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Amla More Than Just A Berry

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Amla More Than Just A Berry

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  1. Amla: More Than Just A Berry Often referred as the Indian Gooseberry, Amla is the fruit of Amalaki plant. For centuries in Ayurvedic, amla is used as a medicinal fruit to treat a wide variety of pathological conditions. Indian Ayurvedic practitioners are using Amla for over 5000 years. Standing on the 21st century, usage of amla is quite contemporary. This is because it is undisputedly a powerhouse of multiple nutrients. From preventing a gamut of diseases to managing good health, this berry is not an ordinary one. Those who are contemplating its advantages, here comes the major list: Amla is the king of all antioxidant Antioxidants are vital in human bodies to quench those unwanted free radicals. Free radicals causing oxidative stress bombard cellular structures to attain electron stability. Amla becomes the front-line soldier to help with these harmful elements and prevent oxidative stress. Recognizing it as the antioxidant Ninja, medical science took the aid of it to make effective supplements. For example, ‘Amla’ capsules by Advanced Orthomolecular Research are an impeccable supplement that promotes robust health. Presence of tannins and other polyphenols act as the main catalysts. Magic wonder for treating atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis is an arteriosclerotic vascular disease where the arteries get narrowed and hardened owing to the accumulation of plaque around the wall. Several studies revealed that amla has anti-atherosclerotic properties. Thus, it helps reducing the buildup of plaque on arterial wall andhelps improving elasticity of blood vessels. Furthermore, regular intake of amla also help relieve fatty liver by leaps and bounds. Fights cholesterol to the core To evaluate amla supplements’ effectiveness, an experiment was conducted in 1988. Here, the two individual groups of men between the age of 35 and 55 were taken. The experiment was conducted in a two-step. aor.us

  2. During the tenure of first 28 days, both the groups were fed with amla powder supplement as a part of their regular diet. To everyone’s surprise, their cholesterol saw a significant downfall with decrease in both LDL & HDL cholesterol. For the next 14 days, amla supplementation was withdrawn from their diet. During this period, their cholesterol level rebounded occurring twice as fast.  So, it can be easily understood that amla is quite resourceful to cut down bad cholesterol. Ameliorates digestion The high fibre content in amla helps to activate several digestive enzymes present in the human body. It improves bowel movement and also cleans the gastrointestinal tracts flushing out the toxins. Thus, amla not only supports digestion, and healthy metabolism but also proper elimination. Boost immunity Apart from relieving diseases and imparting health benefits, amla supplements also prepare people for the future. Consuming the supplements enriched with Vitamin C can boost one’s immune system at par. People who intake amla tablets daily seen to have high immunity against ailments like cough, cold or fever. Lower on fat content and higher on benefits; this Indian gooseberry is no wonder the divine berry. Either in the form of supplement or in natural fruit, amla is the remedy for every evil of health. If included in daily diet, people can enjoy an ‘alright state’. There is some valuable information about natural health supplements on https://aor.us website if you would like to learn more. aor.us

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