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Communication strategies

Communication strategies. Motivation strategies. Communication strategies. Organisational level Group level Individual level. Communication strategies. Organisational level (a). 1. Public information and visibility of the smoke-free policy/rules all over the hospital.

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Communication strategies

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  1. Communication strategies Motivation strategies

  2. Communication strategies • Organisational level • Group level • Individual level

  3. Communication strategies Organisational level (a) 1. Public information and visibility of the smoke-free policy/rules all over the hospital. 2. Visibility of the commitment and leadership of the management team acting in an exemplary smoke-free role. Source: Mendez E. Hospitals sense fum: un model d’acció institucional concertada. Annals de Medicina 1999; 82:117-118.

  4. Communication strategies Organisational level (b) 3. Distribute informative literature/material on the development and results of the smoke-free hospital policy, specifically to doctors, nurses and hospital support staff. 4. Include information about the smoke-free policy in the general hospital information booklet for all hospital patients. Source: Institut Català d’Oncologia Smoke-free Hospital Model

  5. Communication strategies 2. Group level (a) 1. Train doctors and nurses in communication skills to enable them to provide appropriate counselling and motivational advice on smoking cessation. 2. Train staff in contact with patients, relatives and visitors (staff in the cafeteria, security and cleaning personnel, etc.) in communication skills to guarantee the implementation of the smoke-free policy. Source: Institut Català d’Oncologia Smoke-free Hospital Model

  6. Communication strategies 2. Group level (b) 3. Train support staff in assertive communication techniques to enable them effectively handle conflicts that arise from non-compliance with the policy. 4. Train nurses in the practice of communication and analysis tools that assist smokers to self-diagnose tobacco addiction levels, reasons for continued smoking and the pros & cons of smoking cessation. Source: Institut Català d’Oncologia Smoke-free Hospital Model

  7. Motivation strategies • Monitoring and coaching • Perception tools of motivation • Health related motivations * • Dependence motivation * • Economical motivation * see specific chapter

  8. Motivation strategies for a smoking-free hospital & smoker staff 1. Design a mentoring and coaching programme to enhance motivation and decision making towards smoking cessation among nurses. 2. The mentoring programme should offer support to the nurse smoker, in at least five stages: a) understanding the habit; b) considering stopping; c) preparing to stop; d) stopping smoking; e) staying stopped. 3.The results of a mentoring programme are more effective in hospitals with a smoke-free policy. Sources: How to stop smoking. A self help pack for nurses. European Forum of National Nursing and Midwifery Association and WHO. Mentoring and Coaching. Program Design. EVNA Inc. California, USA.

  9. Perception instruments of motivation to quit smoking • The Russell questionnaire can be self-administrated, and allows people to foresee the difficulties expected when quitting smoking. • The Russell questionnaire is useful for the smoker to become conscious about his tobacco dependency and smoking self-evaluation. That is the reason why the feedback provided by the questionnaire is self-motivating.

  10. Health related motivations • 23 tobacco related illnesses • Other cancers • Tobacco, alcohol and oesophageal cancer • Smoking effects on skin and voice • Risk of contracting an illness due to smoking • Smoking cessation benefits

  11. Economical aspect - Individual level (if smokers smokes 1 pack / day) cost per month : 30 x local price of 1 box = € cost per year : cost per month x 12 = € - Society level (annual cost per year smoker in a firm) Absenteeism 175 € Loss of productivity 2 600 € Room organization 100 € Total 2 875 €

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