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Lepton Number

t -  m - n m n t. n  p e - n e. t -decays:. Lepton Number. L i = Σ # Leptons Gen i – # Antileptons Gen i. conserved in the Standard Model. today: many examples. Wolfgang Pauli. n t. n m. Neutrino Oscillations. neutrino oscillations violate lepton number !. annihilation.

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Lepton Number

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Presentation Transcript

  1. t-  m- nm nt npe- ne t-decays: Lepton Number Li = Σ # LeptonsGen i – # AntileptonsGen i conserved in the Standard Model today: many examples Wolfgang Pauli

  2. nt nm Neutrino Oscillations neutrino oscillations violate lepton number !

  3. annihilation nm nt Leptonic tau-Decay nt t- nm W- m- t-  m- forbidden: nm nt

  4. neutrino oscillation nm Leptonic tau-Decay nt t- nm W- m- t-  m- forbidden: nm nt but: energy/momentum conservation

  5. neutrino oscillation nm g LFV-Decay possible decay nt t- nm W- m- t-  m- g forbidden: nm nt but: energy/momentum conservation

  6. LFV-Decay possible decays nt t- nm m- W- g/Z m+ m- t-  m- m+ m-

  7. LFV-Decay possible decays nt r0 Z t- nm W- m- t-  m- r0

  8. neutrino oscillation nm g GIM-Mechanism nt t- nm W- m- t-  m- g

  9. g GIM-Mechanism ni t- Uti W- Umi m- t-  m- g

  10. The Paper of X.-Y. Pham Euro Phys J C8 (1999) 513, hep-ph/9810484 for discussion see Tord Riemanns home-page http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~riemann/

  11. Beyond the S.M. new physics breaks GIM

  12. mg mmm SUSY SO(10) NPB649(2003)189 PRD68(2003)033012 10-8 10-10 SUSY HIGGS PLB549(2002)159 PLB566(2003)217 10-10 10-7 mSUGRA EPJC14(2000)319 PRD66(2002)115013 10-7 10-9 non-universal Z´ PLB547(2002)252 10-9 10-8 Heavy Maj. NRPRD66(2002)034008 10-9 10-10 Some theoretical estimates Beyond the S.M. new physics breaks GIM

  13. Experimental Searches

  14. LVF @ b-factories currently best limits ! BaBar approaching 109t-pairs t-  m- g Belle 2004: < 3.1 10-7 BaBar 2005: < 6.8 10-8

  15. LVF @ b-factories currently best limits ! BaBar approaching 109t-pairs prel. ’03 final ‘05 t-  m- g • (r/e-tag) 5.2 % 3.8 % • (total) 9.4 % exp. BGD (r/e) 7.8 ev. 2.8 ev. (total) 6.2 ev. limit (10-8) < 200 < 6.8 Belle 2004: < 3.1 10-7 BaBar 2005: < 6.8 10-8 b-factories reaching the limits at x 10-8

  16. LVF @ LHC t sources at the LHC: 1 year running low luminosity p p  W  t nt p p  Z/g  t t p p  B0  t X p p  B±  t X p p  Bs  t X p p  Ds  t X 1.7 108 8.0 108 4.0 1011 3.8 1011 7.9 1011 1.5 1012 plenty of taus ! no chance to see t- m- g

  17. LVF @ LHC  Tryt-  m- m+ m- Simulation with underlying event low luminosity

  18. LVF @ LHC Source: W  t nt Trigger: Single-Muon L1: pT > 14 GeV HLT:pT > 19 GeV Trigger: Di-Muon L1: pT > 3 GeV HLT:pT > 7 GeV Looks okay 1.7 108t per year

  19. LVF @ LHC DS - Source Trigger: Single-Muon L1: pT > 14 GeV HLT:pT > 19 GeV Trigger: Di-Muon L1: pT > 3 GeV HLT:pT > 7 GeV Trigger-Eff. only 1% 1.5 1012t per year

  20. LVF @ LHC Background Problem with DS source DS F m nm 1 % br. F  m m (g) 10-5br. Does anybody know of a generator for this process ?

  21. LVF Z-Decays m+ g/Z nt m- t- nm m- W- t-  m- m+ m-

  22. LVF Z-Decays m- g/Z m+ nt t- nm m- W- m- m+ t- m-

  23. LVF Z-Decays m- g/Z m+ nt nm m- m- m+ m- t+ t+

  24. LVF Z-Decays p g/Z p nt nm m- p p  Zm- t+ t+

  25. LVF Z-Decays m- nm p g/Z W p nt t+ p p  Zm- t+

  26. Summary

  27. Conclusions LFV tau-decays  Interesting search for physics beyond the S.M. (SUSY and others ) b-factories will approach 10-8 Can we improve a few channels at LHC ? Also look for LVF in Z-decays at LHC !

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