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Chapter 14: Latin West

Chapter 14: Latin West . Warm Up Chapter 13. Mali empire prospered bc of: Ruler of Mali Empire: His impact in Africa: Capital of Mali Empire: Ibn Battuta : How does Islam get in Africa: How do the Turks view the Hinduist ? How did Islam get in India:. I. Rural Growth and Crises

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Chapter 14: Latin West

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  1. Chapter 14: Latin West

  2. Warm Up Chapter 13 • Mali empire prospered bc of: • Ruler of Mali Empire: • His impact in Africa: • Capital of Mali Empire: • IbnBattuta: • How does Islam get in Africa: • How do the Turks view the Hinduist? • How did Islam get in India:

  3. I. Rural Growth and Crises • A. Peasants and Population • Peasants were bound to the land in serfdom • Life of a peasant: • Feudalism bound the people to meager life of serfdom • Peasants lived in a one room cottage with little furniture and no luxuries • Over 50% of their labor fruits went to the landowner • Serfs had no incentive to improve farming practices.. • Why?

  4. Role of Men and women: both worked in the fields but women were still subordinate to men • Pg. 382 Thomas Aquinas quote • Population doubled between 1000 and 1445 (impact):population grew because of new agricultural technologies but made quality of life go down for peasants • B. Black Death and impact • brought from Kaffa to Italy in 1346by the Mongol expansion • Plague ravaged for 2 years throughout Europe killing 1/3 of the people

  5. Late 15th century

  6. The most common form of the Black Death was the bubonic plague • This was usually spread by fleas that lived on rats • Another form was called the pneumonic plague and it was spread through the air by personal contact • impact on labor: • Labor became more expensive and gave rise to peasant uprisings, higher wages, and eventually end to serfdom • First sign of infection was the development of large dark splotches on the skin • Most people died within a few days • Many people believed the plague was a punishment sent by God

  7. Serfdom disappears in Europe because of the high price of labor and the low cost of food • Many serfs bought their freedom or ran away • Nobles could not use all the land they had so they began to sell it to others • C. Mines and Mills • Industrial Technologies: Watermill and Windmill • Mills powered by water could now grind grain and flour, saw logs, and make paper • Mills were built along rivers and was controlled by dams

  8. During the winter water mills were useless so the people used windmills to power their endeavors • Mills were expensive to build but created great profit to owners • Mining boomed during this period • Iron, silver, copper, and lead • Used these metals for cannons, coins, church bells, etc. • Because of these new “job opportunities” many people (serfs) moved to the urban areas

  9. II. Urban Revival • A. Trading Cities • Urbanization: people moving from the countryside to the cities • Cities are now the focal for economy not the countrysides • Most of the early trading cities were found in Italy, with Venice being the most important • Other Italian cities, wanting to get wealthy, created their own trade routes • Trade in the north was dominated by the Hanseatic League

  10. Group of northern German cities and towns that worked together to promote and protect trade • Controlled most of the trade between Europe, Russia, and the Baltic region • Textile was dominated by England and parts of Italy • England could export cloth at a great profit • B. Civic Life • more freedom, social mobility in the cities than on the feudal manor • Jews blamed for Black Death creating anti Semitism • Guilds regulated trade, set standards, and prices for goods sold in cities

  11. Venice in 1271

  12. Banking industry: • Now money became more accepted • This led to some merchants allowing their customers to buy goods on credit • Credit = the promise of later payment

  13. III. Learning, Literature, and Renaissance • A. Universities and Learning • Monasteries were center of learning • By 1200 AD, colleges and universities emerged: as centers of learning focusing on law, medicine, or theology • Bologna—famous for law faculty • Theology was most prominent study because theologians sought to synthesize the rational philosophy of Greeks with the Christian faith known as scholasticism

  14. Warm Up • Explain the impact of the Black Death on labor: • Why did people go to the church instead of doctors for healing? • Urbanization: • Italian city that dominates trade: • German cities states that dominate trade in northern Europe: • Group that regulated trade and set prices: • Why was theology the most prominent study?

  15. B. Humanists and Printers • “new learning” – interest in and study of the Latin classics to learn what they reveal about human nature • Studied the original manuscripts • Geoffrey Chaucer • The Canterbury Tales consists of a collection of stories told by a group of 29 pilgrims journeying to the tomb of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury • Dante • Divine Comedy tells the story of the journey through nine layers of Hell and entry into Paradise

  16. Erasmus • The best of the northern humanists, was Dutch • Criticized the Church and wanted to reform it, but not leave it • Saw education as the means to reform • Gutenberg • Influence of Humanist writers increased by the printing press • Gutenberg perfected printing in 1454 • By 1500 10 million works had been printed!

  17. Erasmus

  18. Gutenberg

  19. C. Artists • Four major artists of the Renaissance: • Michelangelo – painted the Sistene Chapel, sculptural masterpiece = David • Leonardo da Vinci – Mona Lisa and the Last Supper • Raphael – famous for his madonnas (images of Jesus and Mary) • Donatello – sculptor, lived during the Early Renaissance

  20. IV. Political and Military Transformation • A. Monarchs, Nobles, and Clergy • Weak monarchs, limited power • Innovations in weaponry: Armor piercing crossbows and firearms are brought about during the 13th century • King Philip the Fair of France reduced power of pope: • Began the first French parliament, the Estates-General • Arrested the pope and put a new French pope in power in Avignon • The pope’s authority was being compromised and a period of rival popes claimed authority in both Rome and Avignon came about • This rivalry causes the Great Western Schism that lasts for 37 years

  21. England kings power was limited by pope • King John was fighting a war, in which he lost almost all of England’s French holdings, and needed money • He placed a new tax on the nobility • The nobles refused to pay and instead rebelled against their king • He is forced to sign the Magna Carta – “Great Charter” • Gives rights to the nobles that the king can’t take away and places limits on the king’s power • King can no longer arrest and punish people without following legal procedures • Set forth ideas about limiting gov’t and executive power

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