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Career as LIC Agent

Career as LIC Agent. By. Kamlesh Gurbuxani, CFP CM Development Officer LIC of India. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD. This Career Opportunity is Not for Everybody, It is only for those who Want to be Somebody. Job Profile of LIC Agent. The main job of LIC Agent involves:

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Career as LIC Agent

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  1. Career as LIC Agent By Kamlesh Gurbuxani, CFPCM Development Officer LIC of India

  2. STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD This Career Opportunity is Not for Everybody, It is only for those who Want to be Somebody.

  3. Job Profile of LIC Agent The main job of LIC Agent involves: • Prospecting: Identifying the prospective customers and fixing appointment. • Need Analysis: Identifying the needs and getting the prospect agree that need exists. (i.e. Family Income Provision, Children Education and Marriage Provision or Retirement Income Provision.)

  4. Job Profile of LIC Agent • Plan Presentation:Suggesting suitable plans that fulfil the needs as agreed by the prospect. • Closing the Sale:Convincing the prospect that you have suggested the best possible solution for his needs and ask for the order. • After Sales Service:Provide efficient after sales service and claims settlement.

  5. Attributes you should possess To become Successful LIC Agent: • You should be outgoing and love to meet people. • You should be ambitious to start your own Business. • You should have Good Communication Skills. • You should have lot of Perseverance. • You should be willing to work hard with lot of Dedication and Devotion.

  6. Benefits of LIC Agency as a Career • LIC agency is considered today as the highest paid profession in the world. • It also provides you with the Royalty Income. • You can start your own Business with less Capital Investment. • You have freedom to set your own working hours. • You have the opportunity to earn as per your potential. • Your work gets easier and less demanding as your business grows.

  7. Market Potential • Indian Insurance Market: • It is one of the least Insured Market in the world. • Out of total insurable population only 40% are covered till today. • These 40% also are also not adequately covered. • Only 20% of total agency force is working as Professionals, and these 20% brings 80% of total life Insurance business. • We will help build your career as a professional agent and make sure that you will be among these top 20% agents.

  8. Market Potential • Growth Opportunities: • Low Insurance Penetration. • Low Insurance Density. • Low share of world premium. • High per capita Savings. • Increase in working population. • Growth in personal Income. • High Consumer Awareness. • Strong LIC brand.

  9. Market Potential • Low Insurance Penetration: • Insurance penetration is measured by Premium as a percentage of GDP. • We will come to know about the potential when we compare the difference in penetration level in India with other countries of the world.

  10. The penetration level in India for the year 2010-11 is about 28% of Taiwan, 37% of South Africa and 44% of Hong Kong. The above figures show that there is tremendous potential available in India to match the figures of Asian and other countries of the world. Source: Swiss Re, Sigma 02/2011

  11. Market Potential • Low Insurance Density: • Insurance Density is the ratio of premium to total Population. • We will come to know about the potential when we compare the difference in Insurance Density in India with that of other countries of the world.

  12. Insurance Density for the year 2010-11 in India is just 15% of the world average and only 1.5% of Switzerland. There is huge potential available just to reach the world average and to reach the figures of Asian and other countries of the world the scope is phenomenal. Source: Swiss Re, Sigma 02/2011

  13. Market Potential • Low Volume of Life Insurance Premium: Looking at the very low volume of life insurance premium of India, we can assess the available potential of Indian Life Insurance Market. Source: Swiss Re, Sigma 02/2011

  14. Market Potential • High per capita Savings: • Indian household saving in financial sector is 32% of gross domestic savings for the year 2007-08. The share of life Insurance premium was 17.9% of gross house hold savings. • Indian house holds saves more than those in other emerging markets like China and Brazil. The corresponding house hold savings in Brazil are 5%, China-15%, UK-2%, USA-1% of gross domestic savings. (Source: “National Income Statistics,” July 2010, CMIE).

  15. Market Potential • Increase in working population: • 56% of Indians were under age 15 or over age 64 in 2010. Research by Morgan Stanley shows that India’s working-age population will increase by 136 million by 2020. (China’s working-age population, by comparison, will grow by 23 million.) • The expected increase in young working population shows the potential available in India for Life Insurance Business.

  16. Market Potential • Growth in personal Income: As per report of National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) 2009-10, there are 28.4 million families with incomes between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 10 lakh per annum. (This is as per the World Bank definition of middle class.) The number of such households was 4.5 million in 1995-96 and 10.7 million in 2001-02. The report said that two thirds of the Indianmiddle class is to be found in urban India.

  17. Market Potential • Growth in personal Income: Report on the savings pattern states that: 83% save for emergencies, 81% for Children’s education 69% for old age, 63% to meet future expenses towards marriages, birth and social ceremonies. The above pattern indicates tremendous scope for life Insurance products.

