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EO 18 Overview and Implementation

Leading By Example towards a Clean Energy Economy and Sustainable Natural Environment Signed by Governor Markell on February 17, 2010. EO 18 Overview and Implementation. EO18 Directives & Targets. Reduce energy consumption 30% by FY2015.

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EO 18 Overview and Implementation

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  1. Leading By Example towards a Clean Energy Economy and Sustainable Natural Environment Signed by Governor Markell on February 17, 2010. EO 18 Overview and Implementation

  2. EO18 Directives & Targets • Reduce energy consumption 30% by FY2015. • Create a statewide energy audit plan and implementing energy savings projects through SEU-financed guaranteed energy performance contracts. • Establish benchmark and tracking system to monitor energy usage and carbon emissions of all state-owned and leased buildings by 12/31/11. • Obtain 30% of the state’s overall annual electric demand from clean, renewable sources by end of FY2013.

  3. EO18 Directives & Targets • Incorporate LEED silver standards into new construction and renovation projects and the operation of state facilities. • Achieve 75% waste diversion from landfills by end of FY2012. • Reduce fuel consumption and vehicle emissions by 25% and vehicle miles traveled by 15% by end of FY2012. • Develop and implement Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy by August 30, 2010.

  4. Accomplishments To-Date • EO18 Workgroup formed. Executive agencies represented by 13 Agency Sustainability Managers (SMs) plus additional OMB and DNREC personnel. • Energy tracking system chosen and SMs trained in its use. Energy usage data for 81 facilities encompassing more than 4.8 million square feet have been entered into the system. • Reverse energy auction held April, 2010. The auction achieved FY2013 renewable energy goals in FY 2011 (green power to be supplied at 25% above the state’s RPS). • Vehicle tracking installed in all Fleet vehicles and a limited number of agency-owned vehicles reporting miles and emissions, and fuel consumption tracked from gas cards weekly.

  5. Accomplishments To-Date • Statewide Energy Performance Contracting in process. • Waste diversion base year and rate calculated statewide – FY2010 @ 6.4% waste diversion (construction & demo not included in %). • Single stream recycling added to state trash removal contract – to be awarded end June 2010. • Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policy in draft form. • EO 18 Implementation Guide drafted.

  6. EO18 Implementation Guide • Living document comprised of individual step-by-step work plans for each area of the EO led by agency SMs. • Includes State Facility Energy Audit Plan. • Includes an Addendum for State Employee Education/Communication plan. • Outlines reporting requirements for state agencies.

  7. Building Operations & Construction • Produce a master list of all state owned and leased facilities – 7/1/10 completion. • Create “Cross-Agency Facilities Management Group” – 7/1/10 completion. • Develop operational policies and procedures to that achieve EO 18 goals including LEED - 9/1/10 completion. • Develop standard procedures to quantify energy consumption savings from operational changes – 10/1/10 completion.

  8. Energy Benchmarking & Tracking • Identify and enter data for all facilities into Portfolio Manager – 12/1/10 completion. • Collate/organize data from Portfolio Manager – 12/30/10 completion. • Track energy improvement initiatives. • Report on corrective actions for metering problems.

  9. Building Energy Auditing • Produce a facilities list to be audited for energy performance contracts – completed. • Collaborate with the SEU to initiate energy audits and GESAs – 6/25/10 completion. • Manage energy audits for “first wave” performance contracts – 11/1/10 completion. • Investigate funding sources for projects not incorporated into GESAs – 12/15/10 completion.

  10. Waste Diversion • State-wide waste diversion base year established as FY2010 and current rate is 6.4% (not including C&D waste). • Implement state-wide single stream recycling – 7/1/10 completion. • Implement state-wide oil/fluids recycling – 9/30/10 completion. • Implement composting opportunities for food/organic wastes – 9/30/10 completion. • Education and outreach for state agencies and employees – on-going

  11. Clean Transportation • Ensure all future vehicle purchases that meet the goals of EO 18 – in place. • Reduce vehicle miles traveled by 15% by tracking all agencies miles – in process. • Reduce petroleum consumption by 25 % by tracking weekly consumption and initiating education and alternative fuels availability. • Reduce employee commuting miles and work related travel through technology and education.

  12. Environmentally Sensitive Procurement • Finalize state-wide EPP Policy – 8/30/10 completion. • Implement EPP Policy within state contracts – on-going. • Agencies awareness and implementation of EPP Policy – 10/30 completion. • Track EPP Policy Implementation – on-going.

  13. Employee Education • State employee education and outreach program on all areas of the EO 18 will be implemented. • “Rethink, Reuse, Reduce & Recycle” Program. • Program will need top-level support initiated by the Governor and Agency heads.

  14. Agency Reporting Requirements • Each agency is required to report quarterly on their progress in achieving EO 18 goals and standards. • Agency reports will be submitted to the EO 18 Workgroup and the workgroup will compile a statewide quarterly report. • Reports will be submitted to the Cabinet Committee on Energy and the Governor’s Office. • A universal reporting template is currently being developed for use by the agencies.

  15. Where do we go from here? • Cabinet Committee on Energy must approve EO18 Implementation Guide. • Move forward with performance contracting and audit plan. • Continue energy benchmarking for all state facilities. • Start EO18 education for state employees. • Support operational changes (e.g. temperature and lighting controls, recycling, reduced vehicle usage) required to achieve EO 18 goals.

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