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Jerry S pinelli

Jerry S pinelli. By: Savannah Plumlee. B iography.

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Jerry S pinelli

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  1. Jerry Spinelli By: Savannah Plumlee

  2. Biography Jerry Spinelli was born February 1st 1941 in Norristown Pennsylvania, on the outskirts of Philadelphia. Jerry had never imagined himself as a future writer.. and never read more than the words printed on the back of cereal boxes. Instead, he dreamed of becoming a cowboy. He loved country tunes, Roy Rogers, and cowboy apparel, sporting spurs on his heels in grade school. By the time Jerry reached age eleven, though, the cowboy phase had passed and was replaced by a passion for sports, baseball especially, Jerry imagined about playing professional shortstop, preferably for the New York Yankees. It was not until his junior year of high school that he wrote a poem that would change his dream of homeruns and the World Series to a dream of bestsellers and, eventually, a Newbery Medal..

  3. Book Overview • Star girl is a unique girl. More unique than others.. She is especially different with her long skirts and her pet rat..I must say unusual.. In this book you will see how star girl reacts to different situations and is nice and cheery to everyone although she is quiet there is so much to her. Star girl is different but also much like everyone around her. I strongly recommend this book because you will want to keep reading it.

  4. What impresses you about the character in this book? • What impresses me so much about star girl is the way she can just walk into a place and be totally cool about it and act like no one is watching she plays her ukulele at lunch and sings in front of the whole lunch room everyday and doesn’t care what any one thinks of her. She sticks out with out even trying and doesn’t mind it and this is what is so impressive about Star girl. Something that confused me abut star girl was how she tried to fit in after she realized people didn’t like her. She went by Susan and changed her whole wardrobe. And personality completely I have to say I think the “old” star girl is more real.

  5. Compare/Contrast • Comparing milkweed and Star girl..I have to say these books are not similar at all. Milkweed is the story of an old man recounting his days as a young boy in Poland during World War II. During this time, he meets people that take important roles in his life. He doesn't know his past at all, he doesn't know who he is, what he is or where he is. He meets up with an older boy, Uri, who knows the ways around Warsaw. Uri makes up a name for the young boy and calls him Misha Pilsudski. Uri takes him to a group of boys who also steal food. After meeting these people, he learns of Jackboots, A.K.A Nazis. At first, He wants to become one, because of their shiny boots… but soon he realizes what the Jackboots do. He and Uri move from place to place, until Misha meets Janina..now Star girl is about.. a new 10th grader at Arizona's Mica High School who wears pioneer dresses and long skirts to school, strums a ukulele in the cafeteria, laughs when there are no jokes, and dances when there is no music.

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