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Teens and Addiction

Causes of Addiction: Genetic Factors. Genes have a profound effect on the desire to drink or abstain from drinking alcoholBrain abnormalities that predispose people to alcoholism are passed from the alcoholic parent to the childOne gene mutation (the D2 dopamine receptor gene) leads to a reduced s

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Teens and Addiction

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    1. Teens and Addiction By Mr. Baker

    2. Causes of Addiction: Genetic Factors Genes have a profound effect on the desire to drink or abstain from drinking alcohol Brain abnormalities that predispose people to alcoholism are passed from the alcoholic parent to the child One gene mutation (the D2 dopamine receptor gene) leads to a reduced supply of the feel-good chemical dopamine and alcohol floods the brain with this pleasure creating brain chemical

    3. Causes of Addiction: Genetic Factors If one parent is alcoholic, the risk of addiction for the child is approximately 40% or about 4x the risk of the general population If both parents are alcoholics, the risk increases to about 60%

    4. Causes of Addiction: Addicted Parents The single most powerful predictor of any individuals risk for developing addiction is a positive family history Teaches that adults normally respond to emotional distress by resorting to chemicals

    5. Causes of Addiction: Family Values Families with moralistic, rigid, and extreme views about alcohol and other drugs breed more drug use by their children than do families with moderate views Families that maintain their rituals and celebrations experience less drug abuse among their children Spiritual Family meals Celebrations of birthdays Vacations

    6. Causes of Addiction: Nature of Brain Development The parts of the brain that stimulate thrill-seeking behavior develop early, as opposed to those areas that control decision making and self-control 80% of alcoholism begin before age 30 The average age of people who begin taking drugs is 16 years old

    7. Causes of Addiction: Contemporary American Culture The primary activity of a vast number of American children and adolescents is the use of media The media may supersede the powerful life experiences and personal relationships that are necessary for healthy human development

    8. Causes of Addiction: Environment The community norms surrounding adolescents can have a profound impact on whether they try drugs If communities accept the use of drugs, the children absorb this message

    9. Causes of Addiction: ADD Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the most common problems seen in teens with marijuana dependence Teens claim that drugs like marijuana can calm them down and it focuses their attention

    10. Causes of Addiction: Depression Drugs are often seen as a way to escape from many pressures for teens: Parents who work long hours Divorced parents Competition for colleges Remarrying Terrorism Appearance Drugs give teens a temporary elevated mood from these problems

    11. Causes of Addiction: Tobacco Use Daily cigarette smokers have a 10x increase in risk of using drugs The gateway theory users of legal drugs (tobacco) progress to misdemeanor drugs (marijuana) and then to felony drugs (heroin)

    12. Causes of Addiction: Marketing Tobacco companies need to keep creating smokers to replace the 440,000 who die each year, so its essential for businesses to get children to start smoking In addition, if a person can reach the age of 20 without beginning to smoke, he or she has almost no likelihood of starting. 90% of smokers begin before they turn 18

    13. Causes of Addiction: Marketing Most teens drink not because they like the taste, but to relax, feel more mature, or its supposed to be fun Advertisements attract young people by: Having models Hinting at sex Wild parties The ads make teens feel like their loneliness, insecurities, or awkwardness will disappear

    14. Causes of Addiction: Marketing In 2001, alcohol companies spent over $31 million on ads during 13 of the 15 most popular shows among kids 12-17 years old The average teen viewer sees 245 alcohol commercials on TV in one year Magazines such as Sports Illustrated and sports on TV have millions of ads for alcohol each year Advertising alcohol on the radio goes up each year and are on radio stations favored by teens

    15. Causes of Addiction: Marketing In 1998, Master Settlement Agreement was signed by the tobacco industry They agreed to stop intentionally marketing to kids Within two years, the amount of money spent on advertising tobacco increased by 42%

    16. Causes of Addiction: Stress Outdoing others in school, sports, college admissions or whatever arena is considered most important in the struggle for status and prestige It is rarely good enough merely to do well; students have to do better than others The psychological pressures cause students to think of themselves as worthless

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