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VA/U.S. History

VA/U.S. History. Chapter 1, section 3. The World of the West Africans. Forest kingdoms of West Africa were complex and wealthy cultures West Africa had an extensive trading system extending from Guinea to North Africa

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VA/U.S. History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VA/U.S. History Chapter 1, section 3

  2. The World of the West Africans • Forest kingdoms of West Africa were complex and wealthy cultures • West Africa had an extensive trading system extending from Guinea to North Africa • The Songhai Empire interacted with other lands through trade and participation in Islamic culture

  3. What/who/where am I? • Lineage • Koran • Askia Muhammad • Guinea • Benin • Songhai

  4. The first interactions between European and African cultures came in the 1400’s along the coast of West Africa. These would lead to later interactions in the Americas. At the time, the great kingdoms of West Africa had prosperous, complex cultures.

  5. What was the forest kingdom of Benin like?

  6. What areas did it cover?

  7. What type of society flourished there?

  8. What were their religious beliefs?

  9. What made the Songhai empire so great?

  10. How was trading accomplished between the kingdoms?

  11. What type of government was set up by the Songhai?

  12. How did Islam gain a foothold in Africa?

  13. What were the origins of slavery in Africa?

  14. Why did Africans enslave one another?

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