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FY09 Commitment Accounting EFP Rollover June 4, 2008 School of Nursing- Room 140 (Updated post meeting version). Presenters. Candace Chow- Payroll Manager- Financial Services Pat Holmes- Manager- Cost Analysis & Studies Susan Beckerman- Enterprise Application Specialist- Financial Systems.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FY09Commitment AccountingEFP Rollover June 4, 2008School of Nursing- Room 140(Updated post meeting version)

  2. Presenters • Candace Chow- • Payroll Manager- Financial Services • Pat Holmes- • Manager- Cost Analysis & Studies • Susan Beckerman- • Enterprise Application Specialist- Financial Systems

  3. Agenda • Key Dates and Deadlines • Before the EFP Rollover • The FY09 Rollover Process • After the EFP Rollover • FY09 Distributions • Funding Summary Report

  4. Key Dates and Deadlines

  5. FY08 Cut Off Dates- DRs

  6. FY08 Cut Off Dates- DRs • Reminder- a direct retro and a budget retro cannot be processed in same pay period- plan accordingly!!!

  7. FY08 Cut Off Dates • Tuesday- 6/24/08 – all EFPs for FY08 must be approved in eUMB before 2 PM • EFPs entered but not approved will be deleted that night • EFP rollover will occur overnight • Reminder: PCAs should be zeroed out by end of the fiscal year

  8. PP08-26 (6/8-6/21) Distribution • Tues-6/24: Actuals Distribution process is run for PP08-26 with no encumbrances • Weds-6/25: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using PCD • Thurs-6/26: Validate that payroll expenses were distributed correctly using SPC

  9. FY08 Redistributions • No budget retros after 6/24 • Direct retros for all projects* will be processed between 6/25 and 7/8 (posted in FY09 for HRMS but accrued in FY08 for GL) • Direct retros for all projects* except for State & Physician Service Contract projects can be processed from 7/9 and forward (posted in FY09) * Subject to Cost Analysis approval

  10. Checking EFPs • Use Funding Summary Report (demo later in presentation) • Use queries (recommend using pivot tables with download to Excel) • UMB_CA_EFP_BY_EMPL_ID (one employee) • UMB_CA_EFP_BY_DEPT_ID (all employees) • UMB_CA_NO_EFP (for missing EFPs)

  11. Before the FY09 EFP Rollover (From today until Tuesday, 6/24/08)

  12. What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24) • Make sure all employees have a FY08 EFP • Run Funding Summary Report and/or • Run query UMB_CA_NO_EFP • Administrative depts tend to forget to set up EFPs for new employees- means more work at budget time!

  13. What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24) • Review all funding sources that end 6/30/08 or earlier and determine redistributions • Use EFP Query or Funding Summary Report • Complete redistributions by entering & approving new EFP for a Budget Retro • Approve new EFP by 2pm on Friday, 6/13 for PP08-25 distribution • Approve new EFP by 2pm on Tuesday, 6/24 for PP08-26 distribution

  14. What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24) • Check ALL Funding End Dates: • No Funding End Date = no change required • Funding End Date > 6/30/08 = no change required

  15. What To Do Before FY09 Rollover (6/24) • Check ALL Funding End Dates: • Funding End Date < 6/30/08 = change now so that payroll expenses do not charge PCA • Funding End Date of 6/30/08 = OK to change now; must change later to avoid charging PCA

  16. FY09 EFP Rollover (on Tuesday, 6/24/08)

  17. Rollover of the Initial FY09 EFP • EFP in effect on 6/24/08 will be used to programmatically: • Create the initial 7/1/08 EFP • Create the “fix” EFP to be used for any earnings associated with dates prior to 7/1/08 paid in FY09 • (Note: Fix EFP will have a Funding Begin Date of 3/23/03, employee’s hire date, or date transferred to department -- whichever is latest)

