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Diversity in Organisms

Describe the hierarchy of taxonomic categories.

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Diversity in Organisms

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  1. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 n Organisms Organisms INFOMATICA ACADEMY Diversity Diversity i in  EXERCISE 1.Describe the hierarchy of taxonomic categories. 2.What is binomial nomenclature ? Explain it with a suitable example. Give its advantages. 3.Give the economic importance of lichens, 4.Describe the types of viruses and give their economic importance. 5.Give the general characters and examples of: i)Kingdom Monera ii)Kingdom Protista iii)Kingdom Fungi iv)Kingdom plantae v)Kingdom Animalia 6.Describe the types of lichens on the basis of their thallus organization. 7.Give the general characters of viruses 8.Write a note on viroids 9.Give the diagrammatic representation of five-kingdom system of classification 10.Define the terms (i) Taxonomy (ii)category (iii) Taxon (iv) Nomenclature Nomenclature? 11.Who proposed binomial system of nomenclature? 12.What is meant by vernacular name? 13.Why it is said that vernacular confusion? 14.Unicellular prokaryrotic organisms are included in which kingdom? 15.Which kingdom forms a link between prokaryotes and complex eukaryotes? 16.What are coenocytic hyphae? 17.Who demonstrated tobacco mosaic disease to be infectious? 18.Explain the characteristics of living organisms. 19.Why growth and reproduction can not be the defining characteristics of living organisms? 20.Explain diversity in living organisms. 21.Why are living organisms classified? 22.Define the terms: (i) Systematics (ii) Taxonomy 23.What are the objectives of systematics? 24.Define the term: classification. 25.Who had coined the term „classification‟? 26.Why are classification systems changing every now and then ? F.Y.J.C Science 1 Diversity in Organisms

  2. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY 27.What are the three domains of life ? 28.Who developed the three domain system? 29.How was three domain system developed 30.What is the main aim of taxonomic study? 31.Define taxonomic hierarchy. 32.Who coined the term taxon? 33.Mention the highest and the lowest category in the hierarchy of categories? 34.Write a short note on concept of species. 35.Describe the hierarchy of taxonomic categories. OR Define the following terms: i. Species ii. Genus iii. Family iv. Order v. Sub-class vi. Class vii. Division / Phylum viii. Sub kingdom ix. Kingdom 36.Mention the various units of classification in descending manner. 37.Define a taxon. Give some examples of taxa at different hierarchical levels. 38.Write the classification of China rose. 39.Give the classification of man. 40.Illustrate the taxonomical hierarchy with suitable examples of a plant and an animal. 41.Give the classification of Cobra. 42.What are the major purposes of nomenclature? 43.Explain advantages of vernacular names. 44.Write the disadvantages of vernacular names. 45.What is the need of binomial system of nomenclature? 46.Who was Carolus Linnaeus? 47.Define binomial nomenclature. 48.Which are the two languages used in binomial nomenclature? 49.Why was binomial system of nomenclature useful and easier than polynomial system? 50.Give Reason “Scientific names are universal”. 51.What is citation ? 52.What are synonyms ? 53.Give the example in which species name is repeated when genera are different. 54.Who introduced the two kingdom system of classification ? 55.Which two kingdoms were there, according to two kingdom system of classification ? 56.What was the drawback of two kingdom system of classification ? 57.Who suggested the third kingdom protista ? 58.Who suggested five kingdom classification? F.Y.J.C Science 2 Diversity in Organisms

