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LITERARY ELEMENTS. Why is the use poetic devices an essential part of writing and experience poetry?. Paradox. Contradictory statement that may actually be true. Paradox is similar to oxymoron in that both figures of speech use contradictions to state a truth.

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  1. LITERARY ELEMENTS Why is the use poetic devices an essential part of writing and experience poetry?

  2. Paradox • Contradictory statement that may actually be true. Paradox is similar to oxymoron in that both figures of speech use contradictions to state a truth. • However, paradox does not place opposing words side by side, as oxymoron does. • Examples: (1) They called him a lion. But in the boxing ring, the lion was a lamb. • (2) For slaves, life was death, and death was life. • Why would a poet use paradox?

  3. Oxymoron • Combining contradictory words to reveal a truth. Oxymoron is a form of paradox. However, unlike paradox, oxymoron places opposing words side by side. • Examples: • (1) Parting is such sweet sorrow.–Shakespeare. • (2) Working in a coal mine is living death. • (3) The hurricane turned the lush island retreat into a hellish paradise. • Why would a poet use oxymoron?

  4. Alliteration Repetition of similar or identical sounds at the beginning of words or in accented syllables. It is used to create melody, establish mood, emphasize certain words and point out similarities or contrasts. Examples: • But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined, bound into saucy doubts and fears.–Shakespeare. • (2) Duncan is in his grave; after life's fitful fever he sleeps well–Shakespeare. • (3) When I was one-and- twenty–A.E. Housman. (Note that "one" has a "w" sound. (4) I sent thee late a rosy wreath–Ben Jonson. (Note that "wr" has an "r" sound.) Why would a poet use alliteration?

  5. Metaphor • Comparing one thing to an unlike thing without using like, as or than. • Examples: (1) The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve.–Shakespeare. (The striker or clapper of the bell is being compared to the tongue of a speaking human being.) (3) I am a man whom Fortune hath cruelly scratched.–Shakespeare. (Fortune is being compared to an entity that can be cruel.) (4) In battle, the soldier is a tiger. • Why would a poet use metaphor?

  6. Simile • Comparing one thing to an unlike thing by using like, as, or than. • Examples: (1) The barge she sat in, like a burnished throne, burned on the water.–Shakespeare. • (2) And the muscles of his brawny arms are strong as iron bands–Longfellow. Why would a poet use simile?

  7. Personification • Giving humanlike qualities or human form to objects and abstractions. Personification is a form of metaphor. • Examples: (1) Thou has done a deed whereat valor will weep.–Shakespeare. (Notice that valor, an abstraction, weeps.) • (2) Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered–Shakespeare. • (3) Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me. –Emily Dickinson. • Why would a poet use personification?

  8. Onomatopeia • The use of words sounds suggest the sounds made by the object or activity. • Examples: 1 bam, pow, clang, miaow, woof and quack. 2. “And the rushing and flushing and brushing and gushing, And flapping and rapping and clapping and slapping ….and clashing.” The Cataract of Lodore by Robert Southey. • Why would a poet use this device?

  9. Hyperbole A figure of speech of great exaggeration to emphasize strong feeling and to create satiric, comic or sentimental effect. Examples: • His words still burns the center of the sun, above the thousands and the hundreds thousands. Why would a poet use this device?

  10. Rhyme Words having the same sound in their stressed syllables. Its use may give pleasure to the ear, emphasize important words or lines and unify parts of the poem or whole poems Examples: The cat in the hat sat on a mat. Why would a poet use this device?

  11. Allusion A reference to a historical or literary figure or event. It may allude to myth religion or to any other aspect of ancient or modern culture. Example: March 15th hit hard this year…I guess the old bird was right, beware the ides of March.. We didn’t start the fire. Why would a poet use allusion?

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