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Red Wolf Endangered

By: Kamryn Spanburg . Red Wolf Endangered . All About Wolves . The Wolf Species Has Been Endangered For the Past 200 Years. Throughout North Carolina Red wolves have been threatened by The human population.

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Red Wolf Endangered

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Presentation Transcript

  1. By: Kamryn Spanburg Red Wolf Endangered

  2. All About Wolves The Wolf Species Has Been Endangered For the Past 200 Years. Throughout North Carolina Red wolves have been threatened by The human population. Today the wolves and there habitat have gotten smaller and smaller as the days pass on.

  3. All About Their Young As For their young, they dig a hole in the ground for the young to stay while they hunt. If anything such as a coyotes, or any other predator The mom wolf will kill by clawing and biting so the young wont be harmed. But the mom and dad must hunt so they can provide food for their young so the wont starve.

  4. http://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/red_wolf.phphttp://www.defenders.org/wildlife_and_habitat/wildlife/red_wolf.php • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/animals/mammals/wolf.htm • http://www.npca.org/protecting-our-parks/wildlife_facts/redwolf.html?gclid=CKXD-cam560CFRKR7Qodbldk5A

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