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Journal Prompts

Improve your writing skills with these journal prompts that focus on grammar rules and punctuation. Practice using dialogue, complex sentences, and descriptive language.

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Journal Prompts

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  1. Journal Prompts

  2. JOURNAL RULES • Write three-quarters of a page if you have composition paper and a half page if you have normal sized paper • Practice organizing your thoughts into paragraphs • Practice using appropriate language conventions—pay attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. • Don’t write anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with the whole class reading! • Write the number and the topic. That’s all you need to copy.

  3. #1 THIS YEAR • THE RULE: • IT’S = IT IS • It’s bed time! • ITS = Possessive • The dog wagged its tail • THE PROMPT: Will this year be different? How so? Use it’s or its.

  4. #2 ARGUMENT • THE RULE: Notice the punctuation and capitalization in the following dialogue. • “Hello,” said Gary. • “How are you?” asked Susan. • Gary replied, “Very good.” • THE PROMPT: Write about the last argument you got in or the last argument you heard. Include appropriately punctuated dialogue.

  5. #3 ALIEN LANDING • THE RULE: Some quotes in dialogue continue after the identification of speaker. Notice how these are punctuated. • “My name,” said the stranger, “is Gary.” • “It’s lunchtime!” shouted Susan. “Let’s eat!” • THE PROMPT: Write about an alien landing in front of your home. Practice using more complex dialogue and punctuation.

  6. #4 BEST METHOD • THE RULE: Strong paragraphs sometimes follow a pattern of “Definition,” “Example,” and “Advantage” Syphoning is a method of getting water out of something using a hose…For example, if you need to get water out of a fish tank, you might pump a hose up and down in it until water comes out…This is less messy than scooping water. • THE PROMPT: Write a paragraph about the best method of doing something. Practice the “Definition,” “Example,” and “Advantage” formula.

  7. #5 I BELIEVE • THE RULE: The best paragraphs have the most important information in the first sentence (topic sentence). I believe that people need to have fewer children. It is obvious that overpopulation is a potential threat to the United States, and it has already brought about a lot damage in countries like India. The earth’s population is growing at a faster and faster rate and the earth is already struggling to sustain everyone. • THE PROMPT: Write about an issue that you believe in. Practice using at least two paragraphs with topic sentences.

  8. #6 DISAGREE • THE RULE: • Subjects are words that DO something. • Grandma bakes cookies. (She’s baking!) • The gift from Gary was amazing! (It’s being amazing!) • We napped and they worked. (Some sentences have two subjects!) • THE PROMPT: Is there something that you disagree with your friends and/or family about? A rule? A political issue? Explain. CIRCLE EVERY SUBJECT!

  9. #7 GET TOGETHER • THE RULE: Predicate verbs are words that show what the subject is doing. They are the main verbs in the sentence. • Grandma enjoys baking cookies. • Gary is a sea captain who sails the ocean. • THE PROMPT: What does your family like to do when they get together? OR what do your friends do when they get together? CIRCLE THE PREDICATE VERBS

  10. #8 OCEAN EXPLORER • THE RULE: • Compound sentences have two subjects and two verbs. Note the comma. • Gary plays defense, and Skippy tackles. • Mom looked in the kitchen, but I was hiding. • The park is closed, so we are going home. • THE PROMPT: Imagine you are a Fifteenth-Century ocean explorer. Write a story about your experience that uses at least four compound sentences.

  11. #9 ZOO • THE RULE: • Some statements begin with the word “because,” “if” or “when.” These sentences need commas between the first subject-verb pair and the second • Because we are tired, we will sleep. • When Gary arrived, he found Skippy. • If she sneezes, we will be caught! • These are called “complex sentences” • THE PROMPT: Write a story about a trip to the zoo. Practice using complex sentences that begin with if, because and when.

  12. #10 TEN YEARS • THE RULE: • Sentences with “if,” “because,” or “when” in the middle don’t need commas. • We enter when the door opens. • I am smart because I do my homework. • You can borrow my book if you are careful • These are called “complex sentences.” • THE PROMPT: Where will you be in ten years? Practice using complex sentences with “if,” “because” or “when” in the middle.

