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Introduction. The JavaScript Programming Language Applets The Java Programming Language Guest Books Web Page Counters Server-Side Includes. The JavaScript Programming Language. Introduction JavaScript and HTML Event Handlers Sample JavaScript Code. Scripting language

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  1. Introduction The JavaScript Programming Language Applets The Java Programming Language Guest Books Web Page Counters Server-Side Includes From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  2. The JavaScript Programming Language Introduction JavaScript and HTML Event Handlers Sample JavaScript Code From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  3. Scripting language Not Java Statements usually embedded in HTML code Simple, interpreted programming language The JavaScript Programming Language Introduction From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  4. Common uses: Alert boxes Color fades Dynamic-conversion form elements Information in status line Verify form input The JavaScript Programming Language Introduction From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  5. <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> JavaScript-enabled browser LANGUAGE SRC .js The JavaScript Programming Language JavaScript and HTML From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  6. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE = “JavaScript”> <!- - Begin hiding for browsers that cannot process JavaScript. Include JavaScript statements here. … Last JavaScript statement goes here. End hiding script. - -> </SCRIPT> The JavaScript Programming Language JavaScript and HTML From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  7. JavaScript and HTML <Html><Head><Title>onLoad Example</Title> <Script Language = “JavaScript”> <!- - Begin hiding for browsers that cannot support script. function ready(){ document.forms[0].elements[0].value=“Lets go!” } //Stop hiding script. --> </Script> </Head> <Body onLoad = “ready()”> <Form> <Input Type = “text” Value = “Loading…”> </Form></Body></Html> From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  8. onMouseOver and onMouseOut onMouseOver When you move mouse over item, action triggered onMouseOut When you move mouse out of area, action triggered The JavaScript Programming Language Event Handlers From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  9. onMouseOver and onMouseOut <A HREF = “ASSIGNMENTS/assign.html” onMouseOver = “loadimage(‘01’,’GRAPHICS/4ON.GIF’); status = ‘Assignments’; return true;” onMouseOut = “loadimage(‘01’, `GRAPHICS/4OFF.GIF’); status = ‘ ‘; return true;”> <IMG SRC = “GRAPHICS/4OFF.GIF” WIDTH = “42” HEIGHT = “42” NAME = “01” ALT = “Assignments” BORDER = “0”></A> The JavaScript Programming Language Event Handlers From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  10. The JavaScript Programming Language Event Handlers When user mouses over image: • Function call made to JavaScript routine loadimage() • Assignments displayed in status line • return true; indicates browser can return normally from processing JavaScript From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  11. The JavaScript Programming Language Event Handlers onClick and Alert Box <A HREF = “killface.html” onClick = “alert(‘Thanks for loading my page:Killface.’)”> Killface’s Page </A> From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  12. The JavaScript Programming Language Event Handlers From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  13. Event Handlers onChange and Confirm Box, Prompt Box <Html><Head><Title>Confirm Box</Title> <Script Language = “JavaScript”> function question(yourname) { var name = yourname.value var theAnswer = confirm(“Are you really “ + name + “?”) (Or: var theAnswer = prompt(“What is your name”, “”)) } </Script></Head> <Body><Form> <Input Type = “text” Value = “Enter your name” onChange = “question(this)”> </Form></Body></Html> From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  14. <FORM ACTION = “mailto:killface@inspector.tuna.com” METHOD = “post”> <STRONG> Temperature Conversion Example Using JavaScript <BR> </STRONG> <P> &nbsp; </P> The JavaScript Programming Language Sample JavaScript Code From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  15. <INPUT TYPE = “text” NAME = “cels” VALUE = “0” SIZE = “3” MAXLENGTH = “3” onChange = “fahr.value = Math.round(10 * (1.8 * this.value + 32))/10;”> &#176; <STRONG>C</STRONG> &nbsp; <STRONG>equals</STRONG> &nbsp; The JavaScript Programming Language Sample JavaScript Code From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  16. <INPUT TYPE = “text” NAME = “fahr” VALUE = “32” SIZE = “3” MAXLENGTH = “3” onChange = “cels.value = Math.round(10 * (this.value - 32)/1.8)/10;”> &#176; <STRONG>F</STRONG>  </FORM> The JavaScript Programming Language Sample JavaScript Code From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  17. NAME = “fahr” fahr.value Math.round() The JavaScript Programming Language Sample JavaScript Code From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  18. Applets Introduction HTML Applet Tags Java-Enabled Browsers Sample Applets From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  19. “Little application” Primary features: Information is dynamic Can respond to input Program downloaded from Web server Runs locally Applets Introduction From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  20. <APPLET></APPLET> Attributes: ALIGN ALT CODE CODEBASE HEIGHT HSPACE NAME VSPACE WIDTH Applets HTML Applet Tags From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  21. Browsers that are text-only or not Java-enabled ignore applet tags Display messages Applets Java-Enabled Browsers From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  22. <APPLET CODE = “HiMom.class” HEIGHT = “75” WIDTH = “125”> <PARAM NAME = “message” VALUE = “Hi Mom. How do you like my applet?”> </APPLET> Applets Sample Applets From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  23. Applets Sample Applets From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  24. The Java Programming Language Introduction Java and Object-Oriented Programming From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  25. Sun Microsystems Oak Java Virtual Machine The Java Programming Language Introduction From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  26. Java supports object-oriented programming (OOP) Class Subclasses: children of parent class Applet class The Java Programming Language Java and Object-Oriented Programming From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  27. Guest Books Standard Input Fields of a Guest Book Guest Book Dynamics Mailto Guest Books From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  28. E-mail address Message Name URL Guest Books Standard Input Fields of a Guest Book From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  29. Created using form ACTION attribute specifies name of CGI script post METHOD sends parameters During sign in and updating: Guest fills out form Submits via SUBMIT button Parameters sent to CGI script Web server runs the CGI program World writeable file Guest Books Guest Book Dynamics From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  30. ACTION attribute specifies a mailto hyperlink Typical guest book: Form in which user signs in Collection of previous entries CGI script processes sign-ins * manually in mailto guest books Guest Books Mailto Guest Books From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  31. Web Page Counters HTML Code for a Counter Counter Usefulness Counter Display Decision From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  32. Absolute URL for CGI script as value of SRC attribute of image tag Parameters passed using get METHOD Web Page Counters HTML Code for a Counter <IMG SRC = “http://www.colt.com/cgibin/ counter?data=ellen.dat&style=1” ALIGN = “absmiddle” ALT = “counter” HEIGHT = “20” WIDTH = “70”> From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  33. Number of hits per page Advertising rates Web Page Counters Counter Usefulness Counter Display Decision Some users offended by counters From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  34. Server-Side Includes Common Inclusions Utilization From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  35. Sends command to Web server from inside HTML document Another HTML document inside current one Counter Current time and date Last-modified date Random quote Random page Server-Side Includes Common Inclusions From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

  36. Syntax to run a program: <!-- #exec cgi = “/cgibin/script.cgi”--> Syntax to insert HTML document <!-- #include virtual = “insert.html”--> Server-Side Includes Utilization From Greenlaw/Hepp, In-line/On-line: Fundamentals of the Internet and the World Wide Web

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