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C-FOAM and the 2011 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling present:

C-FOAM and the 2011 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling present:. Modeling Requirements and Opportunities of the "Earth-Reserve Currency Exchange Indexing System". Co-presenters: Joseph Potvin, David Gero , Akin Hoca ERA-ART The Earth-Reserve Archetype (ERA) Developers Group

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C-FOAM and the 2011 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling present:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. C-FOAM and the 2011 World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling present: Modeling Requirements and Opportunities of the "Earth-Reserve Currency Exchange Indexing System" Co-presenters: Joseph Potvin, David Gero, Akin Hoca ERA-ART The Earth-Reserve Archetype (ERA) Developers Group Groupe de développeurs de l'Archétyped'uneréserve de la Terre (ART) A free/libre/open source community initiative. Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, 2011 Place: DMS4130, 4th Floor Desmarais Building,55 Laurier Avenue East, Ottawa The Earth Reserve Currency Exchange Indexing System is an innovative project to resolve criticisms of earlier designs by Ben Graham (1937), Nicholas Kaldor (1964) and others, for money based on intrinsic biological and physical value. Instead of stockpiles of a limited range of primary commodities, in this system the Earth itself is the warehouse, and the potential to produce commodities is tracked in situ. Relative ecosystem integrity and resource availability are the wellspring of raw materials, and underlie the essential capacity for economic rent and well-being. This multi-jurisdictional multi-currency system would impose significant self-correcting macroeconomic pressures that favour resilience. Information feedback about tangible reality now becomes a core function of money, beyond its role as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, a standard of deferred payment, and a store of value. Following a presentation by the team, a moderated panel will provide feedback and discussion, then the audience can participate in an open question period. La présentation sera faite en anglais./The presentation will be given in English. Refreshments will be served as part of the 2011 RMA Conference http://www.organicks.net/projects/earth-reserve www.C-FOAM.management.uottawa.ca; www.telfer.uottawa.ca www.OMRN-RRGO.ca

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