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DNS Amplification Domains of Cstress

Scanning for a high quality DNS list for a booter require a domain. We all know that dns scanning with a domain provides much better results that a regular dns scanning. <br>

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DNS Amplification Domains of Cstress

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Presentation Transcript

  1. DNS Amplification Domains of Cstress

  2. Scanning for a high quality DNS list for a booter require a domain. We all know that dns scanning with a domain provides much better results that a regular dns scanning.

  3. The domain itself also has a great deal of impact on the amplification rate. Finding a good dns domain is no easy task but when you have the right tools you can come up with a nice list of them.

  4. A user online who refers to himself as Regexks has recently posted a honeypot for UDP reflection payloads. Which is basically a honeypot for all DNS amplification list scans.

  5. Eventually it’s a list of all packets sent to his honeypot server over the dns port (53). Because of the fact that it’s not used for anything else, he ended up with only packets from dns scans.

  6. The website can be found here. While a picture of the dns domains that he found can be found here.

  7. To know more information, visit us http://cstress.net/

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