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Motivation1.com. paulclayton@earthlink.net Newsletters Presentations Book: Developing the Power Within. How do we get motivation?. Motivation takes place with the perception of control. . Avoid the Words “have to” . You have a Choice – when talking to others.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motivation1.com paulclayton@earthlink.net Newsletters Presentations Book: Developing the Power Within

  2. How do we get motivation? Motivation takes place with the perception of control.

  3. Avoid the Words “have to” • You have a Choice – when talking to others. • It would be in my best interest – when dealing with yourself.

  4. Motivation • Situation + I am in Control = Internal Motivation • Employed + I am not doing well on this job; I am confused about what they want; the boss doesn’t like me, etc.

  5. Hope Is the energizer of motivation. Hope keeps you looking for a job even when things get bad.

  6. Computer’s Operating System Lets the computer know how to interpret the hardware and the software.

  7. In early childhood we make a Pre-cognitive commitment

  8. How and When do we program our operating system? Why are some people more successful than others?

  9. How We Form Our Operating System At the birth itself? Between birth and 7 years?

  10. Conscious Mind Sub Conscious Mind EGO What we are forming in our early years.

  11. Y Generation Baby Boomers Traditionalist X Generation Created from historical influences

  12. The Creation of the EGO • EGO mind is composed of two parts – Data and Function. • Data: Who I think I am, My Story, My Role, My Beliefs. • Function: To identify with things. EGO seeks something to identify with as a child identifies with a toy or pet.

  13. The Creation of the EGO • The chatter reinforces that sense. • Repeating stories over and over. • Fighting in our head. • We start identifying with who we are. • We Start Developing Our Story – we become our history. • We begin to identify with things. • We begin to identify with beliefs.

  14. Pre-cognitive commitments are similar to the training of an Elephant What the Elephant Knows Keeps it Imprisoned

  15. What I know about myself keeps me where I am The Known Imprisons. The Unknown Frees.

  16. What was your programming about people places and things?

  17. Stress Stress is in the mind of the beholder. Stress is not what you are doing but what you are saying is happening.

  18. Negative Thoughts About HAPPINESS • You can’t be happy all of the time. • There is something wrong with people who are happy all of the time.

  19. The Software of the Mind / EGO Things you should know in order to take your life back and make your life easier.

  20. The EGO is never satisfied. • The EGO always wants more bigger and better and can never be satisfied.

  21. We only understand positive statements. Avoid using the words DON’T NOT

  22. The Mind Can Make Things Disappear: The mind will exclude items from reality if programmed to do so.

  23. Our mind will answer all questions. Avoid using questions that begin with WHY. Begin questions with WHERE, WHAT, HOW…

  24. The mind will reject forever. Look at things as temporary. One day at a time.

  25. The Mind can not tell the difference between real and imagined When we worry about something, it creates the same energy as if it actually happened. Worry is a wasted energy that keeps us in our operating system.

  26. The mind believes all you say. • The EGO like to label • Anything you say about yourself becomes true. • Repeating your negative statements keep you where you are.

  27. The mind only understands the present moment. • Talk as if it were already complete. • I am a winner. • I am wealthy. • I am always on time.

  28. The mind must believe. • The mind needs to believe that what you want is possible. • Act as if it were true. • Fake it till you make it.

  29. Whatever the Mind Focuses on Expands. The mind focuses on our energy and our energy expands. Focus on what you have - not what you don’t have.

  30. The mind and the body are connected. When one is out of sync it affects the other.

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