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READ (Wilderness) Roles & Responsibilities

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READ (Wilderness) Roles & Responsibilities

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  1. This document is contained within the Fire Management Toolbox on Wilderness.net. Since other related resources found in this toolbox may be of interest, you can visit this toolbox by visiting the following URL: http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=fire. All toolboxes are products of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center.

  2. READ (Wilderness)Roles & Responsibilities Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center Interagency Resource Advisor Training Grand Junction, CO March 6th- 8th, 2007

  3. Objectives • Delineate roles. • Provide examples of real-world application of READ responsibilities. • Stimulate discussion of different approaches to the READ job. As you listen, record each role or responsibility you note.

  4. “You’re not done until the paperwork is done.”

  5. 1000 hours On-call READ Jun is sitting in his office, taking care of paperwork from sites found during survey in front of one of the 3 WFU fires the park is managing. The phone rings and dispatch alerts him that a new fire has been reported. READ J walks to dispatch.

  6. 1015 hours Dispatch has plotted a rough location of the fire. Helitack is en-route to the fire and is reporting torching and spotting with wind and slope-driven growth to the north. No recent lightning activity and proximity to a trail suggest that the fire is human caused. Although in the Fire-Use Zone and in wilderness, the probable cause and fire behavior prompt a suppression response.

  7. 1030 hours Battalion 31 is assuming IC of the fire and is headed to the helibase for a recon flight. READ J grabs READ kit, IA gear and heads to helibase as well.

  8. 1145 hours B31 and READ J circle fire several times, getting fuels assessments, fire behavior reports and progress updates from on-the-ground squads. READ J has brought a GPS and is able to get a perimeter during flight. Fire behavior is picking up as day heats up.

  9. 1330 hours After returning to helibase, READ J hears B3 report to FMO the need to order and support crews. READ maps suggest great gray owl habitat to the southwest of the fire, very little archeological survey, no T & E species and no no-dip water bodies in the area. Lots of helicopters inbound… B3 goes to FMOs office which is now ICP, READ J returns to office.

  10. 1430 hours With the new perimeter information, READ J is able to leave message for wilderness manager and wildlife biologist about GGO habitat. READ J prints more copies of READ maps and detail maps, and heads to ICP.

  11. 1530 hours The fire will probably escape initial attack. Rapid growth, and the lack of local resources has led to the decision to order a Type II team. They are expected to arrive at 1900 hours for a briefing. READ J calls READ Joe M, and asks him to come in to help out.

  12. 1600 hours READ J begins to prepare briefing package for incoming team, calls 2 line READs. READ M looks over Delegation of Authority & WFSA templates with FMO. Wildlife Biologist calls with phone number of USGS researcher who has worked in the area recently and has more information.

  13. 1700 hours USGS researcher calls back- observed nest does exist in one area to the southwest of the fire. “Fledglings should be out of nests by this time of year but can we avoid overflights?” Many flights are being planned to support spike camps.

  14. 2000 hours READ M presents general resource concerns, answers logistical questions at in-briefing. Gathers initial plan information. READ J provides Planning and Operations with standard resource message for IAP, copies of resource maps, digital data and READ plan for tomorrow.

  15. Day 2: 0700 Briefing meeting- team takes fire. Lead READ M finds out meeting times with team. Calls Regional BAER Coordinator & RMS liaison for emergency consultation. READ J prepares briefing for crews, checks himself and READs E & C in with Resource Unit Leader. Line READs C & E are briefed on assignments by READ J.

  16. D2: 0745 READ M transitions ongoing WFU incidents from READ J, meets with FMO/AREP to brief on resource concerns. Helps team locate new base camp and ICP. READs J, C & E travel to helibase.

  17. D2: 0845 READs J, C & E arrive on fireline. READ J briefs crews on MIST, & wilderness spike camp etiquette. READ J meets with Division Supervisors to pick spike camps. READs C & E follow crews into respective Divisions, doing archeological clearances.

