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Overcrowding Under-occupation

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Overcrowding Under-occupation

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    1. Overcrowding & Under-occupation David Clayton National Overcrowding Coordinator Housing Management and Performance Division

    2. Introduction Levels of Overcrowding Action Plan and Pathfinders Collecting DATA Making better use of stock Overcrowded households

    3. Context: Overcrowding in England England and regional estimates plus under occupiers These are estimates based on sample survey for Survey of English Housing Bedroom Standard definition. England 565,000 overcrowded; 206,000 o/o; 126,000 private renters; 234,000 social renters. Greatest pressure in London but mixed picture both regionally and locally, cities likely to have higher levels of all overcrowding but it will feature on everyones waiting/transfer lists. 456,000 underoccupiers in the SRS. [Under occupiers are two or more bedrooms above the Bedroom Standard eg a household living in a three bed property who would only require one bedroom is assessed against the Bedroom Standard.] This table does illustrate the scope for tackling under occupation to make a difference to overcrowding. To note that in all areas (apart from London and the South East) there are approximately three times as many under occupiers in social housing as there are overcrowded households. Tower Hamlets about 9,000 households about 5% of London total. These are estimates based on sample survey for Survey of English Housing Bedroom Standard definition. England 565,000 overcrowded; 206,000 o/o; 126,000 private renters; 234,000 social renters. Greatest pressure in London but mixed picture both regionally and locally, cities likely to have higher levels of all overcrowding but it will feature on everyones waiting/transfer lists. 456,000 underoccupiers in the SRS. [Under occupiers are two or more bedrooms above the Bedroom Standard eg a household living in a three bed property who would only require one bedroom is assessed against the Bedroom Standard.] This table does illustrate the scope for tackling under occupation to make a difference to overcrowding. To note that in all areas (apart from London and the South East) there are approximately three times as many under occupiers in social housing as there are overcrowded households. Tower Hamlets about 9,000 households about 5% of London total.

    4. Severe Overcrowding in the Social Rented Sector About 10% of households who are overcrowded are severely overcrowded (across all tenures). Households who are severely overcrowded are two or more bedrooms short of the bedroom standard. Eg a household who would require a three bedroom property if assessed against the Bedroom Standard but who are currently living in a one bedroom property. Shows the numbers of severely overcrowded in the social sector nationally. Interesting that whilst there is a proportion of social tenants who need large properties with 5, 6 or 7 bedrooms, the majority of overcrowded households are in need of three bedroom homes. Nearly all overcrowded households need a fairly standard family sized home. Starting point for developing your own strategies - know your own stock and the needs of your tenants, understand not only the numbers of overcrowded households but also the severity of their overcrowding, and what they require. May be challenges around certain types of property (eg not many three beds on lettings plan) focus intervention on those worst off. Tower Hamlets 800 severely overcrowded (about 9%) Similar data information on under occupiers may also highlights the opportunities focus intervention on those properties you need. Tower Hamlets 500 under occupiers Use this information to inform policy and initiatives what schemes will be most effective in your area? About 10% of households who are overcrowded are severely overcrowded (across all tenures). Households who are severely overcrowded are two or more bedrooms short of the bedroom standard. Eg a household who would require a three bedroom property if assessed against the Bedroom Standard but who are currently living in a one bedroom property. Shows the numbers of severely overcrowded in the social sector nationally. Interesting that whilst there is a proportion of social tenants who need large properties with 5, 6 or 7 bedrooms, the majority of overcrowded households are in need of three bedroom homes. Nearly all overcrowded households need a fairly standard family sized home. Starting point for developing your own strategies - know your own stock and the needs of your tenants, understand not only the numbers of overcrowded households but also the severity of their overcrowding, and what they require. May be challenges around certain types of property (eg not many three beds on lettings plan) focus intervention on those worst off. Tower Hamlets 800 severely overcrowded (about 9%) Similar data information on under occupiers may also highlights the opportunities focus intervention on those properties you need. Tower Hamlets 500 under occupiers Use this information to inform policy and initiatives what schemes will be most effective in your area?

