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1) Underline all dates and titles with a ruler 2) Glue in sheets 3) Redraft your answer to: Do you think Mark’s Gospel is helpful for Christians today? Give reasons for your answer. Using PEE paragraphs 4) complete missing work 5) add corrections where it is asked. DIT – 10 mins.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1) Underline all dates and titles with a ruler 2) Glue in sheets 3) Redraft your answer to: Do you think Mark’s Gospel is helpful for Christians today? Give reasons for your answer. Using PEE paragraphs 4) complete missing work 5) add corrections where it is asked DIT – 10 mins Do your corrections in green pen, and complete the numbered tasks I have asked you to.

  2. Starter: 5 minutes What have we been doing so far? Answer the following questions in your books: • Give two reasons why Mark wrote his Gospel. • Explain two reasons why Christians were persecuted in Rome. • How did Nero treat Christians in 1st Century Rome?

  3. The Calming of the Storm LO: To explore the Calming of the Storm and the impact it may have had on Christians in 1st Century Rome. D/E I can retell the Calming of the Storm. B/C I can link the Calming of the Storm to Christians who faced persecution in 1st Century Rome. A*/A I can write a 6 mark explain answer on this topic.

  4. B/C I can link the Calming of the Storm to Christians who faced persecution in 1st Century Rome. 35 On the evening of that same day Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go across to the other side of the lake." 36 So they left the crowd; the disciples got into the boat in which Jesus was already sitting, and they took him with them. Other boats were there too. 37 Suddenly a strong wind blew up, and the waves began to spill over into the boat, so that it was about to fill with water. 38 Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with his head on a pillow. The disciples woke him up and said, "Teacher, don't you care that we are about to die?" 39 Jesus stood up and commanded the wind, "Be quiet!" and he said to the waves, "Be still!" The wind died down, and there was a great calm. 40 Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Why are you frightened? Do you still have no faith?" 41 But they were terribly afraid and began to say to one another, "Who is this man? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" The Calming of the Storm: 4: 35–41

  5. D/E I can retell the Calming of the Storm. Your Task Using the scrambled words on the board, reorder them and put them into a detailed paragraph retelling the Calming of the Storm (4 marks). Jesus addressing the storm. calm Jesus asleep The storm Jesus’ rebukes the disciples lack of faith The disciples amazement The disciples’ panic

  6. The Calming of the Storm Where are we going with our learning? D/E I can retell the Calming of the Storm. B/C – Write in your books 3 minutes: what is the link between this story of the Christians facing persecution in Rome? I can link the Calming of the Storm to Christians who faced persecution in 1st Century Rome. A*/A I can write a 6 mark explain answer on this topic.

  7. A*/A I can write a 6 mark explain answer on this topic. Task 10 mins Explain how the story of the Calming of storm can help Christians facing persecution. (6 marks) Some of you: Have the evidence already included your sheet – you need to write the POINT, and EXPLANATION of the paragraph. Others of you: Will need to find evidence to support your views from around the room – you need to write a POINT, EVIDENCE and EXPLANATION.

  8. Feedback B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. Peer Assessed by: WWW: EBI: Mark /6 Stop and Reflect:

  9. A*/A I can argue for how a fundamentalist or liberal Christian might read the Calming of the Storm. How do different Christians read the story? • Make notes on the following boxes. Many Christians agree that the Sea of Galilee was known for being very suddenly violent, but that Jesus spoke to his disciples to calm them rather than calming the waves. The waves happened to calm at the same time. Fundamentalist Christians believe The Calming of the Storm happened exactly as Mark described it, and that it is a miracle portraying Jesus as the Son of God. Liberal Christians believe the story was created by the Early Church to show God’s power to overcome evil.

  10. The Calming of the Storm Self-assess: Which level have you achieved today? D/E I can retell the Calming of the Storm. B/C I can link the Calming of the Storm to Christians who faced persecution in 1st Century Rome. A*/A I can write a 6 mark explain answer on this topic.

  11. 60 Seconds You have just 60 seconds to sum up the lesson. Then I will select people to read out their summary. The best answers will be DETAILED. Best summary wins vivos.

  12. B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. The Gospel was Good News as stories and teachings were intended to bring hope and encouragement, assurance of God’s understanding and love.

  13. B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. In the ancient world, violent storms were thought to be caused by demons. Jesus’ words to the storm were the same as those used in ceremonies to drive out demons.  Jesus has power over evil

  14. B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. The first Christians may have thought God was asleep in their time of need. The story showed them God had power to save them.

  15. B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. Jewish Christians would have been familiar with the Old Testament - God’s power over nature. Called to the Lord, And he saved them from their distress, he calmed the raging storm And the waves became quiet.’ (Ps 107:28-29)

  16. B/C I can explain how the story of the Calming of the Storm can help Christians facing persecution. The ship on the rough sea was an early Christian symbol  the Church sailing over stormy seas of life to its haven, God. The story might have reassured many that whether they lived or died, even if their faith was shaken, they would ultimately be safe with God.

  17. ‘Explain how the story of the Calming of storm can help Christians facing persecution. (6 marks)

  18. ‘Explain how the story of the Calming of storm can help Christians facing persecution. (6 marks)

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