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100 Words Every Word Lover Should Know

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100 Words Every Word Lover Should Know

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 100 Words Every Word Lover Should Know Trimester Three Vocabulary Week 7 Words

    2. Beleaguered Adjective Beset with trouble or problems. The beleaguered rider could do no better than cling to the horses neck for dear life (Laura Hillenbrand, Seabiscuit).

    3. Desultory des-uhl-tawr-ee Adjective Having no set plan; haphazard or random. Moving or jumping form one thing to another; disconnected.

    4. Fecundity fi-kuhn-di-tee Noun The quality or power of producing abundantly; fruitfulness or fertility.

    5. Iconoclast I think that nobody but a damned iconoclast could even conceive the atrocity youre proposing. I think youre on of those people who take pleasure in smashing apart anything thats stamped with tradition or stability (Stan Ellin, The Moment of the Decision).

    6. Leprechaun Noun One of a race of elves in Irish folklore who can reveal hidden treasure to those who catch them.

    7. Mitochondrion Noun A structure that is found in the cytoplasm of all cells except bacteria; has an inner membrane enclosing a liquid that contains DNA (genetically different from nuclear DNA), RNA, small ribosome, and solutes; and breaks down food molecules and converts them to usable energy in the presence of oxygen.

    8. Precarious Adjective Dangerously lacking in security or stability.

    9. Schwa Noun A vowel that is articulated with the tongue in the middle of the oral cavity, typically occurring in unstressed syllables as the first vowel of about or the final vowel of sofa. The symbol used to represent this sound. In some phonetic systems it also represents the sounds of such vowels in stressed positions, as in but.

    10. Tantalize Transitive Verb (a verb that needs an object to complete its meaning) To excite (another) by exposing something desirable, especially while keeping it out of reach.

    11. Xerophyte zeer-uh-fahyt Noun A plant adapted to living in an arid habitat; a desert plant From xero-, dry (from Greek xero-, from xeros) + -phyte, plant (from Greek phuton, from phuein, to make grow).

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