  13. #11 QUIRKY PEOPLE • THE RULE • Use commas when you list adjectives. Just like you would when you list nouns. • The grizzly, sweaty, fierce man chops trees. • Notice some adjectives are part of the noun itself. Don’t use commas before these. • The sweet, kind, friendly old lady bakes pie. • THE PROMPT • Describe someone quirky—a person with an unusual personality or unique behavior. Consider describing more than one person. Practice listing adjectives when you can.

  14. #12 SOMEWHERE RELAXING • THE RULE: • Prepositions are words that show position. • Above, about, below, beyond, between by, in, on etc. • THE PROMPT: Describe somewhere that you can go to relax. It might be your bedroom, somewhere outdoors, a favorite restaurant or your friend’s house. Describe it in detail and circle the prepositions.

  15. #13 JUNGLE EXPLORER • THE RULE: • Prepositional phrases are strings of words that begin with prepositions. • When a prepositional phrase longer than three words begins a sentence, it takes a comma. • In the cabinet above the sink, we found the keys. • On top of the refrigerator, Gary put the money. • THE PROMPT: You are a famous jungle explorer. Describe your journey and use at least three prepositional phrases.

  16. #14 YOUR NAME • THE RULE: • There = Demonstrative pronoun • Put it there. He lives there. There she is. • They’re = Contraction (they are) • They’re ready. They’re here! • Their = Plural possessive pronoun • It’s their house. This is their car. • THE PROMPT: Do you like your name? Why or why not? Use “There,” “Their” and “They’re.”

  17. #15 FORMAL LETTER • THE RULE: • Remember that a formal letter begins with a salutation and a colon. • Dear Sir or Madam: • To Whom It May Concern: • THE PROMPT: Write a formal letter to the school board about a school rule that you feel should be changed. (No homework? Later start time?)

  18. #16 IN THE KITCHEN • THE RULE: Use hyphens when you create compound adjectives or use prefixes (re, un, pre, mid, de) • I de-yolked the eggs. • I re-stirred the batter. • We un-sprinkled one cupcake for Gary. • THE PROMPT: Write a story about cooking something in the kitchen. Use at least two words that require hyphens.

  19. #17 FORMER TEACHERS • THE RULE: Similes are comparisons between two things. Similes generally use “like” or “as.” • Ms. Gilmore was as ferocious as a shark. • Ms. Felix was like a crazy grandma. • THE PROMPT: Describe some of your elementary school teachers using similes.

  20. #18 FAMILY • THE RULE: • Metaphors are words that show comparison without using like or as • The instructor, an old ogre, walked up to the front of the class. • My sister is a puppy, always happy and full of energy. • THE PROMPT: Describe people in your family using three metaphors. Or describe one person using one extended metaphor.

  21. #19 GIFT • THE RULE: The best sentences place the strongest word last. • BAD: I got a snowmobile for my birthday. • GOOD: For my birthday, I got a snowmobile. • THE PROMPT: Write about a gift you gave or received, OR write about a special day when you received a lot of gifts. Remember to place the most interesting words last.

  22. #20 TWIN • THE RULE: • Remember that words that end in S use apostrophes just like any other word. • James’s shirt • The grass’s color • THE PROMPT: You have a long lost twin named Francis. He/She is visiting for one day. Where would you take Francis? Practice using at least one possessive apostrophe .

  23. #21 SAN DIEGO • THE RULE: • Remember that plural nouns take the apostrophe after the last S. • All the cats’ milk… • All the monkeys’ bananas… • The Lopezes’ house… • The rule doesn’t apply to plural nouns that don’t end in S. • The children’s show… • The deer’s food… • THE PROMPT: Do you enjoy living in San Diego? How would you characterize the city to someone unfamiliar with it? Practice using plural possessives when you can (cats’, monkeys’ children’s).

  24. #22 ENTITLED • THE RULE: • Remember that singular nouns take an s • Bad: The dog run • Good: The dog runs • Remember that words like “everyone,” “everybody,” “someone” and “no one” are singular. They need singular verbs. • BAD: Everyone who owns dogs and cats love animals. • GOOD: Everyone who owns dogs and cats loves animals. • THE PROMPT: If you are entitled to something, that means you deserve it without question—like a fair trial. What else do you see as something everyone is entitled to? A home? A car? Love? Explain why you include or don’t include others. Use “Everyone who…” sentences.

