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Chapter 12 Opener: Parental care is full of puzzles

Chapter 12 Opener: Parental care is full of puzzles. 12.1 Parental care is the evolutionary product of fitness costs and benefits. 12.2 Parental care is provided by females in the Membracinae. 12.3 Paternal care in fishes and opportunities for polygyny.

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Chapter 12 Opener: Parental care is full of puzzles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 12 Opener: Parental care is full of puzzles

  2. 12.1 Parental care is the evolutionary product of fitness costs and benefits

  3. 12.2 Parental care is provided by females in the Membracinae

  4. 12.3 Paternal care in fishes and opportunities for polygyny

  5. 12.4 Parental care costs female St. Peter’s fish more than it costs males

  6. 12.5 Male water bugs provide uniparental care

  7. 12.6 Evolution of brood care by males in the Nepoidea

  8. 12.7 Mexican free-tailed bat mothers recognize their pups

  9. 12.8 Adoption by a female goldeneye duck

  10. 12.9 Call distinctiveness enables offspring recognition by parents

  11. 12.10 Reactions of nest-defending bluegill males to potential egg and fry predators

  12. 12.11 Male baboons intervene on behalf of their own offspring (Part 1)

  13. 12.11 Male baboons intervene on behalf of their own offspring (Part 2)

  14. 12.12 Why seek adoptive parents?

  15. 12.13 Effective begging depends on how high a baby bird can reach relative to its nestmates

  16. 12.14 Specialized brood parasitism by cuckoos has evolved three times

  17. 12.15 Evolution of brood parasitism among cowbirds

  18. 12.16 Widowbirds parasitize closely related species

  19. 12.17 Size of a “brood parasite” nestling relative to its host species determines its survival chances

  20. 12.18 The cost of abandoning a parasitized nest depends on the availability of new nest sites

  21. 12.19 An avian mafioso

  22. 12.20 A product of an evolutionary arms race? (Part 1)

  23. 12.20 A product of an evolutionary arms race? (Part 2)

  24. 12.20 A product of an evolutionary arms race? (Part 3)

  25. 12.21 Sibling aggression in the great egret

  26. 12.22 Early siblicide in the brown booby

  27. 12.23 Parent boobies can control siblicide to some extent

  28. 12.24 A honest signal of condition?

  29. 12.25 The color of the mouth gape affects the amount of food that nestling barn swallows are given

  30. 12.26 The effect of orange feather ornaments of baby coots on parental care (Part 1)

  31. 12.26 The effect of orange feather ornaments of baby coots on parental care (Part 2)

  32. 12.27 Nestling survival probability and defense of the nest by parent magpies (Part 1)

  33. 12.27 Nestling survival probability and defense of the nest by parent magpies (Part 2)

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