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Museum Entrance

Welcome to the Museum of Islam. Museum Entrance. Ancient Islamic Weapons. Islamic Religion. Ancient Islamic Treasures. Arabic Language. Islamic Art. Johnny’s Office. Curator’s Office. Johnny Calio.

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Museum Entrance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the Museum of Islam Museum Entrance Ancient Islamic Weapons Islamic Religion Ancient Islamic Treasures Arabic Language Islamic Art Johnny’s Office

  2. Curator’s Office Johnny Calio I’m Johnny and I’m from Saint Joseph School. I am 12. This museum was really fun to make! Contact me at Return to Lobby Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.

  3. Ancient Islamic Treasures Room 1 Return to Lobby

  4. Ancient Islamic Weapons Room 2 Return to Lobby

  5. Islamic Religion Room 3 Return to Lobby

  6. Islamic Art Room 4 Return to Lobby

  7. Islamic Language Room 5 Return to Lobby

  8. Gold Coins This is Ancient Islamic Currency. These coins are made of gold. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  9. Copperand silver coins These are more coins from Ancient Islam. These appear to be made of ancient copper and silver, though they no longer shine. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  10. Artifact 3 This is a piece of Islamic Jewelry. It is a very ornate necklace worn by a Muslim. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  11. Artifact 4 This is an ornate statue of a bird holding something that looks like a berry. It is made of ruby, emerald and gold. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Islamic+Treasures&um=1&rlz=1C1CHKZ_enUS440US535&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=933&tbm=isch&tbnid=OYWfvZVEW1BpLM:&imgrefurl=http://www.ukauctionnews.com/2010/09/treasures-of-islamic-and-indian-worlds.html&docid=5B9faH1TW4acoM&imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_b2Y3zY7MxXY/TIEGfvDj0zI/AAAAAAAABek/lUyJSihFiAk/s1600/Christies%252Bparrot.jpg&w=819&h=885&ei=WBiJUaXDDO3w0QHF4oDgBQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:9,s:0,i:108&iact=rc&dur=183&page=1&tbnh=174&tbnw=161&start=0&ndsp=21&tx=59&ty=120 Return to Exhibit

  12. Artifact 5 This is a dagger with a distinct curved edge. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  13. The Katar This dagger is called a Katar. It goes against the design of most daggers. This one is special because it had two flintlock guns attached to the sides for dual damage. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Katar&sa=X&rlz=1C1CHKZ_enUS440US537&biw=1280&bih=890&tbm=isch&tbnid=fODk9XFhLBDEZM:&imgrefurl=http://images.cryhavok.org/v/Gun%2BKatar.jpg.html&docid=sJgqv6FelCiuUM&imgurl=http://images.cryhavok.org/d/1577-1/Gun%252BKatar.jpg&w=640&h=480&ei=VyieUcHdKLeq4APAiIHQBg&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:3,s:0,i:171&iact=rc&dur=445&page=1&tbnh=173&tbnw=259&start=0&ndsp=22&tx=130&ty=82 Return to Exhibit

  14. Zulfiqar This is a zulfiqar. It was a curved sword used by Muslims. http://theblogthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2011/01/seven-real-eastern-swords-that-would-be.html Return to Exhibit

  15. Kora A cool curved weapon used by Ancient Islamic people. http://theblogthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2011/01/seven-real-eastern-swords-that-would-be.html Return to Exhibit

  16. The Islamic Star This is the Islamic Star, the symbol of Islam. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  17. Prayer Cap This is a prayer cap. Muslims wear this as a sign of respect during prayer. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  18. Mosque This is a mosque. It is the house of worship for people of Islamic Religion. They usually have high pillars on the sides. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  19. The Qur’an This is the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  20. Islamic Art This is an interesting painting painted by a Muslim artist. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  21. Islamic Art This is a circular Islamic artwork, that is filled with symbols. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  22. Islamic Wall piece This was a tile used in a Muslim’s house or a public place. Islamic Wall Piece Return to Exhibit

  23. Spherical Art This is an artwork that is made up of little circles of different colors. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  24. Islamic art/Language A wall of Islamic Language. It is a complex wall of words. http://bassemadel.deviantart.com/art/Arabic-Islamic-Art-336989458 Return to Exhibit

  25. A chart of Arabic A chart to help remember the Arabic language. It demonstrates the letters and pronunciation of characters that make up the words in Arabic. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  26. Arabic Chart A chart pointing out the important Arabic nouns or verbs. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  27. Arabic Language help Chart This is a chart explaining Arabic and all its punctuations and complications. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  28. Arabic Symbol This is a symbol that probably has great meaning. It has a lot of Arabic letters and symbols put together. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

  29. A Second Qur’an The Quran is also very important to Muslims, as The Bible is to us Catholics. It tells of every thing you need to know to study and follow Islam. Linked citation goes here Return to Entrance

  30. Another Islamic Star This is a different Islamic Star. It’s the symbol of Islam, so it has many different interpretations, and is very important. Linked citation goes here Return to Entrance

  31. Kaaba The Kaaba is the center of Mecca, the holy city of Islam, where Muhammad was supposed to be born. Linked citation goes here Return to Exhibit

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