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7 Common Reasons For Divorce

These days, divorce has become an everyday affair. Indeed, not all marriages are meant to be. So, it is better to get separate paths before things get worse. Even though divorce can be either taken mutually or via contest, not all divorces end happily. Sometimes, it has been noticed that court marriages also tend to be problematic when it ends up in a divorce. So there are top 7 reason for Divorce that everyone must know has been described in this PDF document.<br>https://www.storybaaz.com/article/7-Common-Reasons-For-Divorce/e9iRMin8SFhnVs0xxVl5

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7 Common Reasons For Divorce

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  1. 7 Common Reasons For Divorce These days, divorce has become an everyday affair. Indeed, not all marriages are meant to be. So, it is better to get separate paths before things get worse. Even though divorce can be either taken mutually or via contest, not all divorces end happily. Sometimes, it has been noticed that court marriages also tend to be problematic when it ends up in a divorce. So, before you have your court marriage process in Delhi done, make sure to have a detailed discussion with your partner. You certainly don’t want to regret and go through the whole process of divorce. There are several causes for a failed marriage. Before you seek a court marriage lawyer in Delhi to get your divorce done at ease, be sure to be assured of the reason that led both of you to take such a drastic decision. In this blog, we have covered the various reasons married couples get separated. So, without further delay, let’s know the reasons one after another. 1. Lack of or no commitment A study conducted on people about to divorce proved that almost 85% of the couples choose different paths due to a lack of commitment from either one side or both ways. When there is a commitment problem, it is noticed that couples tend to blame each other. However, this lack of commitment is vague and is subject to and challenging to prove in court. 2. Increase in distance between the two and incompatibility Another reason behind the filing of divorce these days is ‘irreconcilable differences between the two. In simple terms, this ‘irreconcilable difference’ means when both the husband and the wife have a difference in opinions, views and thoughts, and many more. The incompatibility between the two can be due to a lack of shared values and ethics, sexual differences, the vast age gap between the two, lack of maturity, and religious differences. 3. Communication problems If you have to carry on your marriage for a lifetime, you have to be open with your partner. This can be only possible if both of you communicate well. Whatever happens, it should be discussed and shared between the both of you. These days, it has been noticed that couples share less. As a result, the pent-up thoughts and feelings lead to miscommunication, bridging a gap between the two. 4. Extramarital affair Infidelity or adultery is one of the most common and heinous causes of divorce. So often, it is noticed that either the husband or the wife has got associated with another relationship, despite staying in a marital bond. Therefore, it can be rightly said that an extramarital affair is like the last nail in the coffin of already existent familial issues. 5. Financial issues Marriage is bound to end up in a divorce if one partner tries to hide his or her finance from the other. Here, the issue of trust is raised. To make a marriage work, it is essential to trust

  2. your partner. When you keep your financial matters in the shadows, it is a clear indication of the mistrust that you have for your partner. This is sure to make your partner feel insulted, thereby leading to a divorce. 6. Substance abuse It is truly a challenge to live with an addict. Initially, you can try to help your partner get rid of the addiction. However, if your partner is unwilling to leave his intoxicant, your marriage will be doomed. In addition, substance abuse can lead to mood swings, negligence of family responsibilities, lack of memory and attention, changes in personality, and the like. 7. Domestic violence Another recurrent and most common reason behind many marriages ending in divorce is domestic violence. In no marriage, partners can raise their hands on each other. When any of the partners loses his cool and hits the other one, it can be called domestic violence. Domestic violence also includes intimate partner abuse. In this case, it has been noticed that women are more likely to suffer than men. Conclusion Now that you are aware of all the reasons behind the divorce, it can be easier for you to discuss it with your partner. Talk it out so that you don’t need to end your marriage in court unprecedentedly. Although seven causes of divorce have been discussed above, there might be other possible causes as well. Originally Posted Content: https://www.storybaaz.com/article/7-Common-Reasons-For-Divorce/e9iRMin8SFhnV s0xxVl5

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