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Ming Jing Team W

Web Ontology Luanguage(OWL) guide. Ming Jing Team W. Tutorial Overview. • Order. - Introduction. - The Structure of Ontologies. - Basic Elements. • statement mode. - Concept and Standard. - Semantic Relationship Mechanism in OWL. - Code and simple ontologies given. Tutorial Outline.

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Ming Jing Team W

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web Ontology Luanguage(OWL) guide Ming Jing Team W

  2. Tutorial Overview • Order - Introduction - The Structure of Ontologies - Basic Elements • statement mode - Concept and Standard - Semantic Relationship Mechanism in OWL - Code and simple ontologies given

  3. Tutorial Outline • The idea and macroscopic view • Concept mentioned • Specific Syntax in used • Example to be analyzed

  4. What is RDFS's job ? ex:Tai Montain Semantic check exterms:LocatedInCountry ex:John 1.To provide a method to define Class which represents vocabulary in different domain 2.To define the properties of Classes

  5. What is OWL's job ? (OWL) intersection of several classes like "Building","Bridge",etc.. ex:Tai Montain intersectionOf (OWL) Define the inverse of a property exterms:LocatedInCountry (OWL) only Montain's LocatedInCountry property requires the range "Country" ,but other individul needn't to do so. such as "MontaiInTale" inverse of ex:John value constraint (RDFS)range: extension of the class "Country" Cardinality (OWL) has only one property value

  6. Sublanguages of OWL Expressive capabilities OWL Full SWRL OWL DL OWL Lite OWL Horst OWL DLP RDFS Rule Description Logic

  7. Reasoning Fragment in Description logic

  8. Reasoning Fragment in Description logic

  9. Tutorial Outline • The idea and macroscopic view • Concept mentioned • Specific Syntax in used • Example to be analyzed

  10. Concept mentioned in RDFS a category set representing a certain domain (instance of many classes are allowed) K E Y W O R D S Class relation between subject resource and object resource properties subclass inheritance the father-class inheritance properties from super-property subproperty domain a set which subject resource must belong to range a set which object resource must belong to super-class of all classes rdfd:Resource all class is the instance of rdfs:Class rdfs:Class

  11. Concept mentioned in OWL the set made up with all elements which are instances of a same class K E Y W O R D S Extension of class To define a class (six types) class description a class can not have some value when appends some properties value constraint cardinality the quality of elements in a set terminology for class, property, individual and restraint in a certain domain ontology The member of a class individual the class without any identifier, which can't be reused. Only use it to express a set anonymity class

  12. Important conception Ontology A simple Onlology

  13. Important conception Ontology General Formal Ontology taxonomy tree

  14. Important conception Ontology Concept map Water and Its Patterns on Earth's Surface

  15. Hand-Introduction for details exclude syntax Data Type Three standards are available in OWL. "rdf:dataType","rdfs:Literal","owl:oneOF" Annotation Five properties are available to make an annotation owl:versionInfo, rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, rdfs:seeAlso, rdfs:isDefinedBy Version Infomation Use owl:versionInfo (+String) or owl:priorVersion Note that: owl:versionInfo is instance of owl:AnnotationProperty Header in Ontology olw:Ontologe Import ontology

  16. Tutorial Outline • The idea and macroscopic view • Concept mentioned • Specific Syntax in used • Example to be analyzed

  17. Language/syntax Class Description Class Class Axiom RDFS constructor relation with other properties Properties Global constraint for cardinality of properties logical characteristic of properties members of class and properties' value Individual individual identity

  18. Abstract of Language 1-Simple Description 2-Enumeration ELEs 3-Restrain properties 4-multiple union sets 5-multiple complement 6-multiple intersection Class Description Class Class Axiom RDFS constructor relation with other properties Properties Global constraint for cardinality of properties logical characteristic of properties members of class and properties' value Individual rdfs:subClassOf owl:equivalentClass owl:disJointWith Note that: Method In gray is Not uesd in OWL Lite individual identity

  19. Language/syntax rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:domain rdfs:range Class Description Class owl:equivalentProperty owl:inverseOf Class Axiom RDFS constructor owl:FunctionalProperty owl:InverseFunctionalProperty relation with other properties Properties Global constraint for cardinality of properties logical characteristic of properties owl:ObjectProperty owl:DatatypeProperty members of class and properties' value owl:TransitiveProperty owl:SymmetricProperty Individual Note that: Method In gray is Not uesd in OWL Lite individual identity

  20. Language/syntax Class Description Tools owl:Thing owl:Noting Class Class Axiom RDFS constructor relation with other properties Properties Global constraint for cardinality of properties owl:sameAS owl:differentFrome owl:AllDiefferent logical characteristic of properties members of class and properties' value Individual Note that: Method In gray is Not uesd in OWL Lite individual identity

  21. Tutorial Outline • The idea and macroscopic view • Concept mentioned • Specific Syntax in used • Example to be analyzed

  22. Example to be analyzed 1 2

  23. Example to be analyzed 3 4

  24. Q&A and Discussion TIME

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