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Formation of massive ellipticals, S0’s and galaxy spheroids

SWIRE view on the "Passive Universe": Studying the evolutionary mass function and clustering of galaxies with the SIRTF Wide-Area IR Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE). Formation of massive ellipticals, S0’s and galaxy spheroids. Formation of large disks. - 100%. - 10%. log ρ(>z).

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Formation of massive ellipticals, S0’s and galaxy spheroids

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SWIRE view on the "Passive Universe":Studying the evolutionary mass function and clustering of galaxies with the SIRTF Wide-Area IR Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE)

  2. Formation of massive ellipticals, S0’s and galaxy spheroids Formation of large disks

  3. - 100% - 10% log ρ(>z) - 1% The cumulative Stellar Mass Density vs. Star Formation Rate

  4. z=1.27 1Gyr 3 Gyr 5 Gyr 7Gyr t=9Gyr Photometric estimates of the stellar mass in high-z galaxies

  5. Current situation about the origin of spheroidal galaxies and the evolution of the galaxy mass function (at 1<z<2) is very complex, uncertain, and subject to a hot debate

  6. MASSES of E/S0 galaxies in the HDFs vs. redshift (Rodighiero, Franceschini & Fasano 2001) Sample of 69 E/S0's to K=20.2 morphologically selected over 11 sq.arcmin in HDFN, HDFS & NICMOS Dotted: Model 1 Continuous: Model 2 Salpeter IMF with 0.15<M<100 Mo

  7. Redshift distribution for E/S0 in the HDFs & NICMOS vs. predictions for different zF

  8. Model 1 Typical SEDs of morphologically- classified E/S0 galaxies Model 2 Franceschini et al. (1998)

  9. Rest-frame colours for early-type galaxies compared with model SSPs

  10. Passive Ellipticals Dusty Starbursts Sample of 45 ERO's selected K<19.2 over 52 sq.arcmin (Cimatti et al. 2001)

  11. Moriondo et al. (2000):study of Extremely Red Objects selected in K

  12. Stanford et al. (1998) "Colors of high-z cluster galaxies" Solid line: zF=5, dashed line: zF=2 Evidence for a different star-formation history in high-density environments [accelerated with cosmic time wrt. the field]?

  13. Spatial clustering of EROs (high-z ellipticals and dusty starbursts) [Daddi et al. 2000, 2001]

  14. z=1.27 z=2.5 IRAC will sample low-mass stellar populations in high-z gals and measure baryonic mass to high-z (JHK become unreliable at z>1.5)

  15. z-distributions of Sp's in HDFN Evolutionary rate of Star-Formation The case of spirals galaxies Generation of stellar mass

  16. ISO 6.7 μ Elliptical galaxy in the HDF North Current situation about deep mid-IR surevys: few tens of square arcmins sampled by ISO to the relevant depths

  17. The case for SWIRE • SIRTF will offer a unique chance to sample a largely unexplored waveband at 3 <λ<10 μm • This will allow photometric measurements of the baryonic mass in stars for an enormous number of distant and high-z galaxies • This is one of the main targets of our Legacy Program, SWIRE • SWIRE will devote 500 hours to survey with IRACa very large area (70 sq.deg.)to moderate depths (+ 400 hours with MIPS at longer-λ)

  18. The SIRTF "SWIRE" Survey • SIRTF Wide-area IR Extragalactic Survey, Legacy Programme (Lonsdale et al.), ~ 70 sq. deg. at all SIRTF photometric bands

  19. M82 M51 K=19.2 SWIRE/IRAC sensitivity limits ESIS limits ISO-selected IR starburst in the HDFS, template for SIRTF sources

  20. SWIRE sensitivity ˜ K=21 for moderately red galaxies

  21. Modelling the expected performances of SWIRE in the IRAC bands [model with zF=3] Expected z-distributions in a 10 sq.deg. area sampled at the SWIRE flux limit

  22. Typical spectra

  23. Photometric redshifts from purely the IRAC band fluxes

  24. M82 M51 K=19.2 SWIRE/IRAC sensitivity limits ESIS limits ISO-selected IR starburst in the HDFS, template for SIRTF sources

  25. z=1.27 z=2.5 IRAC will sample low-mass stellar populations in high-z gals and measure baryonic mass to high-z (JHK become unreliable at z>1.5)

  26. CONCLUSIONS • A dramatic step forward allowed by SWIRE in the investigation of both the "Active" and "Passive" Universe at high redshifts • SWIRE will allow to match current sensitivity limits for the study of IR source populations (red type-II QSOs, starbursts, forming E/S0, passively evolving spheroids) on areas >100 times larger at λ's currently unaccessible

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