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Node js vs React: At Comparison That You Should Know

Nodejs and React are very popular JavaScript based technologies. This provides information about Node js vs React. Read it now to enhance your knowledge

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Node js vs React: At Comparison That You Should Know

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  1. Node js vs React Comparison That You Should Know

  2. JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages these days. It is used in the development of several technologies. Two such technologies are Node.js and React. Many students struggle to understand the differences between Nodejs and React. Today, we are going to discuss Node js vs React in detail.

  3. OVERVIEW OF REACTJS React or Reactjs is a front-end and open- source JavaScript library. It is used in the development of user interfaces. React can develop the front-end of both websites and mobile applications. React offers excellent performance. It was created by Jordan Walke and initially released in 2013.

  4. FEATURES OF REACT Virtual DOM To enhance the performance of applications, React uses Virtual DOM(document object model). JavaScript XML JavaScript XML of JSX helps developers to write the building blocks.

  5. FEATURES OF REACT Declarative UI The declarative UI feature of Reactjs makes the code more readable and easy to debug. Component-Based Architecture React allows the developers to create multiple components to develop the user interface of an app. With the help of components, developers transfer the data throughout the app without impacting DOM.

  6. OVERVIEW OF NODEJS Nodejs is a back-end cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It runs on the V8 engine. Node.js was created by Ryan Dehl and initially released in 2009. It allows developers to use and execute JavaScript language outside of a web browser.

  7. FEATURES OF NODE.JS Cross-platform It is compatible with several platforms such as Unix, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, etc. Scalability Scalability is another best feature of Nodejs. Node.js can efficiently handle concurrent requests. The cluster module of Nodejs manages load balancing for all active CPU cores.

  8. FEATURES OF NODE.JS Fast data streaming Node.js processes data at a fast speed. It can process and upload files simultaneously, which saves considerable time. Node Package Manager(NPM) NPM is another excellent feature of Node.js. It is the world’s largest online repository. NPM helps in the management of the local dependencies of a project.

  9. PARAMETERS NODE.JS REACT Jordan Walke in 2013. Developed By Ryan Dehl in 2009. It is used in the back-end of an application. It is used in the front- end of an application. Application It does not support Model–view– controller framework. It supports Model– view–controller framework MVC Support

  10. PARAMETERS NODE.JS REACT Node.js runs on the v8 engine of chrome. It uses Node.js for code compilation. Code Execution Document object model concept is not used. DOM(Document Object Model) Document concept model concept is used Language used JavaScript JSX and JavaScript

  11. PARAMETERS NODE.JS REACT Node.js handles real-time data streaming easily. The tracking of the traditional approach hard. Real-time data streaming Less popular in comparison to Node.js More popular than React. Popularity Uber, Paypal, NASA, eBay, etc. Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, etc. Examples

  12. You have just finished reading our detailed information on Node js vs React. We have started with the overviews of both React and Nodejs. We have also looked at the main features of Nodejs and React. We can conclude that both React and Nodejs are excellent web and app development technologies.

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