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A man is always identified by his personality. It is the public image of what a person is, how he is perceived in society.Personality development takes place in a person right from his or her childhood as we grow. i.e. through ID, LIBIDO, EGO

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    1. PERSONALITY Personality comes from the Latin word persona meaning to speak through. In common parlance, the Word Personality refers to the role a person is playing in public.

    2. A man is always identified by his personality. It is the public image of what a person is, how he is perceived in society. Personality development takes place in a person right from his or her childhood as we grow. i.e. through ID, LIBIDO, EGO & SELF EGO.


    4. DEFINITIONS SALVATORE MADDI Personality is a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those commonalities and differences in the psychological behaviour (thoughts, feelings, and actions) of people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment.

    5. STEPHEN ROBBINS Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. R.T.HOGAN Personality refers to the relatively stable pattern of behaviours and consistent internal states that explain a a persons behaviour tendencies.

    6. We at times mistake it for physical appearance, dress sense and looks. It is the totality of a person and merely the eternal looks, but character, behavioural traits, and attitude towards life. Personality can be changed/ improved to become successful in life.

    7. ELEMENTS OF PERSONALITY Personality has both internal and external elements. INTERNAL - thoughts, values, genetic tendencies. EXTERNAL sociability, body, actions

    8. ELEMENTS OF PERSONALITY. An individuals personality is relatively stable. But, can change after a long time or as a result of traumatic events. An individuals personality is both inherited (genetically) as well as shaped by the environment. Every individual is unique in behaviour. We can see striking differences.

    9. Thus, Personality refers to the sum total of internal and external traits of an individual, which are relatively stable and which make the individual different from others. Things are the way you think they are, because you think they are that way. Anonymous


    11. 1.TYPE THEORY Here, people are grouped into identifiable categories/types. KRETSCHMER & SHELDON proposed these theories. E.g. characteristics/features personality Short. Plump person sociable, relaxed and tempered Tall, thin person restrained, self conscious, introvert Heavy built, noisy, callous, mascular person cruel/insensitive/ bully, fond of physical activities.

    12. 2.TRAIT FACTOR THEORY Acc. to this theory an individual persons personality is made up of definite predispositional attributes called traits. These traits differentiate one from the other. This theory is based on three assumptions viz.. A) Traits though common to many individuals may vary in absolute terms between people. B) Traits are usually stable and have fairly universal effects on behaviour. C) It is possible to infer (work out) about traits measuring behavioural indicators.

    13. There are two trait theories developed by Allport and Cattell. Allport has identified six categories (six common traits ) i.e. religious, social, economic, political, aesthetic and theoretical to compare people. He also referred to certain personal dispositions as cardinal (most pervasive), central (unique but limited in number) and secondary (peripheral).

    14. Raymond Cattell developed similar set of traits identifying them into two categories as surface traits and source traits. He enumerated thirty five surface traits as wise foolish, affectionate cold etc. He identified twelve source traits as affectothymia (good nature and trustworthy) versus sizothymia (critical and suspicious), ego strength (mature and realistic) versus neuroticism (immature and evasive) and so on.

    15. 3. PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY Sigmund Freud developed this theory, Later Carl Jung, Alfred Adler and others contributed to it. Freud saw that personality as composed of three elements viz.. Id, ego and superego. Id is the mental agency containing everything inherited, present at birth and fix in the persons constitution, especially instincts. And this refers to the needs of hunger, thirst and sex which is derived through the libido (animal drives).

    16. Ego is the conscious and logical part of the human beings. It works on the principle of reality (hunger not satisfied by glasses) and develops out of the id. Superego is the third part of personality puts on the ethical (values and morals) constraints on the behaviour. It judges whether an action is right or wrong according to the standards of society.

    17. 4. SOCIO PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY It deals with the interdependence of the individual and society. Individual and society influence one another and so we can say that personality of a person is determined from this interaction. Karen Horney, Adler, Fromm and Sullivan are associated with this theory. This is a combination of sociological and psychological aspects.

    18. 5. SELF THEORY Abraham Maslow, Herzberg, Kurt Lewin, Carl Rogers and others are associated with this theory. Rogers defined the self concept as an organised, consistent and conceptual thinking comprising of perceptions in the form of I or me.

    19. Acc. To Rogers self concept includes four factors viz. i) Self image - I look smart. All are after me. ii) Ideal self - I should be like this. iii) Looking glass Self - I am smart. I could be a hero if I have or if I slim down & so forth. iv) Real self - What I am, I am. I can win a prize, can act, can do it easily etc.

    20. TYPES OF PERSONALITIES 1. SANGUINE -Highly cautious, logical, demonstrative. Happy go lucky person, highly interactive, helpful, 2. CHOLERIC - highly intelligent, but unbalanced and temperamental, reserved, selfish,

    21. 3. PHLEGMATIC -lethargic, cool, serene, stable, dull, unemotional, 4. MELONCHOLIC -depressed, introvert, shy, lonely, in ones own world,

    22. A MOTIVATED PERSON Reflect enthusiasm and speaks about future with hope and expectations. He is full of zest for life. One always enjoys the company of such persons. He looks smart and has a appealing personality. Right from clothes, hair and shoes, he cares for himself. He makes an immediate impression about who he is. The face always wears a smile, eyes sparkle and facial expressions are positive. He is bubbling with enthusiasm.

    23. DEMOTIVATED PERSON He is careless about clothes, hair and shoes. His face communicates lack of interest in the work or inn people. He avoids looking at you directly. Even if he looks at you, his face is expressionless. The condition of his workplace/ work bag or detailing folder is extremely poor. He walks as if he is dragging his body.

    24. People prefer to follow those who help them, not those who intimidate them. C. Gene Wilkes. To handle yourself , use your head. To handle others, use your heart.. Donald Laird. In motivating people , youve got to engage their minds and their hearts. Rupert murdoch. Praise in public and criticise in private. Managers help people to see themselves as they are. Leaders help people to see themselves better than they are. Jim Rohn.

    25. 5 BIG TRAITS 1.SOCIABILITY (EXTROVERSION) - energetic, self dramatising = introvert, shy/timid, quiet 2.ADJUSTMENT -Refers to emotional stability of a person -stable, confident, effective, calm and secure = anxiety, nervous, self doubting, moody

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