lack of tax revenue & failure of the gov’t to pay soldiers sparked a military coup in 1783 called the Newburgh Conspiracy • Property foreclosures led to desperation & uprising farmers in 1787 called Shays’ Rebellion Shays’ Rebellion proved to be the convincing event that led to the Constitutional Convention of 1787

  31. Shay’s Rebellion in Western Massachusetts • Poor farmers in western MA were angered over high taxes & prospect of debtors jail • Daniel Shays led an uprising & closed debt courts & threatened a federal arsenal

  32. Economic Problems • “Nationalists” called for a stronger central gov’t & a constitutional amendment to allow create a 5% import tax & a national bank • 12 states agreed, but a group of Rhode Island “Localists” refused & killed the amendment • The failure to reform the Articles led Nationalists to consider the Articles hopelessly defective Led by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, & Robert Morris “A national debt if not excessive, will be a national blessing”—Hamilton

  33. Foreign Policy Problems Congress & the army were too weak to resist • The Articles proved inadequate to handle interstate & foreign affairs: • When Americans did not repay legitimate war debts, Britain kept troops in the Ohio Valley • Spain refused to recognize the southern U.S. border & closed access to the Mississippi River • Algerian pirates attacked & enslaved American merchants • States argued over river rights John Jay’s Jay-Gardoqui Treaty was met with regional resistance & was rejected in Congress

  34. The USA in the Confederate Era

  35. “Have We Fought for This?” “Have we fought for this?Was it with these expectations that we launched into a sea of trouble?” —George Washington, 1785

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