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The preparation leading up to Captains Mast is referred to as…

The preparation leading up to Captains Mast is referred to as….

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The preparation leading up to Captains Mast is referred to as…

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  1. The preparation leading up to Captains Mast is referred to as…

    Before any case is heard at Mast the Executive Officer will typically assign a Preliminary Investigating Officer to conduct the “Preliminary Inquiry”. This officer or Chief Petty Officer’s job is to see if there are any extenuating circumstances that might explain why things happened. The investigating officer will then report back to the XO the findings of the investigation. If there is not enough evidence for a court martial, the XO will schedule Mast.
  2. Investigating officers are usually assigned by the The Executive Officer will assign PIO’s.
  3. Who may place naval personnel on report for disciplinary infractions? The Navy will trust anyone over E-3. Any petty officer or above.
  4. For minor first offenses it is wise for seniors to This situation presents the CO with a unique opportunity to show that he/she is not only serious about discipline but also recognizes the need for quality people. Discipline should be immediate but result in only a reprimand or some other light sentence.
  5. Under what circumstances can NJP authority be delegated? First NJP stands for “non-judicial punishment”. In order for a Commanding Officer to delegate NJP authority that person must either wear a star (Flag or General) or be the CO of a naval station.
  6. Who is assigned to look for mitigating circumstances prior to mast? The “investigating officer”
  7. What is the name of the form used to report a breach of discipline afloat or ashore? The report and disposition of offenses slip is used. This form not only lists the infraction and circumstances but also the disposition (result) of the case. There are different section to the sheet as well. The specifications section lists the specifics of the case while the charge portion lists the article of the UCMJ that has been broken.
  8. What officer usually conducts a preliminary mast screening? Prior to Captains Mast the accused will first go see the XO for Executive Officer’s Inquiry or XOI. In this question “preliminary mast” is referring to XOI.
  9. What officer may impose NJP for minor offenses? Only the Commanding Officer may impose punishment during NJP which is also called “Captains Mast”. The CO holds judgment over all enlisted personnel and junior officers in the command.
  10. What is considered the cornerstone of the whole structure of naval justice and discipline? Over 95% of all discipline is handled at Captain’s Mast
  11. Punishments that the CO may award at Captains Mast include… Reduction in rank (bust) ½ months pay for 3 months Restriction for up to 45 days
  12. What is naval justice NOT based on? Naval justice is NOT based on fear but rather the goal is to impart fairness and a trust between command and personnel.
  13. Officers may be placed “In Hack” by the CO which means that he/she is basically “under arrest” in quarters. Actually putting someone in the brig (jail) is called confinement and must be done with verbal or written orders. If put on “restriction” a sailor is still required to go to his appointed duty station.
  14. There are three levels of courts martial; summary, special and general. A summary is conducted by a Leuitenant or above, a special has only a military judge and a general court martial is conducted with a full judge and jury. In order to get a conviction in a general court martial you need a 2/3 majority.
  15. Court Martial Punishments Summary can take away a bit more money than Captains Mast and restrict sailors up to 60 days. Special can award up to the big chicken dinner or Bad Conduct Discharge Only a general court martial can award a Dishonorable Discharge
  16. A civilian can be tried by a military court martial if martial law has been declared Any General or Flag officer or above can convene a general court martial. The military “supreme court” is the Miltary Court of Appeals
  17. If arrested by civilian authorities a sailor must make every attempt to contact his/her commanding officer It takes a minimum of 6 members to hold a general court martial A terrorism conviction is NOT reviewable Taking a person into custody is called apprehension, only after a person is charged is it an arrest.
  18. A pre-emptory challenge is used so that the president of the court can have someone removed. The computer has this wrong! A Commanding Officer DOES have the authority to dismiss a case at Captains Mast. The computer says that it is false so put false. Only enlisted members are assigned to go to a summary court martial.
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