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alliteration. Definition – the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of several words Synonyms – tongue twisters Antonyms – idiom two turtles trotting. exaggeration. Definition – the obvious stretching of the truth

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Presentation Transcript

  1. alliteration Definition – the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of several words Synonyms – tongue twisters Antonyms – idiom two turtles trotting

  2. exaggeration Definition – the obvious stretching of the truth Synonyms – tall tale, hyperbole Antonyms – truth, fact

  3. free verse Definition – poetry written without a regular rhyme scheme, meter or form Synonyms – ordinary Antonyms – rhyme scheme once a snowflake fell on my brow and I loved it so much and I kissed

  4. hyperbole Definition – extreme exaggera-tion that puts a picture in the reader’s mind. Synonyms – tall tale Antonyms – alliteration I’m so hungry I could eat a horse

  5. idioms Definition – a common phrase made up of words that can’t be understood by their literal, or ordinary, meanings. Synonyms – common phrases Antonyms – alliteration It’s raining cats and dogs

  6. Imagery Definition – language that appeals to the five senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight Synonyms – highly descriptive Antonyms – exaggeration

  7. internal rhyme Definition – words within the same line rhyme Synonyms – similar sounds Antonyms – metaphor I cooked, I cleaned, I worked like a fiend.

  8. metaphor Definition – a direct comparison not using like or as Synonym – unusual comparison Antonyms – simile She is a gem.

  9. onomatopoeia Definition – the use of words that sound like the noises they describe Synonyms – “sound” words Antonyms – exaggeration zip

  10. personification Definition – giving human characteristics to an animal, object or idea. Synonyms – talking rabbits, singing turtles, dancing chairs Antonyms – rhyme

  11. repetition Definition –to repeat something (a sound, word, phrase, or sentence) Synonyms – end rhyme, alliteration Antonyms – hyperbole Rapping, rapping, rapping at my door

  12. rhyme scheme Definition – a repeated regular pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of poetry Synonyms – rhyme pattern Antonyms – idioms AABB ABAB CDCD

  13. simile Definition – a comparison using like or as Synonyms – similarities Antonyms – metaphor She is as pretty as a rose

  14. stanza Definition – a group of lines in a poem set off by blank lines Synonyms – paragraph Antonyms – hyperbole ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ ____________________________

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