  25. #23 HOT & COLD • THE RULE: • Modifying phrases are descriptors that come after nouns • The men with torches and pitchforks demanded to see the monster. • Gary, flailing his arms madly, ran the whole way home. • THE PROMPT: Do you think of yourself as more of a passionate, emotional person, or as more of a calm, rational person? Explain why and use modifying phrases when you can.

  26. #24 NATURE vs. NURTURE • THE RULE: • Affect = Verb (“It affected me.” “Smoke affects my lungs.”) • Effect = Noun (“special effects” “a negative side effect”) • THE PROMPT: How do you think our personalities are developed? More by our parents and environment (nurture)? Or are we born with a personality (nature)? Explain what you believe and why. Use affect and effect!

  27. #25 NEW DISEASE • THE RULE: Dashesare often used to emphasize something in a sentence. • We soon learned of a negative side effect—constant sneezing. • Some students learn about the importance of school work the hard way—they get an F. Notice that dashes (—) are longer than hyphens (-) • THE PROMPT: Write a story about Skippy learning from the doctor that he has a rare, new disease (use your imagination). Write about his conversation with the doctor. include dashes.

  28. #26 BEST INVENTION • THE RULE: • A colon is often used to rename something (a dash or comma can do this, too). • We bought a new dog: a snarling Rottweiler. • Gary enjoys only one sport: soccer. • THE PROMPT: What do you think is the best invention of the “new millennium.” Remember this includes things like the iPods, Facebook, YouTube, Smart Phones, Hybrid Cars, ebooks etc.

  29. #27 SONG • THE RULE: Remember that things like songs, poems, article titles or short stories appear in quotation marks. • “The Telltale Heart” is a great story. • I enjoy “Love Story,” by Taylor Swift. • THE PROMPT: Write about a song (or poem, or short story etc.) that you enjoy. Why does this song appeal to you? What do you enjoy listening to in general? Remember appropriate punctuation.

  30. #28 MOVIES • THE RULE: Remember that things like newspapers, movie titles and book titles appear underlined or italicized—not in quotation marks. • The Union Tribune • Star Wars • Oliver Twist • THE PROMPT: Write about your favorite movie. What type of films do you generally enjoy? Remember to underline or use italics.

  31. #29 SOMETHING INTERESTING • THE RULE: • When you talk about a fact you learned somewhere, it’s best to say “according to.” • According to The History Channel, Albert Einstein immigrated to America from Germany. • THE PROMPT: Write about something interesting you recently learned (from school or elsewhere). Remember to say “according to…”

  32. #30 SCHOOL YEAR • THE RULE: • There are two ways to use “However.” Notice the punctuation with each. • Speeding, however fun it may seem, is dangerous. • I enjoy speeding; however, I know it’s dangerous. • THE PROMPT: How would you change the school year? Longer summer? Longer school day? Four day week? Practice using “However.”

  33. #31 TWO WAYS • THE RULE: • Transitions are an important part of well-structured essays. They link paragraphs together. • “On the other hand…” • “Furthermore…” • “Nevertheless…” • THE PROMPT: Write about an issue that you feel two ways about. It could be a political issue or a personal life decision. Practice using transitions at the beginning of each paragraph.

  34. #32 FAVORITE ASSIGNMENT • THE RULE: • Semicolons act like periods. They separate complete sentences that are closely related. • Gary looked at his watch; it was noon. • I enjoy chocolate; it’s my favorite. • THE PROMPT: What was your favorite assignment in school ever? It could be in English or another subject. Why did you enjoy it? Use a semicolon.

  35. #33 HAIKU • THE RULE: A haiku is a poem with five syllables, then seven, then five “Flaming Hot Cheetos. They are not too hot for me My fingers are red.” • THE PROMPT: Write three haikus about the month of December.

  36. #34 AXIOM • THE RULE: • An axiom is a one sentence statement or expression that expresses a philosophical truth. • “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” Ben Franklin. • “Better safe than sorry” your mom. • THE PROMPT: Can you think of an axiom that someone you know always says? Do you agree with it or disagree? Why do you think they value that axiom so much?

  37. #35 BALLAD • THE RULE: A ballad is a narrative poem made up of multiple four line stanzas. Often the second and fourth line rhyme. • THE PROMPT: Write a ballad about a football, basketball or baseball game.