  18. Roll-over of the Initial FY09 EFP • EFPs will programmatically be created for both active employees and employees who were terminated after 1/1 • No action is required on your part for terminated employees (unless you have a payout in FY09) • Review initial EFP for active employees to be sure it is valid (check account codes, funding end dates, % distribution)

  19. After the Rollover (from Wednesday, 6/25/08 until 2pm on Tuesday, 7/8/08)

  20. What To Do After FY09 Rollover • Prior to actuals distribution (Tuesday, 7/8/08) you need to create a valid 7/1/08 EFP for each active employee • Remember- we run the actuals distribution earlier than normal for 09-01

  21. Creating New FY09 EFPs • 6/25, 6AM – 7/8, 2PM (Two week period): Departments review and create additional 7/1/08 EFPs as needed to reflect valid account codes, funding end dates, % distributions

  22. Creating New FY09 EFPs • EFPs created 6/25-7/6 will display the FY08 salary (with non-Leap Year change but before COLA/Merit/FYC) • EFPs created 7/7-7/8 will display the FY09 salary (with Leap Year Change and COLA/Merit/FYC) • Reminder- salary displayed on the EFP is informational only and may not reflect the actual amount distributed

  23. Cost Sharing for Payroll Expenses • NIH OTC Cap is $191,300- check employees who may have gone over the cap with 7/1 pay increases • Amount is based on annualized salary- Ex. FTE=.20 and amount paid at UMB= $40K  Annualized= $200K • This only applies to NIH agencies- if you don’t know whether a sponsor is under the NIH umbrella check the following website: http://www.nih.gov/icd/index.html

  24. Cost Sharing for Payroll Expenses • Position owner creates EFP but may be unaware that project from another dept requires OTC- communicate!

  25. What To Do Before FY09 Distribution on 7/8 • Make sure all employees have a FY09 EFP • Run Funding Summary Report and/or • Run query UMB_CA_NO_EFP • Administrative depts tend to forget to set up EFPs for new employees- means more work at budget time!

  26. FY09 Distributions (on 7/8/08)

  27. FY09 Distributions • If the EFP has a funding end date of 6/30/08 or earlier, at 2:01pm on Tuesday, July 8th- the EFP will be changed • A process will run to replace the account code with the expired funding end date with your department default account code- AKA your PCA

  28. EFP Example FY08 EFP used in the rollover process Initial FY09 EFP created effective 7/1/08 (and same for “fix” EFP) with account codes expiring before 7/1/08 New FY09 EFP wasn’t created so the process run on 7/8 will remove account codes with funding end dates prior to 7/1/08 and add the PCA/Dept Default account code equal to percent of account codes removed

  29. PP09-01 Distribution • Two week period = 6/22-7/5 • For PCD reporting purposes only we refer to period of 6/22-6/30 as PP08-27 (AKA the payroll accrual) and 7/1-7/5 as PP09-01 • PeopleSoft does not recognize pay period #27

  30. PP09-01 Distribution • PP09-01 covers payroll expenses associated with both FY08 and FY09- when the actuals distribution process is run: • FY08 payroll expenses (based on pay earnings dates) will be distributed based on the “fix” EFP (ex. Shift, OVT, hourly employees) • FY09 payroll expenses (based on pay earnings dates) will be distributed based on the 7/1/08 EFP in effect

  31. PP09-01 Distribution • When a valid EFP is not set up before actuals distribution process is run: • Payroll expenses associated with earnings dates greater than the Funding End Dates on your EFPs will be distributed to your PCA • You will need to do a budget retro • You will have LARGE encumbrance balances on your PCA

  32. PP09-01 Reminders • Since we are using the real service dates on the PA form, the earnings will be distributed to the appropriate fiscal year according to those dates • Pay is calculated on 14ths instead of 10ths

  33. PP09-01 (and forward) Reminders • If you are paying a new employee who was entered in eUMB AFTER 6/24 with an effective date prior to 7/1/08: • You will not be able to enter any hours in the WET pages prior to 7/1/08 • You MUST submit a Retro Pay PA form for the retro pay with a HRMS Account Code