    5. Action Plan Summary Published December 2007 15m investment over 3 years to reduce overcrowding Currently 54 Pathfinders Pathfinders to use resource to take strategic and proactive approach to tackling overcrowding Action Plan published December 2007 alongside announcement of 15m investment over current CSR period to tackle overcrowding. Tower Hamlets (110,000 each year) Plan - outlines the Government's strategy for tackling overcrowding over the current spending review period. It is intended to support housing providers to develop their own overcrowding strategy, and a range of housing options and advice services to assist households affected by overcrowding especially those most severely overcrowded. Currently funding 54 pathfinders to develop their own strategy and action plan to reduce overcrowding by taking a strategic and proactive approach and work in partnership with their RSLs. Many schemes may already be in place in some form in your LA and can be adapted to support overcrowded households. London boroughs, Birmingham, Bradford, Leicester, Liverpool Manchester Bristol, Dudley, Kirklees, Knowsley, Leeds, Luton, Medway, Nottingham, Oldham, Rochdale, Sandwell, Sheffield, Slough, Southampton, Walsall, Wigan Action Plan published December 2007 alongside announcement of 15m investment over current CSR period to tackle overcrowding. Tower Hamlets (110,000 each year) Plan - outlines the Government's strategy for tackling overcrowding over the current spending review period. It is intended to support housing providers to develop their own overcrowding strategy, and a range of housing options and advice services to assist households affected by overcrowding especially those most severely overcrowded. Currently funding 54 pathfinders to develop their own strategy and action plan to reduce overcrowding by taking a strategic and proactive approach and work in partnership with their RSLs. Many schemes may already be in place in some form in your LA and can be adapted to support overcrowded households. London boroughs, Birmingham, Bradford, Leicester, Liverpool Manchester Bristol, Dudley, Kirklees, Knowsley, Leeds, Luton, Medway, Nottingham, Oldham, Rochdale, Sandwell, Sheffield, Slough, Southampton, Walsall, Wigan

    6. Collecting DATA Do you know the numbers of overcrowded households in your stock? How severely overcrowded are these households? How many households are under-occupying? Understanding overcrowding can inform policy and initiatives

    7. Making better use of stock Allocations Does your allocations framework support tackling overcrowding? Do you give priority to severely overcrowded households? Do you give priority to under-occupiers? Can you create chain lets? Allocations are key to tackling overcrowding and underoccupation Allocations - recent House of Lords judgment found it was good housing management to reserve a proportion of lets for those not in RP eg under occupiers to make better use of stock. Can give additional priority to a small group who are particularly badly off eg severe overcrowded (about 10% of total). Potentially look at increasing the number of transfers for tenants who are overcrowded creating chain lets which still result in voids for others in need eg homeless households. Allocations for non-dependants RBKC next generation priority bedsits. Numbers of under occupiers in the social stock need to identify them through benefits, council tax records, mailshots etc, offer good scheme with lots of support to encourage them to move. Publicise/promote often. Use your data chart to target particular households. Ensure allocations policy enables those who are willing to downsize to move take out of CBL and offer direct lets, increased priority and support in bidding. (Hillingdon example 6x6 beds increase transfers by 50% eliminate severe overcrowding in one year). TH revising allocations policy. Good practice schemes are not cash incentives, personalised support throughout the actual move process. Consider employing, or refocusing a visiting officer, as an under occupation officer. TH make officer full time to increse moves target (44) realistic compared to number of U/Os registered? Promote sheltered housing maybe refurb, offer support to move and bedroom release payments. Cost effective way of acquiring properties - 1,000 per move. Extensions or deconversions does stock lend itself to adding a bedroom or bathroom or merging two small units to make a larger unit Mitigation work improvements in situ - minor alterations to existing home partitions, extra washbasin, Allocations - recent House of Lords judgment found it was good housing management to reserve a proportion of lets for those not in RP eg under occupiers to make better use of stock. Can give additional priority to a small group who are particularly badly off eg severe overcrowded (about 10% of total). Potentially look at increasing the number of transfers for tenants who are overcrowded creating chain lets which still result in voids for others in need eg homeless households. Allocations for non-dependants RBKC next generation priority bedsits. Numbers of under occupiers in the social stock need to identify them through benefits, council tax records, mailshots etc, offer good scheme with lots of support to encourage them to move. Publicise/promote often. Use your data chart to target particular households. Ensure allocations policy enables those who are willing to downsize to move take out of CBL and offer direct lets, increased priority and support in bidding. (Hillingdon example 6x6 beds increase transfers by 50% eliminate severe overcrowding in one year). TH revising allocations policy. Good practice schemes are not cash incentives, personalised support throughout the actual move process. Consider employing, or refocusing a visiting officer, as an under occupation officer. TH make officer full time to increse moves target (44) realistic compared to number of U/Os registered? Promote sheltered housing maybe refurb, offer support to move and bedroom release payments. Cost effective way of acquiring properties - 1,000 per move. Extensions or deconversions does stock lend itself to adding a bedroom or bathroom or merging two small units to make a larger unit Mitigation work improvements in situ - minor alterations to existing home partitions, extra washbasin,