  38. #36 INSTANT TALENT • THE RULE: • Modifying phrases often need commas. • Dogs, which are colorblind, cannot appreciate a rainbow. • (commas because the modifying phrase isn’t very important to understanding the sentence) • Sometimes we don’t use commas if we are pointing to a specific group or category. • People who are colorblind cannot appreciate a rainbow. • (no commas because we mean a specific group of people) • THE PROMPT: If you could suddenly have a new talent, what would it be (Chinese-speaking, piano-playing, anything!)? Practice using modifying phrases and commas.

  39. #37 TOO MUCH • THE RULE: • An idiom is an expression that is understood to someone in a specific culture, but it might not make sense to someone learning that language. • “It’s raining cats and dogs.” • “I’m really in a pickle.” • THE PROMPT: What do you do too much? Video games? Internet? Homework? Write about it and use an idiom.

  40. # 38: IGLOO LIVING • THE RULE: • Items in lists need commas. • I need books, coffee, candy, and TV. • The comma before “and” (Oxford comma) is optional • THE PROMPT • You are imprisoned for one winter in an igloo with a complete bathroom and necessary food and clothing. What other four items would you bring? Practice listing items.

  41. #39 ROOM • THE RULE: Before you begin a list, you might use a colon. • On my bookshelf I have the following: Great Expectations, Oliver Twist and The Pickwick Papers. • THE PROMPT: What’s in your room? You might describe big items or small items that are interesting or special to you. Practice creating a list with a colon.

  42. #40 FIFTY YEARS • THE RULE: • Remember that numbers generally take hyphens - • Twenty-one • Twenty-first • THE PROMPT: Where will you be in fifty years? Retired? Still working? In a big house? In a retirement home? With your children? Explain, and practice using hyphenated numbers.

  43. #41 PRINCIPLES • THE RULE: An oxymoron is a word made up of a pair of opposites. Some Shakesperianoxymorons include: Bright Smoke Cold Fire Fiend Angelical Some everyday oxymorons are: Jumbo shrimp almost exactly centered around • THE PROMPT: Create an oxymoron about school. Does your term make sense in a complex way? Think about it and explain why your term is a fitting description for school.

  44. #42 FIFTY DOLLARS • THE RULE: • Smart writers blend long and short sentences in order to create special emphasis on the short sentence. • We looked all over the park for anything that might indicate that Gary was near. We found nothing. • THE PROMPT: • You got fifty dollars for your birthday! What are you going to do with it? How do you handle money in general? Practice mixing long and short sentences.

  45. #43 SYNTAX • THE RULE: Syntax refers to word order. Shakespeare sometimes used a different syntax than we use. Gave you to him this message? You gave this message to him? To him you gave this message? • THE PROMPT: Write instructions for how to use a piece of technology. Use incorrect syntax. Be creative! EXAMPLE: The computer’s first button press on. VERSUS: First, press the computer’s on button.

  46. #44 SPORTS • THE RULE: • Appositives are phrases that re-name • The dog, an enormous poodle, barked viciously. • The reason for the water, a leaky pipe, soon became apparent. • THE PROMPT: Do you enjoy sports? Why or why not? Practice using appositives.

  47. #45 CHILDHOOD • THE RULE: You can add life to sentences by beginning with something besides the subject • Exhausted and famished, he ate a sandwich and went to bed. (adjectives) • Flailing his arms and stomping wildly, Gary appeared to be on fire. (gerund phrase) • The water rising, we looked for dry land. (absolute phrase) • THE PROMPT: What kind of little kid were you? Have you changed? Practice beginning your sentences in colorful ways.

  48. #46 OVERHEARD • THE RULE: • Indirect discourse is when you paraphrase what someone said, using that. No quotes are needed. • Mom said that we need to clean the bathroom. • Susan asked if she could use your car. • THE PROMPT: Write about a conversation you overheard between other people (strangers sitting beside you? Teachers and students?). Practice using indirect discourse.

  49. #47 FOOD • THE RULE: It’s better to say “the reason… that” instead of “the reason… because” • BAD: The reason he is sleepy is because he is sick. • GOOD: The reason he is sleepy is that he is sick. • THE PROMPT: Why do students leave food on the ground and stick gum under the desks even though other people have to pick it up? Practice using a sentence that begins with “The reason…” appropriately.

  50. #48 USED TO • THE RULE: • “Used to” and “Supposed to” have D’s. • THE PROMPT: What do you know about your parents life before you were born? Write about it. Practice writing “used to” and “supposed to.”

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