  18. Market Potential • Growth in personal Income: As per report of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Ernst and Young in September 2010, The projected per capita GDP of India is expected to increase from `18,280 in FY 2001 to `1,00,680 in FY 2026, which is indicative of rising disposable incomes. A recent study by McKinsey also predicts that India’s economy will grow fivefold in the next 20 years. The demand for insurance products is expected to increase in light of the increase in purchasing power.

  19. Market Potential • High Consumer Awareness: • Splitting of joint families, absence of social security scheme and opening up of Insurance sector has contributed to increased awareness about life Insurance. • Rigorous advertisement by 23 life Insurance companies has made people realize about importance of Life Insurance. • The total First year Premium of life insurance industry has increased from `9,707 crores in the year 2000-2001 to `1,25,826 Crores in the year 2010-11, showing a compounded annual growth of 29.20%.

  20. Market Potential • Strong LIC Brand: You will be associated with one of the leading Life Insurance Company of the world. The brand image of LIC of India is huge, people in India identifies life Insurance as LIC only. Thus selling life Insurance policies for LIC of India is much easier.

  21. Market Potential Market Share of LIC of India as on 31/03/2011 is as under: The above figures shows dominance of LIC of India even after 10 years of opening of the Insurance sector to private companies. For the current year LIC market share under First Year Premium has increased to 76%.

  22. Market Potential • The least Insured life Insurance Population, • Paucity of Professional Agents, • Low Insurance Penetration and Density, • Low Volume of Life Insurance Premium, • High rate of personal savings, • Young working population, • Burgeoning Middle and Higher income class, • Rising Insurance awareness and • Strong Brand image of LIC of India All these positive aspects provide you with tremendous opportunity to build your career as a Professional LIC agent.

  23. Remuneration • The remuneration will be paid to you in the form of Commission as percentage of premium collected through the policies sold by you. • It is not a one time commission on a sale made by you. • It provides you the royalty income through out the term of policy. As long as policyholder pays the Premium you will get the commission. • Moreover this commission is hereditary i.e. it will be paid to your nominees even after your death.

  24. Remuneration The Commission rates on regular premium policies are as under: • First year Commission : 4% to 25% depending up on the type & term of the policy. • Bonus Commission : 40% of first year commission. • Renewal Commission: 2nd and 3rd Year of Policy : 2% to 7.5% depending up on the type & term of the policy. 4th year onwards : 2% to 5% depending up on the type & term of the policy.

  25. Remuneration Example of Commission on Endowment type of policy of Term 15 years and above: • 1st Year Commission : 25% of Premium. Bonus Commission : 40% of first year Commission (i.e. 10% of Premium) Total 1st Year Commission: 35% of Premium • Renewal Commission: 2nd & 3rd Year of policy : 7.5% of Premium 4th Year onwards : 5% of Premium

  26. Your Expected Commission for Next 5 years: As Years pass by your Renewal Commission keeps on increasing thereby assuring you a pension for the next 20 to 25 years when you stop working OR to your family in event of your death.

  27. Remuneration We will make sure through our meticulous training that your earnings should be as per the chart shown, but that requires willingness on your part to take lot of physical pain.

  28. Club Memberships Club Membership is the recognition bestowed upon the agents to increase their status in the society and in the Corporation.

  29. Club Memberships Following are the levels of club membership depending up on the Business performance: • Distinguished Club Member. • Branch Manager’s Club Member. • Divisional Manager’s Club Member. • Zonal Manager’s Club Member. • Chairman’s Club Member. • Corporate Club Member.

  30. Club Memberships Following additional benefits are given over and above the commissions’ payable: • Office Allowance to maintain your own office. • Telephone/Mobile bill reimbursement. • Reimbursement of Sales Promotional Gift items. • Interest free advance for purchase of Car/Motorbike. • Interest free advance for purchase of office equipments. • Interest free advance for Training.

  31. Club Memberships • Interest free Festival Advance. • Housing loan at concessional rate of interest. • Term Insurance and Mediclaim benefits. • Guest house facility throughout India at concessional rates as applicable to employees. • Annual Convention. • Attestation authority.

  32. Club Memberships The total monetary equivalent of all above benefits ranges from `5,500 to `5,50,000, depending up on level of Club Membership.

  33. Gratuity Agents are entitled to get the gratuity at age 60/65 years after serving for minimum 15 years. At present the Maximum Gratuity amount payable is `2,00,000 depending up on the amount of renewal commission paid during last 15 years before age 60.

  34. International Recognition from MDRT • Founded in 1927, the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), The Premier Association of Financial Professionals, is an international, independent association of nearly 36,000 of the world's leading life insurance and financial services professionals from more than 430 companies in 78 countries. • MDRT members demonstrate exceptional professional knowledge, strict ethical conduct and outstanding client service. • MDRT membership is recognized internationally as the standard of sales excellence in the life insurance and financial services business.

