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PRESENTATION ON MIS PHED ASSAM Presented by -- NIC, Assam State Centre,. Modules of MIS-PHED Assam.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESENTATION ON MIS PHED ASSAM Presented by -- NIC, Assam State Centre,

  2. Modules of MIS-PHED Assam • Personnel & Payroll System • Procurement Management System • Complain Monitoring System • Water Analysis System • Litigation Management System • Scheme & Programme Management System • Material & Store Management System • Deposit Works Accounting System • Mechanical & Equipment Management System • Water Source Management System • Asset Management System • Habitation Survey Status • Planning & Monitoring System • Natural Calamity and Disaster

  3. 1.Personnel & Payroll System 1.1 Master Entry Forms 1.1.1 Zone 1.1.2 Circle 1.1.3 Division 1.1.4 Subdivision 1.1.5 Bank 1.1.6 Bank Branch 1.1.7 Treasury 1.1.8 DDO 1.1.9 Qualification 1.1.10 Designation 1.1.11 Training 1.1.12 Budget Allocation 1.1.13 Place 1.1.14 Pay Group

  4. 1.Personnel & Payroll System 1.2 Personnel Information 1.2.1 Employee General Information 1.2.2 Employee Detail Information Family Detail Qualification Detail Nominee Detail LTC Detail LTC Family Member Detail Transfer Detail Promotion Detail Employee Training Participation Detail

  5. 1.Personnel & Payroll System 1.3 Leave 1.3.1 Leave Master 1.3.2 Employee Leave Master 1.3.3 Employee Leave Entry 1.4 Loan 1.4.1 Loan Sanction 1.4.2 Loan Recovery

  6. 1.Personnel & Payroll System 1.5 Payroll System 1.5.1 Employee Current Pay Profile 1.5.2 Employee Pay Adjustment 1.5.3 Income Tax 1.5.4 Post Detail entry 1.5.5 Monthly Pay Process 1.6 Confidential Report Entry 1.6.1 ACR for Technical & Non-Technical Stuff 1.6.2 Confidential Report AE to SE 1.7 Pension Register

  7. 1.Personnel & Payroll System 1.8 PIS Reports 1.8.1. Employee List 1.8.2 Employee Leave Report 1.8.3 Employee Leave Detail Report 1.8.4 ACR Status 1.8.5 Confidential Report Status 1.9 Payroll Reports 1.9.1 Monthly Establishment Bill Generation 1.9.2 Monthly Pay slip Generation

  8. 2. Procurement Management System 2.1 Master Entry Forms 2.1.1 Class 2.1.2 Item 2.1.3 Manufacture 2.1.4 Programme 2.2 Registration for Contractor and Supplier 2.3 Issue Tender 2.4 Notice Inviting Quotation 2.5 Supplier Order List 2.6 Supplier Order For Reserved Item 2.7 Data Entry for Compare Chart 2.8 Prepare Technical Observation Sheet 2.9 Report 2.9.1 Generate Compare Statement 2.9.2 Generate Technical Observation Sheet

  9. 3.Complain Monitoring System 3.1 Master Entry Forms 3.1.1 Subject Master 3.2 Complain Register 3.3 Action on Complain 3.4 Complain Status 3.5 Reports 3.5.1 Monthly Abstract 3.5.2 Monthly Grievance

  10. 4.Water Analysis System 4.1 Master Entry Form 4.1.1 Equipment 4.1.2 Laboratory 4.1.3 Scheme Master 4.2 Field Water Test Entry 4.3 Action Taken 4.4 Reports 4.4.1 Chemical Test Report 4.4.2 Bacteriological Report 4.4.3 Monthly Test Abstract Report

  11. 5.Litigation Management System 5.1 Court Case Detail Entry 5.2 Action Taken Entry 5.3 Court Case Detail Report

