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Medical Entomology

Medical Entomology. Jin Liqun Department of Parasitology Shantou University Medical College lqjin@stu.edu.cn. Medical Entomology (Medical Arthropodology ). Arthropod : (Phylum Arthropoda 节肢动物门 )

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Medical Entomology

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  1. Medical Entomology Jin Liqun Department of Parasitology Shantou University Medical College lqjin@stu.edu.cn

  2. Medical Entomology(Medical Arthropodology )

  3. Arthropod :(Phylum Arthropoda节肢动物门) These organisms are characterized by having of jointed legs, body segments ,a hard outer covering or exoskeleton made of chitin(几丁质).

  4. Three important characteristics: 1 bilaterally symmetric body with jointed appendages. 2 chitinized exoskeleton . 3 hemocele: the body cavity serves as blood cavity simultaneously.

  5. Classification • Phylum Arthopoda contains the following Classes : • 1 Insecta (昆虫纲、六足纲: insects), • 2 Arachnida (蛛形纲,spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, etc), • 3 Chilopoda (centipedes ,唇足纲), • 4 Diplopoda (milipedes,倍足纲), and • 5 Crustacea (甲壳纲,crabs, shrimp, lobsters, water fleas, etc). • * Arachnida (蛛形纲) • * Insecta (昆虫纲、六足纲)

  6. The impairment of arthropods to humans • 1 Direct impairment: • 1a : harassment and blood sucking • 1b: sting and inoculation of poison • 1c: allergic reaction • 1d: parasitism : such as myiasis, scabies, etc.

  7. Indirect impairment • 1 Mechanical transmitting vector • They play the role as a passive carrier of pathogens. • 2 Biological transmitting vector The arthropod is used by pathogens not only as a vehicle but also as an environment for development and/or reproduction to their infective stages.

  8. How to judge an arthropod as a transmitting vector?( four evidences) • 1 Biological evidence: • ( closely related with humans, dominant species, longer life span ) • 2 Epidemiological evidence • (closely related with distribution epidemic region and season) • 3 Evidence of natural infection • ( pathogen isolated from the vector) • Laboratory evidence • (Artificial infection)

  9. Ticks and mites • Morphology: • Gnathosoma (颚体、假头 ) • Idiosoma (躯体) • 4 pairs of legs • (Adult)

  10. Life cycle Egg ----- larva---- nymph(若虫)---- adult

  11. Hard tick Note: scutum on its back Male(left) Female (right)

  12. Gnathosoma of hard ticks. (a) dorsal view. (b) Ventral view. Note hypostome (口下板). pedipalps (须肢). The mouthparts (口器)is composed of chelicerae(螯肢) and hypostome.

  13. Soft tick Without scutum

  14. Ticks A female hard tick’s body may increase many times after its blood meal

  15. The relationships with diseases Direct impairment: 1 sting and blood sucking 2 tick paralysis (caused by the poison of ticks to nervous system)

  16. Indirect impairment: 1 Forest encephalitis ( viral disease) 2 Xinjiang hemorrhagic fever ( spirochaetal disease) 3 Lyme disease (spirochaetal disease) 4 Tick-borne relapsing fever(spirochaetal disease) 5 Q-fecver ( rickettsial disease) 6 North Asia tick-borne typhus ( rickettsial disease) 7 Others : bacterial diseases ( the plague, tularemia,etc.)

  17. Scabies mite (Sarcoptes scabei 疥螨) Scabies mite is the cause of scabies (疥疮 )and is distributed worldwide

  18. scabies

  19. Chiggers (Harvest mites恙螨) Only Larva stages suck blood and transmit disease. Note: larva has 3 pairs of legs.

  20. Life cycle Egg prelarva larva nymph Pupa Nymph pupa adult

  21. Relation to diseases 1 Dermatitis (trombidiosis ) * 2 Scrub typhus ( rickettsail disease) ( Tsutsugumashi disease恙虫病) 3 hemorrhagic fever( viral disease)

  22. Demodex ( follicle mites) D. brevis ( in sebaceous gland) D. folliculorum (in hair follicle)

  23. They are common mites found in humans. Opportunistic pathogenic mites in forehead , nose naso-labial groove, head skin, cheek and ear-hole etc. Folliculitis or skin lesion.

  24. Medical insects (Insecta) Characteristics: The body: head , thorax and abdomen A pair of antennae Three pairs of legs (adult)

  25. Metamorphosis(变态) of insects All changes from larva to adult is called metamorphosis including morphology, physical functions,living habit, behavior and instinct

  26. Complete metamorphosis : Four stages in the life cycle (egg --- larva ---- pupa 蛹--- adult) Incomplete metamorphosis : Without pupal stage.

  27. Morphology • Head: • A pair of antennae ( olfactory and tactile sensation) • A pair of compound eyes, some with single eyes( ocelli ) • Three types of moutnparts(口器): • 1 chewing mouthparts (咀嚼式,cockroach) • 2 lapping mouthparts (舐吸式,housefly) • 3 piercing-sucking mouthparts (刺吸式mosquito)

  28. Thorax: Prothorax Mesothorax and Metathorax Three pairs of legs a pair of wings Abdomen: segmented Genitalia is important for identification

  29. Mosquitoes Three important Genus: Anopheles Aedes Culex

  30. Morphology

  31. Anopheles

  32. Aedes

  33. Culex

  34. Life cycle Complete metamorphosis: Egg --- larva (孑孓) ---- pupa ---- adult

  35. Larvae and pupa

  36. An. Cx. Ae. Egg boat-like conical fusiform with float in raft single ( surface ) ( surface ) ( bottom ) Larva 2 spiracles siphon siphon Palmate hair (float hairs) Adult scales (resting body forms body is parallel position) an angle to resting place to resting place

  37. Relationships to diseases Malaria Filariasis Japanese B encephalitis Dengue fever ( viral disease) Others: Yellow fever, West Nile, etc.

  38. Flies Mainly as mechanical transmitting vectors. Complete metamorphosis.

  39. Life cycle Egg larva( maggot蛆) pupa adult

  40. Feeding habit:Omnivorous(most)Blood sucking (a few)Eating frequentlyVomiting and excreting simultaneously

  41. Relationships to diseases *Mechanical transmitting vector: Bacterial, viral, protozoal diseases, And helminthiasis.

  42. Biological transmitting vector: Tsetse fly in Africa ( protozoon) * Myiasis : some flies’ larvae parasite in human tissues or organs.

  43. Lice Body louse Head louse Crab louse

  44. Head louse * The body louse is similar to the head louse except that it is found on the body and clothes.

  45. Crab louse

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