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Get the Best Organic dog food in Scarborough

If you are looking for the Best Organic dog food in Scarboroughthan look no further then Hounds on Raw. We create balanced recipes using meats from local farms that raise animals either on pasture, certified Organic, no antibiotics or hormones and use sustainable farming practises. our recipes are carefully crafted to ensure optimal health. Visit : https://bit.ly/2IQIM2C

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Get the Best Organic dog food in Scarborough

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  1. WELCOME Hounds on Raw


  3. Hounds on Raw is where local food meets the dog world. We create balanced recipes using meats from local farms that raise animals either on pasture, certified Organic, no antibiotics or hormones and use sustainable farming practices. They provide raw dog treats and organic dog food in Scarborough. Our passion & love for fresh - quality food has allowed us to develop healthy relationships with Local Ontario Farmers. 


  5. Ground Mixed • Dehydrated • Prey Model


  7. Address: 198 COURCELETTE RD SCARBOROUGH ontario M1N2T2 CANADA Phone: 6477612254 Email: info@houndsonraw.com Website: https://houndsonraw.com


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