    8. Making better use of stock Under-occupation Do you enable under-occupiers to move? Do you have a scheme in place? Money, support or both? How do you identify under-occupiers? People, their needs and not

    9. Tackling Overcrowding Housing Options Do you visit overcrowded households? What options do overcrowded tenants have? Do you do a reality check? How about non-dependent adults a home? Can tenants access the private sector? Offer a home visit to those who are severely overcrowded, alongside of housing options (TH full time officer in post) we have already looked at increasing the supply of social housing but consider whether best use if being made of all available stock. Has the introduction of the LHA made PRS properties more accessible in your area. Given a reality check of waiting several years for a 4 bed in the social stock or help to move into PRS now what will the household choose (London boroughs finding people make this choice if better informed). Promote LHA and in-work housing benefit. May not be necessary to move whole household can you support non-dependents into the PRS? RSL partners also visiting? Existing PRS team to help with sourcing properties, negotiating longer leases for overcrowded households. Do you have landlord accreditation scheme? Offer bond guarantees where possible cheaper than rent deposits up front and will not need to pay out on the majority. Consider taking properties on a leased basis - confirmation of a longer lease may help persuade some tenants to move. TH Scheme in place, PUBLICITY CHOICE, resource in place so a real option. As part of home visit, talk to tenants, where are the pinch points morning bathrooms, eating space, quiet areas for homework May not be able to move a household but can help them cope better perhaps help with new furniture, storage off site, access to external services. Mutual exchange make it proactive if necessary to enable a move can you offer support to an under occupier? TH SW roadshow Offer a home visit to those who are severely overcrowded, alongside of housing options (TH full time officer in post) we have already looked at increasing the supply of social housing but consider whether best use if being made of all available stock. Has the introduction of the LHA made PRS properties more accessible in your area. Given a reality check of waiting several years for a 4 bed in the social stock or help to move into PRS now what will the household choose (London boroughs finding people make this choice if better informed). Promote LHA and in-work housing benefit. May not be necessary to move whole household can you support non-dependents into the PRS? RSL partners also visiting? Existing PRS team to help with sourcing properties, negotiating longer leases for overcrowded households. Do you have landlord accreditation scheme? Offer bond guarantees where possible cheaper than rent deposits up front and will not need to pay out on the majority. Consider taking properties on a leased basis - confirmation of a longer lease may help persuade some tenants to move. TH Scheme in place, PUBLICITY CHOICE, resource in place so a real option. As part of home visit, talk to tenants, where are the pinch points morning bathrooms, eating space, quiet areas for homework May not be able to move a household but can help them cope better perhaps help with new furniture, storage off site, access to external services. Mutual exchange make it proactive if necessary to enable a move can you offer support to an under occupier? TH SW roadshow

    10. What support can we offer? National Overcrowding Coordinator Regional Resource Teams Policy team at CLG Self Assessment Toolkit Advice notes Brief overview of the Governments policy on overcrowding and the pathfinder programme many of these schemes may already be in place in one form or another in your area. Look at developing these to make better use of stock and increase tenant satisfaction. Support we can offer (not just to pathfinders) New post National Overcrowding Coordinator (David Clayton) to support and advise you and share good practice. Existing advisors in Regional Resource Teams and HAT (Homelessness Action Team at TSA) include RSL specialists. provide advice, guidance and support. Policy team at Eland share good practice, advice and support Have developed a self-assessment toolkit. Will help you ask the key questions around what support and initiatives you already have and which you can develop. Advice notes lessons learnt from pilots in London two years ago. Brief overview of the Governments policy on overcrowding and the pathfinder programme many of these schemes may already be in place in one form or another in your area. Look at developing these to make better use of stock and increase tenant satisfaction. Support we can offer (not just to pathfinders) New post National Overcrowding Coordinator (David Clayton) to support and advise you and share good practice. Existing advisors in Regional Resource Teams and HAT (Homelessness Action Team at TSA) include RSL specialists. provide advice, guidance and support. Policy team at Eland share good practice, advice and support Have developed a self-assessment toolkit. Will help you ask the key questions around what support and initiatives you already have and which you can develop. Advice notes lessons learnt from pilots in London two years ago.

    11. Contacts Nicki Goddard Head of Policy (Overcrowding) nicki.goddard@communities.gsi.gov.uk Tel: 020 7944 0592 David Clayton National Overcrowding Coordinator david.clayton@communities.gsi.gov.uk Tel: 020 7944 3367 Mob: 07810 813923

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