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Root directory

Root directory. In computer file systems, the  root directory  is the first or top-most directory in a hierarchy. It can be likened to the root of a tree — the starting point where all branches originate. /root.

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Root directory

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Root directory • In computer file systems, the root directory is the first or top-most directory in a hierarchy. It can be likened to the root of a tree — the starting point where all branches originate.

  2. /root The home directory for the superuser "root" - that is, the system administrator. This account's home directory is usually on the initial filesystem, and hence not in /home (which may be a mount point for another filesystem) in case specific maintenance needs to be performed, during which other filesystems are not available. Such a case could occur, for example, if a hard disk drive suffers physical failures and cannot be properly mounted.

  3. . Confusingly, /root is not a root directory,but rather the home directory of the superuser (conventionally known as "root"). It is sometimes referred to as "slash root"

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