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What quality do the reprocessors expect?

What quality do the reprocessors expect?. Andy Doran National Manager, Novelis Recycling. Our markets. Novelis is the world leader in aluminum rolling and can recycling Spun off from Alcan Inc in January 2005 Became subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Ltd in May 2007

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What quality do the reprocessors expect?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What quality do the reprocessors expect? Andy Doran National Manager, Novelis Recycling

  2. Our markets • Novelis is the world leader in aluminum rolling and can recycling • Spun off from Alcan Inc in January 2005 • Became subsidiary of Hindalco Industries Ltd in May 2007 • We are the only company of our size and scope focused on aluminum rolled products markets, including: Building and Construction Flexible and Semi-rigid Packaging Printing and Lithography Cans and Closures Automotive and Transportation

  3. World leading UBC Recycler North America 480 kt Europe 220 kt Asia 30 kt United States Latchford, UK Berea, KY South Korea Greensboro , GA Oswego, NY Ulsan South America 125 kt São Paulo, Brazil Pinda

  4. UBC Plant Comm. 1991 GPP Plant Comm. 1942 Latchford site

  5. Can body ingot Weighs 27 tonnes Measures 9 x 1.8 x 0.5 metres Contains 1.5 million recycled drink cans Is transported to Germany to the rolling mill

  6. Why quality matters in aluminium recycling and how to deliver it……

  7. Hot Metal Transfer from GPP Hygiene Extraction System Cold Extraction System Belt Conveyor Sow Drier Capacity 16MT Argon dross coolers Dross Bay Shredder Scraps charged direct to furnace Scraps charged direct to furnace Automatic Salt Feeders AJS AJS Decoating and Melting Area Off-site Aluminium Recovery Melter 2 Melter 1 Decoater Extraction System Scrap Receiving and Shredding Area Class Scrap and UBCs Sidewell Sidewell Capacity 90MT Capacity 90MT     GSSDs Metal Transfer Launders Hot Fines Screen Cold Fines Screen Decoater Surge Hopper 12MT Off-site Al Recovery Magnetic Separator Hot (Furnace) Extraction System Incoming Al Scrap DC Casting Band Saw Centre Holding and Casting Area Sawing and Despatch Area GSSD - Sidewell Stirrer 3 ingots per cast Tilting Holder Furnace AJS - Jet Stirrer Two point Grab 32MT Max. Load ACD Capacity 90MT ABF Sheet ingot RGI to Alunorf Novelis – Latchford used beverage can recycling plant 21-26MT Slab, 8300mm long RGI - Rotary Gas Injector ACD - Degasser DC - Direct Chill ABF - Bed Filter

  8. Impact of plastics 24 hrs Series of line trips + reducing feedrate 13 tph 8 tph

  9. AT THE RECYCLING PLANT: Visual before off loading Visual after off loading Moisture test - all deliveries Breaking open of pallets / bales Quality checks • OUR AGGREGATION CENTRES: • Visual before off loading • Visual after off loading • Moisture test • Magnet

  10. Fire hazard and health and safety risk Every outage results in 10 minutes lost feed At 10 t/hr, this equates to 1.67 t lost feed Excessive melt loss Plastic

  11. Over a 1 year period, this supplier ‘lost out’ on more than £60,000 of revenue! Lower quality equals lower value

  12. What makes for good quality aluminium?

  13. Use good machinery and use it well • Simple technology and materials handling: • Avoid over compacting cans or cans and plastic fractions during collection • Tipping loose cans into wire baskets helps to filter out smaller contaminants, e.g. glass, and can make visual inspection easier • Controlling the rate of flow along conveyors with chains • Fit grilles in holding hoppers • Set conveyors at a high angle so that heavy objects fall back • Ensure eddy currents are well positioned and sufficient for the volumes handled • Check the positioning of skips. Use marks on the floor to ensure they are always replaced correctly after emptying

  14. Use good people and treat them well • Housekeeping: • Ensure balers are cleaned to remove traces of other materials (e.g. paper, plastic) before baling of UBCs starts • Check the settings on eddy current separators regularly; for example is the splitter plate set to give the maximum sort? • Pay regular attention to the cleaning of floors, skips etc. This not only reduces the opportunity for contamination to occur, it is also an important aid to maintaining health and safety in the work environment and improving staff motivation. • Staff training: • Your staff are the key to successfully cutting contamination • Contamination can be prevented by staff being more aware of the potential problems, and understanding the need to be vigilant

  15. Open loop ‘multi-material’ collection and sorting schemes In general it is difficult (and costly) to separate the small aluminium fraction from multi-material schemes. Therefore it is recommended to separate it early in the sorting process which in combination with improved separation techniques will result in higher yields, better quality and more value. There is the additional advantage of higher consumer involvement . Glass household waste, including paper + ‘light fraction’ = plastic bottles (PET), metal containers (beverage cans, etc.) and beverage cartons (if necessary) Glass Paper + Light fraction Glass Paper fraction Light fraction

  16. Thank you for your interest!andy.doran@novelis.comTel: 01483 853 136Mob: 07802 889 360

  17. Thank you for your interest! andy.doran@novelis.com Tel: 01483 853 136 Mob: 07802 889 360

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