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‘More Oddballs !’

‘More Oddballs !’. Revision of ‘re’ verbs and some odd ‘er’ verbs in the Present Tense. What is the ‘Present Tense’ ?. In English and in French the present tense is used to talk about things which are happening now, at the present time. Je tonds la pelouse Je balaie la grange.

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‘More Oddballs !’

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ‘More Oddballs !’ Revision of ‘re’ verbs and some odd ‘er’ verbs in the Present Tense

  2. What is the ‘Present Tense’ ? In English and in French the present tense is used to talk about things which are happening now, at the present time. Je tonds la pelouse Je balaie la grange. I mow the lawn I sweep the shed

  3. So what are ‘verbs’ all about ? Verbs are doing, being or having words. In their ‘unchanged’ state, they are called ‘VERB INFINITIVES’ To mow to sell to sweep to clean infinitive tondre vendre balayer nettoyer

  4. Why do verbs change ? In English and French, verbs change from their INFINITIVE when linked to a PRONOUN. PRONOUN (I) (you) (he) (she) nous vous ils elles je tu il elle (we) (you) (they) (they)

  5. Patterns Luckily most verb endings in French follow a regular pattern. The pattern depends on whether the VERB INFINITIVE ends in: ‘er’ – habiter aimer ‘ir’ – finir choisir ‘re’ – vendre attendre

  6. We have covered verbs ending in ‘er’ and ‘ir’ in units 1 and 2. Let’s revise those ending in ‘re’.

  7. ‘tondre’ – ‘to mow’ Take off ‘re’, add s s - - ons ez ent ent (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (you) (they) (they) (mow) (mow) (mows) (mows) (mow) (mow) (mow) (mow) je tu il elle nous vous ils elles tonds tonds tond tond tondons tondez tondent tondent

  8. Some ‘odd’ ‘er’ verbs – balayer / nettoyer / envoyer Verbs ending in ‘…yer’ end in a slighly different way to ‘normal’ ‘er’ verbs. Let’s revise how ‘er’ verbs usually change.

  9. Verb Infinitives ending in ‘er’: Take off ‘er’, add e es e e ons ez ent ent e.g. ‘habiter’ – ‘to live’ (je) j’ tu il elle nous vous ils elles habite habites habite habite habitons habitez habitent habitent (live) (live) (lives) (lives) (live) (live) (live) (live) (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (you) (they) (they)

  10. Verb Infinitives ending in ‘yer’: Take off ‘yer’, add ie ies ie ie yons yez ient ient e.g. ‘balayer’ – ‘to sweep’ je’ tu il elle nous vous ils elles balaie balaies balaie balaie balayons balayez balaient balaient (sweep) (sweep) (sweeps) (sweeps) (sweep) (sweep) (sweep) (sweep) (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (you) (they) (they)

  11. ‘mettre’ – ‘to put’(on) (I) (you) (he) (she) (we) (you) (they) (they) (put) (put) (put) (put) (put) (put) (put) (put) (put) je tu il elle nous vous ils elles mets mets met met mettons mettez mettent mettent

  12. Now try these simple exercises: Change the verb in brackets to its correct form. Nous tondons la pelouse. Vous mettez la table. Je balaie la cuisine. Ils essuient la vaisselle. Elles mettent les livres dans la chambre. Tu nettoies la cave. vends-tu les tableaux ? Elles attendent leurs parents. • Nous (tondre) la pelouse. • Vous (mettre) la table. • Je (balayer) la cuisine. • Ils (essuyer) la vaisselle. • Elles (mettre) les livres dans la chambre. • Tu (nettoyer) la cave. • (vendre)-tu les tableaux ? • Elles (attendre) leurs parents. …easy…

  13. So try these too: Translate these phrases into French. Nous tondons la pelouse.. Vous balayez la cuisine. . Je nettoie la salle de bains. Ils essuient la vaisselle Elle met son chemisier. Vous attendez le train Balaies – tu le garage ? Elles mettent les tableaux dans la voiture. • We mow the lawn • You(pl) sweep the kitchen. • I clean the bathroom • They (m) wipe the dishes. • She puts on her blouse • You (pl) wait for the train • Do you (s) sweep the garage? • They (f) put the paintings in the car. …Well done !!

  14. That’s it for the oddballs… Next we look back to the past!

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