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What is a blog?

What is a blog?

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What is a blog?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is a blog? "A blog is a personal website that contains content organized like a journal or a diary. Each entry is dated, and the entries are displayed on the web page in reverse chronological order, so that the most recent entry is posted at the top. Readers catch up with blogs by starting at the top and reading down until they encounter material they’ve already read. "

  2. What is the difference between a blog and a website? Many students and some teachers still can not draw a clear border between a blog and a website. Yes a blog is, in effect, a kind of a website organized by time and is the equivalent of a diary.It is like a digital magazine fuelled by fresh content to engage audience . The idea of content refreshment is in fact one of the major differences that sets a blog from a website. The content of a website remains mostly the same. Though the webmaster could add additional pages to the website to increase the content, but the order by which the information is presented could not be later changed.. In blogs, there are posts, like the one you are reading now. Each post has its static page ( its own URL ), but the main page of the blog is dedicated to the series of later posts in reverse-chronological ( latest to oldest ) order. As for form, a blog has certain characteristics that a website does not such as : short posts, follower widgets, and commenting system . However, as a teacher here is what you need to keep in mind about a blog : • A blog is a form of a website. • A blog is updated more often than a website. • A blog’s articles appear in reverse-chronological order. • A blog is frequently crawled by search engines. • A blog covers a wide variety of articles. • A blog is easily set up.

  3. Blogs vs. Websites

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