  18. D2: 1400 hours READ J is walking handline, beginning to catalog rehabilitation needs. READs C & E radio in preliminary reports: no arch sites in handline.

  19. D2: 1430 hours READ J calls in needs for tomorrow to READ M. READ M attends planning meeting.

  20. D2: 1900 hours READ M provides updated resource information for IAP, briefs AREP/FMO. READs J, C & E debrief, complete unit logs while in the field.

  21. D3: 0700 hours READs J, C & E attend morning spike camp briefing. READ J addresses need for proper food storage and trash back-haul. READ M attends base camp briefing, relays resource message.

  22. D3: 0800 hours READ J reports to READ M the need for a representative from Wildlife management to put together better food storage plan. READ M goes through Planning staff to order needed wildlife READ and storage boxes.

  23. D3: 0900 READ J continues to walk handline, looking for trash, possible emergency rehabilitation needs. READs C & E continue to monitor handline production on respective divisions.

  24. D8: 2000 hours READ J wonders if he is still married and what home-cooked food must taste like. READ M unwittingly pitches his tent on a cow pie.

  25. So, class… what does a READ do?

  26. Agency Administrator: Assists in development of the WFSA. Identifies expectations and delegates authority to the IMT. Monitors safety and finance issues. Deals with the local politics of fire. Resource Advisor: The Resource Advisor represents the AREP and communicates agency resource concerns to the IMT. The exact nature of the role will vary with individuals and between incidents but should be spelled out in the Delegation of Authority letter. AREP and READ

  27. A Resource Advisor is… • the link between resource managers and incident managers. • the Subject Matter Expert on resources. • the AREP’s eyes & ears. • the go-to contact for fire managers. • a technical specialist.

  28. Summary of Roles & Responsibilities • Data Gathering and Reconnaissance • Analysis, Planning & Strategy • Daily Operations & Documentation • Final Documentation READ Guide p. 8

  29. Data Gathering & Reconnaissance • Pre-plan, pre-stage information • Identify resource concerns • Review management plans • Communicate with subject-matter experts • Develop resource protection priorities

  30. Analysis, Planning & Strategy • Provide input to WFSA & WFIP • Provide input in operational briefing, strategy, & planning meetings • Gather & provide information for IAP • Provides input on environmental restrictions • Provide recommendations & standards for suppression rehabilitation • Participate in team transition

  31. Daily Operations & Documentation • Provide input to daily validation of WFIP or WFSA • Attend daily meetings • Maintain communication with IC, IMT & AREP • Serves as AREP as needed • Presents resource information at briefings • Monitor implementation of protection & rehabilitation • Gathers & documents damage to resources • Recommend need for BAER team • Complete daily unit log (ICS-214), CTR

  32. Final Documentation • Complete local reporting documentation for incident fire package and agency representative • Recognize Crews and Individuals For Exceptional Performance • Complete Reporting • Whenever Possible, Monitor • Update Maps/Data Layers/Inventories • Complete Debriefing

  33. Transitions • Should be a watch-out situation • On-unit vs. off-unit • Use a standard form if possible • Try to overlap-get a WREAD trainee • You may need to take a break • You may be helping with a team transition

  34. Hard Work

  35. Complex issues, confusing signs

  36. Strategy: Plan Ahead • Update inventories and stage information • Engage fire managers & partners • Train yourself • Physically • Fire-wise • Train others • Other SMEs • Fire managers • Practice • Set up a system • Stage equipment • Review & revise plans • Develop templates

  37. Critical Information • Description of fire regimes • Ecological Thresholds • Vegetation • Fire history • Fuels • Fuel Models • Fuel Loads • Spatially explicit descriptions of sensitive resources • Preferred locations for firefighting infrastructure

  38. Strategy: Be Happy* • Manage Your time effectively • Get your rest • Know and respect your limitations • Strive towards a better understanding of fire in landscapes Ok, maybe not “Happy” but take care of yourself…

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