  3. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY 59.State the principles of five kingdom classification. Also, mention the five kingdoms. 60.In which kingdom all prokaryotic organisms are included? 61.In which kingdom unicellular eukaryotes are included? 62.Write a short note on „plant like protists‟. 63.What is a nature of cell walls in diatoms? 64.Explain how fungi exhibit heteromorphic mode of nutrition? 65.Classify the kingdom fungi, giving examples of each class. 66.Mention the plants in which vascular tissues are present. 67.On what basis are fungi separated from plantae ? 68.Which mode of nutrition is observed in kingdom animalia? 69.State the various advantages of five kingdom system of classification. 70.State the disadvantages of five kingdom system. 71.Who was the first to use the word lichen ? 72.What are lichens? Describe its different types. 73.Give the ecological importance of lichens. 74.What are phycobiont and mycobiont in lichen ? OR What do the term phycobiont and mycobiont signify? 75.Why lichens do not grow near the cities. 76.Which are the types of lichens commonly called as leafy lichens and shruby lichens ? 77.Which types of association is exhibited by lichens? 78.Define viruses? 79.What are the common symptoms shown by plants due to viral infection ? 80.List out the viruses and diseases caused by them to animals. 81.Give in brief account of viruses with respect to their structure and nature of genetic material. Also name four common viral diseases. 82.Are viruses living or non living? Discuss. OR Viruses show both living and non - living characteristics. Explain. 83.Which was the observation made by Mayer about TMV ? 84.Who gave the term virus ? 85.What was the Ivanowski‟s contribution for study of TMV ? 86.Who referred virus as „ contagiam vivum fluidum‟ ? 87.Who discovered viroids? 88.Write the difference between virus and viroid. OR How are viroids different from viruses? F.Y.J.C Science 3 Diversity in Organisms

  4. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY  MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1.___________ is the defining property of living organisms. (A)reproduction (B) consciousness (C) self replication (D) growth 2.The term „classification‟ was coined by (A)Theophrastus (B) A.P. de Candolle (C) Aristotle (D) Linnaeus 3.The main purpose of classification of organisms is to (A)study geography (C) establish relationships (B)locate animals (D) study keys to plant‟s evolution 4.Kingdom Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia are included under domain (A)Eukarya (C) Bacteria (B)Archaea (D) Cyanobacteria 5.A taxonomic group of any rank is called (A)grade (B) category (C) variety (D) taxon 6.One of the following has correct descending sequence hierarchy (A)class, division, order, family (C)order, family, class, division (B)division, class, order, family (D) family, order, class, division 7.In Solanum tuberosum, Solanum represents. (A)Family (B) Genus (C) Order (D) Species 8.Which among the following is an order ? (A)Malvales (B) Polypetalae. (C) Angiospermae (D) Hibiscus 9.The basic unit of classification is (A)genus (B) species (C) kingdom (D) family 10.Biological concept of species was given by (A)Stanley (B) Hershey and chase. (C) Darwin (D) Adolf mayer 11.Modem concepts of species was given by (A)Charles Darwin (C) Ernst Mayer (B)Carolus Linnaeus (D) H.L.Lam 12.Binomial nomenclature was published in (A)Systema Naturae (C) Species Plantarum (B)Genera Plantarum (D) Historia Plantarum 13.Plants were given Latin names because (A)Latin is a simple language (B)It is fashionable to talk in an ancient language (C)Latin is ancient language (D)none of these 14.A taxonomic group of closely related genera is known as (A)species (B) order (C) family (D) class F.Y.J.C Science 4 Diversity in Organisms

  5. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY 15.Group of individuals which resemble closely in structure as well as functions is called (A)genus (B) species (C) family (D) order 16.Highest category of taxonomy is (A)species (B) class (C) order (D) kingdom 17.The first botanist who started giving scientific names to organisms is (A)Linnaeus (C) Hutchinson (B)R.H. Whittaker (D) Benthem and Hooker 18.Binomial nomenclature consists of two names (A)genus and family (C) family and genus (B)genus and species (D) species and variety 19.The scientific names are given in (A)Latin (B) Sanskrit (C) English (D) Hindi 20.In Binomial nomenclature, every organism has (A)two names, one latin, other common (B)two names, one scientific, other common (C)two names by two scientists (D)one scientific name with two words, a generic and specific 21.International code of Binomial nomenclature applies to (A)viruses (B) plants (C) animals (D) both (B) and (C) 22.Identify the correct scientific name of Mango. (A)Mangifera Indica (C) mangifera indica (B)Mangifera indica (D) Mangifera indica 23.Which one of the following do not find place in five-kingdom system of classification? (A)bacteria (B) lichen (C) cyanobacteria (D) viruses 24.Three kingdom system was proposed by (A)Haeckel (B) Whittaker (C) Aristotle (D) Mayer 25.Which organism belongs to kingdom Monera? (A)Cyanobacteria (B) Mushroom (C) Englena (D) Moss 26.In five kingdom classification, unicellular prokaryotes are included in kingdom (A)Protista (B) Fungi (C) Monera (D) Animalia 27.___________ is an example of plant like protists. (A)Dinoflagellates (B) Ustilago (C) Mucor (D) Nostoc 28.In five kingdom classification, the kingdom which includes diatoms, slime moulds and protozoa is (A)monera (B) protista (C) fungi (D) plantae F.Y.J.C Science 5 Diversity in Organisms