  35. International Recognition from MDRT • To qualify for the membership of MDRT agents have to earn the prescribed First Year Commission excluding the Bonus Commission OR brings prescribed First Year Premium during the Calendar year. • Total 6114 agents from LIC of India qualified for MDRT 2011.

  36. International Recognition from MDRT There are three levels of Membership with criteria for MDRT 2012:

  37. International Recognition from MDRT Through our training process we will make sure that you will qualify for Basic MDRT by the end of 3rd year of your agency.

  38. First Year Commission of Top 10 TOT-2011 Qualifiers from LIC

  39. Profile of LIC of India Reach: • Central Office: Mumbai • 8 Zonal Offices: Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkatta, Chennai, Bhopal, Kanpur, Hyderabad and Patna. • 113 Divisional Offices throughout country. • 2048 Branch Offices at various places. • 1202 Satellite Sampark Branches. All the branches are connected by wide area network, this ensures payment of Premiums anywhere across the country.

  40. Profile of LIC of India Vide Range of Products: We have more than 50 different products catering to the differing needs of all segments of the society. These are basic insurance plans (whole life, endowment and money back), Term Assurance Plans, Unit linked plans, Pension Plans, Health plan, Variable Insurance Products etc.

  41. Profile of LIC of India Awards won by LIC of India during 2010-11: • CNBC Awaaz Consumer Award- Most Preferred Brand of Life Insurance Policies. • Readers Digest Trusted Brand – Platinum category • Most Trusted Brand in Insurance Category by ET Brand Equity • Outlook Money - Best Life Insurer Award • AIMA- R K Swamy - High Performance Brand • Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance • Global Award for Brand Excellence in the Finance and Banking Category by World Brand Congress • Power Brand Award- India’s Most Powerful Brand chosen by consumers

  42. Profile of LIC of India Awards won by LIC of India during 2010-11: • Most Preferred Brand of Life Insurances by Dainik Purvoday NE Consumer awards 2010 • Most Preferred Life Insurance Co. by Global Youth Marketing • MYFM Stars of Industry Award for Excellence in Life Insurance • Shoppers and Consumer Insights Award for Excellence in Educating the Consumers for Consumer driven campaign “Why Go Anywhere Else?” • World HRD Congress for Innovative HR Practices • INDY’s Gold Award for Best House Magazine • ABCI Award for best photofeature & best illustrations in ‘Yogakshema’ House Magazine

  43. Profile of LIC of India Our social responsibility: LIC offers life insurance protection under group policies to various groups such as employer-employee, co-operatives, weaker sections of society etc. and insurance coverage to people below poverty line at subsidized rates under social security group schemes like ‘Janashree Bima Yojana’ & ‘Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana’. The scheme ‘Shiksha Sahayog Yojana’ is a free add-on scholarship benefit that is available for the children of the members who are covered under Janashree Bima Yojana.

  44. Profile of LIC of India Golden Jubilee Foundation: LIC, as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility, formed a Trust - ‘LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation’ in the year 2006, with the objective of promoting education, health, relief of poverty or distress and advancement of other objects of general public utility. As on date LIC has put in a Corpus of Rs. 90 Crores towards LIC Golden Jubilee Foundation and interest is distributed for various Charitable Purposes. So far it has sanctioned projects worth of Rs. 22.35 crore. LIC Golden Jubilee Scholarship Scheme provides scholarship to economically weaker sections of the society to pursue higher education at the rate of Rs. 100000/- per year for 10 students per Division till they complete their graduation/ professional course. Approximately 2650 students have benefited from the Scheme so far.

  45. Valuation Results of LICFor the year 2010-11

  46. Valuation Results of LICFor the year 2010-11

  47. Valuation Results of LICFor the year 2010-11

  48. Govt. Guarantee for LIC Policyholders The sum assured of all policies issued by LIC of India including any bonuses declared in respect thereof and, subject to the provisions contained in section 14 the amounts assured by all policies issued by any insurer the liabilities of which have vested in the LIC of India under this Act, and all bonuses declared in respect thereof, whether before of after the appointed day, shall be guaranteed as to payment in cash by the Central Government. Under -Section 37 of LIC ACT, 1956

  49. Advantages of Association with LIC • You will be associated with number one life Insurance of India and one of the leading life Insurance companies of the world. • With above financial position and Govt Guarantee selling policies of LIC will be much easier. • Barring three companies all other 19 private life Insurance companies are in losses as on 31.03.2010. • The death claim settlement of private companies is also now where near the standards of LIC of India.

  50. Profit & Loss and Death Claim Analysis of All Life Insurers for the Year 2009-10

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