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Visual Management – an Overview

Visual Management – an Overview. What is Visual Management?. Visual Management is a set of techniques for creating a workplace embracing visual communication and control throughout the work environment.

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Visual Management – an Overview

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Management – an Overview

  2. What is Visual Management? • Visual Management is a set of techniques for creating a workplace embracing visual communication and control throughout the work environment. • The visual management philosophy is underpinned by the view that ‘what gets measured & displayed gets done’ • It makes it easy to understand the processes which have been put into place

  3. The Vision • The work environment should be immaculate, safe and self-cleaning • Standards are easy to recognise and abnormal conditions are quickly identified, enabling speedy analysis & resolution. • Performance and progress are readily apparent to employees. • Plans are in place to significantly reduce or remove waste and defects in the process.

  4. Two Tools of Visual Management Displays To make staff aware of related data and information – charts, graphs etc Controls To guide the action of staff members – sign boards, dos and don’ts signs

  5. Visual Display • Using visual mechanisms to communicate information • Visual display builds on the fourth ‘S’ (standardise) • Show how to do the job (standard, agreed-upon best practice). • Show how things are used. • Show performance status. • Identify hazardous areas

  6. Types of Visual Display • Product and process information • Area information, boundaries • Standard work instructions - Standard work charts, etc • Performance information - tracking against key metrics • Status of current issues and improvement activities • Schedules of maintenance, calibration or other support activities

  7. Visual Control • Goes beyond simply tracking and reporting performance and any • Highlights deviations that occur from the planned outcomes. • Many forms of visual control exist in the Lean workplace

  8. Types of Visual Control • Shadow boards • Indicators on various items e.g. gauges • Heijunka boards – showing the status of daily schedules • Design pull systems (Kanban)

  9. Benefits of Visual Management • Leads to information sharing. • Facilitates worker autonomy. • Supports elimination of waste. • Fosters continuous improvement. • Exposes abnormalities. • Enables quick response & recovery. • Promotes prevention. • Maintains the gains.

  10. Steps Required To Implement A Visual Management System • There are three basic steps: • Organise the workplace using 6S • Ensure that all required work standards, instruction and related information are clearly displayed in workplace • Control workplace processes by exposing and stopping errors and by preventing future occurrences

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