  12. 6.Scheme & Programme Management System 6.1 Master Entry Form 6.1.1 Scheme Master 6.3 Scheme Entry 6.3.1 Entry For PWSS 6.3.2 Entry For Spot Source 6.3.4 Entry for Augmentation/Strengthening of Scheme 6.3.5 Physical Progress 6.3.6 Financial Progress 6.3.7 O& M Entry 6.4 Reports 6.4.1 Monthly Progress Report

  13. 7.Material & Store Management System 7.1 Master Entry Form 7.1.1 Stock Master 7.1.2 Material Master 7.2 Material Challan Store Indent 7.3 Maintain GRS 7.4 Issue Material 7.5 Bin Card Entry 7.6 Reports View Different Stock Position Generate Good Received Sheet View Monthly Receive Material View Monthly Issue Material

  14. 8.Deposit Works Accounting System 8.1 Cash Book Entry 8.2 Suspense Register Entry 8.3 Receipt Form Entry 8.4 Reports 8.4.1 Generate Cash Book Register 8.4.2 Generate Suspense Register

  15. 9.Mechanical & Equipment Management System 9.1 Master Entry Form 9.1.1 Section Master 9.1.2 Site Master 9.1.3 Material Master 9.1.4 Article Master 9.1.5 Machine Master 9.2 Make GRS 9.3 Maintain Store Indent 9.4 T&P Received Sheet 9.5 T&P Ledger (Article in Hand) 9.6 T&P Ledger (SAA) 9.7 Maintain Ledger Works 9.8 Maintain T&P Detail 9.9 Monthly Equipment Account 9.10 T&P Indent

  16. 9.Mechanical & Equipment Management System 9.11 Pump & Motor Repair 9.11.1 Add Repair Works 9.11.2 Issue Item to repair works 9.12 Reports 9.12.1 T&P Receive Sheet 9.12.2 T&P Ledger (Article in Hand) 9.12.3 T&P Ledger (SAA) 9.12.4 Monthly Equipment Account 9.12.5 T&P Indent

  17. 10.Water Source Management System 10.1 Add Water Resource Detail 10.2 Modify Water Resource Detail 10.3 View Water Resource Detail 10.4 Data Entry for Water Source 10.5 Report 10.5.1 Water Source Report

  18. 11.Asset Management System 11.1 Master Entry Form 11.1.1 Item Master 11.2 Asset Information Detail 11.3 Land Information Detail 11.4 Building/Quarter Allotment Information 11.5 Rented House Detail 11.6 Reports 11.6.1 Rented House Detail 11.6.2 Land Details 11.6.3 Quarter Allotment Details

  19. 12.Habitation Survey Status 12.1 Master Entry Form 12.1.1 District Master 12.1.2 Block Master 12.1.3 Panchayat Master 12.1.4 Village Master 12.1.5 Habitation Master 12.1.6 Assembly Master 12.1.7 Parliament Master 12.1.8 School Master

  20. 12.Habitation Survey Status 12.2 Prepare Survey Report 12.3 WSS Report School 12.4 Maintain WS Detail 12.5 Maintain Sanitation Detail 12.6 Maintain On Going Scheme Detail 12.7 Habitation Survey Report

  21. 13.Planning & Monitoring System 13.1 Fund Details Entry 13.2 Fund Requirement Entry 13.3 Position Entry For PWSS 13.4 Position Entry For Spot Source 13.5 Progress Report 13.5.1 Monthly Progress 13.5.2 Quarterly Progress 13.5.3 Yearly Progress 13.6 Other Report 13.6.1 Position for Spot Source 13.6.2 Position for PWSS

  22. 14.Natural Calamity and Disaster 14.1 Data Entry Form 14.2 Report Generation

  23. Prerequisite for implementation • Computer system (Desk top). • Printers . • Internet connectivity to Computers. • Uninterrupted Power Supply. • Data entry operators with proper training on MIS data entry • Last but not the list regular data supply for entry and Monitoring .

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