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Chapter 31: Diseases and Disabilities

Chapter 31: Diseases and Disabilities. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD’s): medical disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels RISK FACTORS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE : Heredity- if one or both parents have heart disease or hypertension (high BP), the risk is higher

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Chapter 31: Diseases and Disabilities

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  1. Chapter 31: Diseases and Disabilities

  2. Cardiovascular Disease (CVD’s): medical disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels RISK FACTORS OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE: Heredity- if one or both parents have heart disease or hypertension (high BP), the risk is higher Ethnicity: African Americans are twice as likely to develop high blood pressure 3. Gender: males have a greater risk of heart disease or stroke than females

  3. RISK FACTORS CONT. Age: 55% of all heart attacks occur in people 65 and older 5. Environment: Air pollution, tobacco smoke, and stress are also risk factors of CVD’s

  4. Types of Cardiovascular Disease: 1.Hypertension (Constant High Pressure): App. 60 million Americans suffer from hypertension Controllable risk factors are obesity, alcohol use, inactivity, smoking and excessive intake of salt Hypertension is known as the “silent killer”

  5. Diseases of the Arteries: 2. Arteriosclerosis:Hardening of the Arteries- caused by a build up of plaque and cholesterol on artery walls Arteriosclerosis is the most common cause of death in the United States

  6. Diseases of the Heart: ANGINA PECTORIS: A Pain and tightness in the chest due to a lack of oxygen to the heart (A warning sign that the heart is in distress) Heart Attack: When the heart stops working (fibrillation- the rapid ineffective beating of the heart in one of two main chambers called ventricles)

  7. CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE: A slow gradual weakening of the heart muscle from overwork Stroke:An interruption of the flow of blood to any part of the brain. Warning signs of a stroke are: -sudden weakness or numbness of the face, are and leg on one side of the body - loss of speech or trouble speaking - sudden dimness or loss of vision, usually in just one eye - enexplained dizziness or sudden falls The most common cause of a stroke is the blocking of a cerebral artery caused by a blood clot (thrombus)

  8. Cerebral Hemmorrhaging: an artery that bursts inside the brain.

  9. Lesson 2: Cancer

  10. Tumor: any mass of tissue (all cancers are tumors but not all tumors are cancer benign: a non-cancerous tumor malignant:a cancerous tumor that has no membrane to keep it localized, therefore allowing it to spread matastasis: the spread of cancer from its origination point to other parts of the body Causes of Cancer: exposure to carcinogens in tobacco smoke, asbestos, and toxic waste. Also, some forms of radiation like x-rays, radon, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.

  11. Some common forms of cancer are: Skin Cancer: Most common cancer in U.S. melanoma: the deadly type of skin cancer

  12. Lung Cancer: more common in smokers - 85 % of male smokers and 75 % of female smokers *Survival rate of lung cancer is only 13%

  13. Oral Cancer: cancer of the mouth and throat area More common in tobacco users and excessive alcohol drinkers

  14. Other Common forms of cancer are : Colon and Rectum: 2nd most common cancers in U.S. Reproductive Cancers: Female: breast, cervical, uterine, and ovarian Male:testicular and prostate gland

  15. Leukemia: cancer of the blood-forming tissue in the bone marrow Detecting and Treating Cancer: biopsy: a test of tissue to detect if cancerous cells are present Surgery: the surgical removal of a cancerous tumor and affected areas Radiation: The use of radioactive energy from cobalt or radium to penetrate a tumor and destroy the cancerous cells Chemotherapy: the use of anti-cancer medications to treat the growth of cancerous cells


  17. DIABETES: A Chronic Disease that affects the way body cells convert food into energy Diabetes many times lead to other problems like blindness, kidney disease, amputations, nerve disease, heart disease and stroke When food enters the body, carbohydrates are changed to glucose, them absorbed into the blood and sent into cells. When the pancreas does not produce insulin sufficiently, the glucose is unable to enter the cells and it accumulates in the bloodstream. A high level of sugar in the urine is one of the surest signs that a person has diabetes

  18. DIABETES TYPE 1 TYPE 2 Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemic)High Blood Sugar(Hyperglycemic Time Span: Sudden OnsetGradual Onset-hours to days Signs: Staggering, Poor coordination Thirst, frequent urination, Irritability, hostility, pale color, sweatingflushedskin, vomiting, fruit or unconsciousness winelikesmell on breath, unconsciousness Causes: delayed or missed meals, tooUndiagnosed Diabetes, much insulin, extreme exercise forgottenor omitted insulin, stress, too much food or drink at once Treatment: provide sugar, look for IDGet them to a Doctor. If you”re bracelet, NO DIET DRINKS, if they donot sure what type they are, not respond, get them to a doctorprovide sugar, if they do not respond in 10-15 minutes, get them to a doctor.

  19. Arthritis: a disease that covers at least 100 conditions that cause pain and swelling in joints and connective tissue Rheumatoid Arthritis: destructive and disabling inflammation of the joints 2. Osteoarthritis: affects primarily the weight-bearing joints of the knees and hips, causing aches and soreness, especially when moving


  21. Disability:any physical or mental impairment that limits normal activities, including seeing, hearing, walking or speaking The leading cause of blindness today is complications from diabetes. Other causes are macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Hearing Impairment affects app. 20 million Americans. Profound Deafness: hearing loss so severe that the person could not benefit from mechanical devices such as hearing aids.

  22. Mental Retardation: below-average intellectual ability present from birth or early childhood and associated with difficulties in learning and social adaptation 4 levels of Mental Retardation: mild, moderate, severe, and profound (75% of all mentally retarded Americans fall in the “mild” category) and are likely not to recognized in general society Americans With Disabilities Act: a law prohibiting the discrimination against people with physical or mental disabilities in the workplace, transportation, public accomodations and telecommunications

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