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vendetta. vendetta. an often-prolonged series of hostile acts; vengeful. cajoling. cajoling. to persuade with flattery, coax to deceive with false promises or soothing words. squander. squander. to spend extravagantly or lose through negligence. paradox. paradox.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. vendetta

  2. vendetta • an often-prolonged series of hostile acts; vengeful

  3. cajoling

  4. cajoling • to persuade with flattery, coax to deceive with false promises or soothing words

  5. squander

  6. squander • to spend extravagantly or lose through negligence

  7. paradox

  8. paradox • a statement that is contradictory or opposed to common sense yet perhaps true

  9. pandemonium

  10. pandemonium • a wild uproar

  11. megalomania

  12. megalomania • a delusional mental disorder that is marked by a feeling of personal grandeur (they think they are awesome)

  13. fortuitous

  14. fortuitous • occurring by chance, coming or happening by lucky chance

  15. epitome

  16. epitome • a typical or ideal example

  17. cataclysmic

  18. cataclysmic • A momentous and violent event marked by overwhelming upheaval

  19. caliber

  20. caliber • A degree of mental capacity or moral quality, degree of excellence or importance

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