  34. Funding Summary Report

  35. Using the Funding Summary Report Three key times to run it: • Before FY09 Rollover (now thru 6/24) • Before first FY09 Actuals Distribution (6/25 thru 7/8) • After 09-01 Actuals Distribution (starting 7/9)

  36. New Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover • The Funding Summary Report was modified to make it easier for you to identify the problems • There is a Report Choice option so that you can retrieve all EFPs for your department or just the EFPs where there is an issue that will cause a charge to the PCA/Dept Level account code

  37. Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 6/30/08 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: • Lines marked as ‘DP’ • Lines with Funding End Dates of 6/30/08 or earlier

  38. Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover Using 6/30/08 will help you insure that charges through the end of the fiscal year are using the correct account code. The default setting (“No”) returns EFPs for active employees only. Select “Yes” if you also need to display EFPs for terminated employees. A new feature for this year is the ability to isolate the EFPs that will default to the PCA/Dept level

  39. Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking EFPs Before FY09 Rollover Displays problem EFPs in effect as of 6/30/08 Only the potion of the EFP that will be charged to the PCA is displayed- not the full EFP. Department ID – Department Name Empl IDs appear here Employee Names appear here AP= Appointment Level Profile (EFP is in eUMB); DP= Department Level Profile (EFP is NOT in eUMB and payroll-related expenses will be charged to departmental PCA!)

  40. Checking FY09 EFPs Before Actuals Distribution Run Funding Summary Report using an “as of” date of 7/5/08 and select the “PCAs Only” report choice. Only the following will be returned: • Lines marked as ‘DP’ • Lines with Funding End Dates of 7/5/08 or earlier

  41. Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Before First Distribution This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 09-01.

  42. Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Before First Distribution ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/08 and earlier require your quick attention or your PCA will be charged. Displays EFPs in effect as of 7/5/08 Department ID – Department Name Empl IDs appear here Employee Names appear here ALERT! If Funding Level = DP (Department Level Profile), employee DOES NOT HAVE EFP in eUMB. Payroll-related expenses will be charged to the departmental PCA!

  43. Setting Up Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Used in First Distribution This report displays the “problem” EFPs in effect “as of” the last day of PP 09-01.

  44. Reviewing Funding Summary Report: Checking FY09 EFPs Used in First Distribution Example where no changes were made to FY09 EFPs Displays problem EFPs in effect as of PP 09-01 Department ID – Department Name Empl IDs appear here Employee Names appear here ALERT! Funding sources expiring 06/30/08 and earlier were changed to charge your PCA

  45. PCD vs. RAVEN • PCD By Pay Period = SPC by Pay Period Affected • PCD By Accounting Period = SPC by Pay Period Posted = RAVEN Ledger Inquiries • Note: Check cancellations/overpayments do not appear in PCD or SPC- only appear in RAVEN Ledger PCD = Payroll Charges Detail Report in HRMS SPC = Statement of Payroll Charges Inquiry in RAVEN

  46. Viewing RAVEN SPC • Since 09-01 spans two fiscal years need to use “Fiscal Year” field to segregate amounts on report • To view period 6/22-6/30: use pay period 09-01 and FY 2008 • To view period 7/1-7/5: use pay period 09-01 and FY 2009 • To view period 6/22-7/5: use pay period 09-01 and leave FY blank

  47. Viewing RAVEN SPC By entering the fiscal year, only amounts for 7/1/07-6/30/08 are displayed. If blank, the period 6/24/07-7/5/08 will be displayed.

  48. Questions? • Please contact FS-Payroll if you have questions regarding the rollover process • Phone: 6-1243 • E-mail: DL-BFPayrollHelp@af.umaryland.edu • Please contact Cost Analysis if you have questions regarding Direct Retros • Phone: 6-2987 • E-mail: effort@af.umaryland.edu

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