  6. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY 29.According to five kingdom system of classification, all unicellular eukaryotic organisms are included under (A)kingdom protista (C) kingdom fungi (B)kingdom monera (D) kingdom plantae 30.Fungal cell walls contain (A)pectin (B) chitin (C) suberin (D) cellulose 31.The mode of nutrition in fungi is (A)autotrophic (B) parasitic (C) saprophytic (D) both (B) and (C) 32.The body of a fungus is known as (A)hypha (B) mycelium (C) rhizoid (D) fruiting body 33.The fungi differ from plants in their mode of nutrition. They are (A)autotrophic (B) diazotrophic (C) absorptive (D) ingestive 34.Agaricus belongs to class (A)Deuteromycetes (C) Basidiomycetes (B)Phycomycetes (D) Ascomycetes 35.Fruiting body in basidiomycetes is (A)Basidia (B) Ascocarp (C) Basidiocarp (D) Conidia 36.Whittaker failed to give any place to which of the following in his classification ? (A)Cyanobacteria (B) Slime moulds (C) Virus (D) Bacteria 37.Which pair is mismatched? (A)Prokaryote-viruses (C) Plantae- mosses (B)Protista -Paramoecium (D) Animalia-arthropods 38.All holozoic organisms are included in kingdom (A)plantae (B) fungi (C) protista (D) animalia 39.The cell wall of a plant cell is composed of (A)true cellulose (B) lipoproteins (C) chitin (D) lipids only 40.Lichen is an association of (A)algae and fungi (C) algae and moss (B)bacteria and fungi (D) monocot and fungi 41.Lichen which shows crust like growth is called (A)foliose lichen (B) crustose lichen (C) fruticose lichen (D) none of these 42.In perfumery, the lichen species used are of (A)Cladonia (B) Evernia (C) Usnea (D) Parmelia 43.The fungal component of a lichen is called (A)phycobiont (B) photobiont (C) mycobiont (D) symbiont 44.Out of the following, which is used to prepare litmus paper? (A)Graphis (B) Rocella (C) Usnea (D) Parmelia F.Y.J.C Science 6 Diversity in Organisms

  7. CONTACT: 9821131002/9029004242 INFOMATICA ACADEMY 45.Acid obtained from lichen is (A)Acetic acid. (C) Sulphuric acid. (B)Usnic. (D) Hydrochloric acid. 46.Plant virus have genetic material (A)DNA (C) both RNA and DNA (B)RNA (D) either DNA or RNA 47.Who was the first to obtain viruses in crystalline form? (A)Beijerink (B) Stanley (C) Mayer (D) Ivanowski 48.Common symptoms due to viral infection include (A)necrosis (C) clearing of veins (B)local lesions. (D) all of these. 49.Viroids are (A)having genetic material DNA (B)having genetic material RNA, surrounded by protein coat (C)having genetic material DNA, surrounded by protein coat (D)having genetic material RNA, not surrounded by protein coat 50.The first viroid discovered was (A)Polio virus (C) Potato spindle tuber viroid (B)Myxo vims (D) Animal viroid  ANSWER TO MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION 1. (B) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (C) 11 (C) 12. (C) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (B) 16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (D) 21. (D) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (A) 25. (A) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (B) 29. (A) 30. (B) 31. (D) 32. (B) 33. (C) 34. (C) 35. (C) 36. (C) 37. (A) 38. (D) 39. (A) 40. (A) 41. (B) 42. (B) 43. (C) 44. (B) 45. (B) 46. (B) 47. (B) 48 (D) 49. (D) 50. (C) F.Y.J.C Science 7 Diversity in Organisms

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