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Session 15 Course Summary Discussion

Session 15 Course Summary Discussion. Rick Bissell, PhD. Course Summary Discussion. What is a catastrophe, and how does it differ from disasters?. Course Summary Discussion.

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Session 15 Course Summary Discussion

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session 15Course Summary Discussion Rick Bissell, PhD

  2. Course Summary Discussion • What is a catastrophe, and how does it differ from disasters? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  3. Course Summary Discussion • Select one historical and one potential future catastrophe, and describe why these events are different from more common disasters, and describe some of the long-term effects of both events. Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  4. Course Summary Discussion • What are the causal relationships that lead to catastrophes? • How do catastrophes interfere with basic societal functions? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  5. Course Summary Discussion • What special ethical dilemmas are likely to occur in catastrophes? • What ethical principles can guide decision-makers in catastrophes? • How might laws and ethical principles conflict in disasters? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  6. Course Summary Discussion • Why would convergence be a particular problem in catastrophes? • Why might it be a blessing? • How might it be converted from problem to blessing? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  7. Course Summary Discussion • What might be the roles of public health in helping a catastrophe-struck country to deal with the consequences of the event? • What services must emergency management provide in order for public health workers to be effective in the environment of catastrophes? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  8. Course Summary Discussion • Why might mass relocation constitute a secondary catastrophe? • What obstacles stand in the way of successful mass relocation? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  9. Course Summary Discussion • Name three consequences of climate change that could result in catastrophes. For each consequence, please suggest where in the world might be most likely to suffer the catastrophe. • What new causes of catastrophe are looming, which are not directly related to climate change? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  10. Course Summary Discussion • Recovery from disasters is difficult enough. Name three ways in which the difficulty of recovery from catastrophes far surpasses that of disasters. • Name three ways in which the recovery strategy in catastrophes needs to differ from those for disasters. Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  11. Course Summary Discussion • Why is it likely that certain aspects of the command and control system would fail in a catastrophe response? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  12. Course Summary Discussion • What alternative systems of planning for response to catastrophes are being developed and tried? Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  13. Course Summary Discussion • Describe how the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) mega-earthquake scenario meets the description of a catastrophe. • Name the planning method that is being used to prepare jurisdictions in the NMSZ. Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  14. Course Summary Discussion • Describe ways in which a pandemic can constitute a disaster. • List 3 characteristics of the U.S. federal pandemic preparedness program. Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

  15. Course Summary Discussion • What roles could a well-designed table-top exercise play in helping prepare for catastrophes? • List three characteristics of a well-designed table-top exercise. Catastrophe Readiness and Response Course Session 15

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