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“ 福虎生風 ” 祝大家新春如意,萬事平安 萬分感謝大家踴躍及積極參與春季教學研討會暨行政人員座談會 在二月 21 日 scccs 春季教學書展攤位者有 ..

南 加 州 中 文 學 校 聯 合 會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net. “ 福虎生風 ” 祝大家新春如意,萬事平安 萬分感謝大家踴躍及積極參與春季教學研討會暨行政人員座談會 在二月 21 日 scccs 春季教學書展攤位者有 .. 1. Palos Verdes 瑞山中文 2. 新學友 Senseio 3. 美洲華語 4. 神州圖書 5. Mandarin Resources 6. 大華風采 Kelly Chen

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“ 福虎生風 ” 祝大家新春如意,萬事平安 萬分感謝大家踴躍及積極參與春季教學研討會暨行政人員座談會 在二月 21 日 scccs 春季教學書展攤位者有 ..

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  1. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net “福虎生風”祝大家新春如意,萬事平安 萬分感謝大家踴躍及積極參與春季教學研討會暨行政人員座談會 在二月21日scccs春季教學書展攤位者有.. 1.Palos Verdes 瑞山中文 2.新學友 Senseio 3.美洲華語 4.神州圖書 5.Mandarin Resources 6.大華風采 Kelly Chen 7.San Diego 之許曉妮...楊嘉秀介紹

  2. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net • 2010年「口語評量」OPI 工作坊 • 課程主講人: T. RICHARD CHI 齊德立教授, Chinese Language and Linguistics, Department of Languages and Literature, University of Utah • 全美SAT II中文,AP中文,OPI的權威。 • 4/10 & 11 @ 洛縣 偉博文化中心Conference Room (L.A. WEB INC.) • 4/17 & 18 @ 橙縣莘莘中文學校.

  3. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net 2009 臺灣教育部及高等教育國際基金會等中文教育學者及大學代表參加展後參訪 臺灣教育部 高等教育國際基金會 資訊工業策進會數位教育研究所 國立臺灣大學華語教學中心 國立台灣師範大學 淡江大學數位語文研究中心 國立中山大學 華語教學中心 輔仁大學華語教學中心 義守大學華語教學中心 全美中文學校聯合會 洛杉磯經濟文化辦事處文化組 32 Delegations (2009/11/22)

  4. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools

  5. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools

  6. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools 萬分感謝聖地牙哥中華學苑及 北郡中文學校的協助

  7. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools 萬分感謝南海岸中華文化協會暨爾灣中文學校的協助

  8. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools 2009年汉语桥 —— 美国中小学校长访华之旅 Chinese Bridge for American Schools Southern California Council of Chinese Schools Hacienda La Puente Unified School District Lakeside Union School District Los Angeles Unified School District San Diego Unified School District San Diego State University NV: Las Vegas: Clark County School District NV: Reno: Washoe County School District CO: Denver Public Schools College Board 35 Delegations (2009/12/2 thru 10)

  9. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net

  10. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools AP Test Center/ High School Code Request at Ball Room of Culture Center TECO in Los Angeles (formerly known as Culture Center II) 9443 Telstar Avenue El Monte, CA 91731 Tel: (626) 443-9999 Fax: (626) 443-7777 2009/12/23

  11. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net Chinese Culture Center was established on December 27, 1992. This is an extension office of Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office of Los Angeles. We are dedicated to provide the assistance to the Chinese communities and to promote Chinese culture and knowledge. Because of the extension of the overseas Chinese towards the east Los Angeles Area in these ten years, a new property is located and officially designed office is established to better serve the Chinese community in the San Gabriel Valley Chinese Culture Center

  12. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net

  13. Congratulations! I am very pleased to inform you that the proposal from your organization, “STARTALK SCCCS West LA Chinese Language for Grade K-12,” has been selected for funding as part of the STARTALK 2010 program.  It is anticipated that your award will be $98260. You will be receiving your grant paperwork directly from NSA.  It is important to note that you may not begin spending on this award until it becomes official.  This entails receiving the grant documents from NSA, returning a signed copy of the agreement to NSA, and receiving a counter-signed copy from NSA.  The date that the agreement is countersigned is your official start date.  Expenses incurred prior to the start date will not be eligible for reimbursement.  We anticipate that awards will be in place on or around March 1, 2010 assuming two or three-day turnarounds on the faxing of signed and countersigned agreements.  Please consider the time it may take your organization to review and return a signed copy of the agreement to NSA in calculating an estimated start date for your institution. 

  14. 將針對已具備CBEST認證或正在接受CBEST認證課程者,甄選培訓20位教師、六位見習教師將針對已具備CBEST認證或正在接受CBEST認證課程者,甄選培訓20位教師、六位見習教師 STARTALK Online Curriculum Development Guide (Please follow the online guide and e-mail sample to rchiang888@yahoo.com http://startalk.umd.edu/curriculum-guide/

  15. 僑務委員會補助美國地區中文學校華語文教師進修教育學分計畫僑務委員會補助美國地區中文學校華語文教師進修教育學分計畫 (一)完成修習教育學分課程者,每人補助美金二千元。 (二)完成修習教育學分課程,並已依前款規定申請補助在案者,倘於計畫實施期間內再取得教師執照,可另申請補助美金一千元。 (三)於計畫實施期間完成修習教育學分課程並取得教師執照者,可申請補助美金三千元。

  16. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net 南加州第三十屆全美華人運動會(報名截止日期:3 月23 日)htttp://www.caaausa.com 海華運動會是中文學校重要的活動之一,學生和家長參與各項競賽活動,不但能發揮團隊精神、加深對學校的向心力,而且促進了校際之間的交誼。希望貴校鼓勵學生、家長踴躍報名。 大會體操: 執行副會長 曹笑蓮 橙縣華語文學院 –Lily Shih 校長

  17. 南加州中文學校聯合會 Southern California Council of Chinese Schools http://www.scccs.net Please see 第卅四屆南加州中文學校聯合會活動行事曆 For more events Thank you

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