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Senses Review

Senses Review . By Jasmine Luck, Brianna Hebert, Nicole Hickman, Molly Spitters , Ashkan Shahbandi Per. 3. Sensation - A feeling that occurs when brain becomes aware of sensory impulse Perception - A person’s view of the stimulus; the way the brain interprets the information

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Senses Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Senses Review By Jasmine Luck, Brianna Hebert, Nicole Hickman, Molly Spitters, AshkanShahbandi Per. 3

  2. Sensation- A feeling that occurs when brain becomes aware of sensory impulse Perception- A person’s view of the stimulus; the way the brain interprets the information Projection- Process in which the brain projects the sensation back to the apparent source Sensory adaptation- ability to ignore unimportant stimulus Chemoreceptors- respond to changes in chemical concentrations Pain receptors- (nociceptors) respond to tissue damage Thermoreceptors- respond to changes in temperature Mechanoreceptors- respond to mechanical forces Photoreceptors- respond to light

  3. General senses: Joint, muscle, skin, visceral senses. • Three groups: exteroceptive(body surface senses), visceroreceptive (changes in viscera), and proprioceptive (muscle/tendon changes) • Touch and Pressure Senses: Free nerve endings (sense itching), Meissner’s corpuscles (fine touch), and Pacinian corpuscles (heavy pressure and vibrations) • Warm recepetors(sensitive above 25⁰C, unresponsive above 45 ⁰C) • Cold receptors (sensitive between 10⁰C and 20⁰C) • Pain receptors(respond below 10⁰C and above 45⁰C) • Visceral Pain is “referred pain” • Acute pain fibers (A-delta fibers) • Chronic pain fibers (C fibers)

  4. Olfactory System: • Pathway: Olfactory nerves -> olfactory bulbs -> olfactory tracts -> limbic system -> olfactory cortex • Olfactory code: a hypothesis about how certain odors stimulate a set of receptor cells and its associated receptor cells and proteins.

  5. Sense of Taste • Taste Buds: located on papillae of tongue, roof of mouth, linings of cheeks, walls of pharnx • Taste receptors: Taste cells (chemoreceptors)+Taste hairs (microvilli that protrude from taste cells) • Primary taste sensations: sweet, sour, salty, bitter (spicy activates pain and sour receptors) • Cranial nerves=>medulla oblangata=>thalamus=>gustatory cortex

  6. Hearing • External ear: auricle, external auditory meatus, tympanic membrane • Middle ear: tympanic cavity, auditory ossicles, oval window • Auditory tube: eustachian tube connects middle ear to throat (maintain equal pressure on both sides of tymp. membrane) • Inner ear: osseous (perilymph)+membranous (endolymph) labyrinth; cochlea, semiciruclar canals, vestibule • Cochlea composed of scalavestibuli + tympani, cochlear duct, vestibular membrane, basilar membrane • Organ of Corti: hair cells on surface of basilar membrane, different frequencies of vibration move different parts of membrane

  7. Equlibrium Static Equilibrium: Vestibule (utricle, saccule, macula); sense position of head when body is not moving Dynamic Equilibrium: semicircular canals (ampulla, crista ampullaris); sense rotation and movement of head and body

  8. Visual • Eyelid: papebra(skin, muscle, connective tissue, conjunctiva), orbicularis oculi (closes), levatorpalperbraesuperioris (opens), conjunctiva (mucous membrane) • Lacrimal Apparatus (lacrimal gland => canaliculi => lacrimal sac => nasolacrimal duct) • Extrinsic eye muscles (superior rectus rotates up+medially, inferior rectus rotates down+medially, medial rectus rotates medially, lateral rectus rotates laterally, superior oblique rotates down+laterally, inferior oblique rotates up+laterally)

  9. Visual Cont. • Outer tunic: cornea (light refraction), sclera (protection) • Middle tunic: iris (controls light intensity), ciliary body (holds+moves lens), choroid coat (vascular region) • Anterior portion of eye filled with aqueous humor • Lens: transparent, biconvex, lies behind iris • Accommodation: changing lens shape to view objects • Pupil: hole in iris • Inner tunic: retina (visual receptors), macula lutea (yellowish spot in retina), fovea centralis (sharpest vision), optic disk (blind spot), vitreous humor in posterior cavity (thick gel holds retina against choroid coat) • Vision: cornea=>aqueous humor=>lens=>vitreous humor=>retinal layers=>photoreceptor cells

  10. Visual Cont. • Retinal neurons: Receptor cells, bipolar cells, and ganglion cells (provide pathway for impulses) • Horizontal cells and amacrine cells (modify impulses) • Refraction: bending of light • Convex causes convergence (hyperopia), concave causes divergence (myopia) • Rods (more sensitive, colorless vision, dark+dim light, blurry), cones (colored vision, sharp) • Rods: rhodopsin • Cones: erythrolabe (red), chlorolabe (green), cyanolabe (blue) • Stereoscopic vision: perception of distance+depth

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