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ISO 25964 - the new standard for thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies

Overview. What is ISO 25964? Outline of Part 1Outline of Part 2More detail on some of the issues dealt with in the standardComment on the need for a standard. What is ISO 25964?. ISO 25964: Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies Part 1: Thesauri for information retrievalPart 2:

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ISO 25964 - the new standard for thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies

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Presentation Transcript

    1. ISO 25964 - the new standard for thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies Stella G Dextre Clarke Project Leader, ISO NP 25964

    2. Overview What is ISO 25964? Outline of Part 1 Outline of Part 2 More detail on some of the issues dealt with in the standard Comment on the need for a standard

    3. What is ISO 25964? ISO 25964: Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval Part 2: Interoperability with other vocabularies It updates ISO 2788 and ISO 5964, with some input from BS 8723 Information retrieval (indexing/searching) is the overall context Part 1 covers monolingual and multilingual thesauri (= ISO 2788 + ISO 5964) Part 2 covers mapping between thesauri and other types of vocabulary

    4. What distinguishes ISO 25964-1 from ISO 2788/5964? Clearer differentiation between terms and concepts Clearer guidance on applying facet analysis to thesauri Some changes to the rules for compound terms More guidance on managing thesaurus development and maintenance Requirements for software to manage thesauri Data model and XML schema for data exchange General overhaul in all areas, e.g. sweeping update of multilingual examples

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