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Documenting CPD

Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitationwww.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare. Objectives. To provide a summary of CPD and requirements for physiotherapistsTo promote CPD in the CTUTo signpost resources available for facilitation of CPDTo practise using resources provided for CPD. Warwick Emergenc

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Documenting CPD

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    1. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Documenting CPD Mark Williams Learning Club 15 November 2006

    2. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Objectives To provide a summary of CPD and requirements for physiotherapists To promote CPD in the CTU To signpost resources available for facilitation of CPD To practise using resources provided for CPD

    3. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare What is CPD? CPD is a systematic, ongoing structured process of maintaining, developing and enhancing skills, knowledge and competence both professionally and personally in order to improve performance at work. (CSP, 2003)

    4. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare What is CPD? a range of learning activities through which professionals maintain and develop throughout their career to ensure they retain their capacity to practise safely, effectively and legally within their evolving scope of practise. (HPC CPD definition, 2004)

    5. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Why do we need to do CPD? All practising professionals want to develop their careers and strive for excellence. Quality, accountability and effective practice demand that you as a professional demonstrate that you are keeping abreast of new knowledge, techniques and developments related to your practice.

    6. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Factors affecting the CPD Agenda: Professional: Role development, specialisation, autonomy, self-regulation, Rule 1/Code 1 of Code of Conduct, Continued HPC registration, standards of practice, accreditation of clinical educators scheme Organisational: Service delivery demands, role redesign/skill mix, competency frameworks, appraisal Political: Health Act 1999, Quality in the NHS, Clinical Governance, The NHS Plan, Agenda for Change and the Knowledge and Skills Framework Related areas: EBP, Audit, Clinical effectiveness, outcome measures, NSFs, national competence frameworks

    7. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Who do we do it for? CSP Requirements CPD is obligatory through the CSP Rules of Professional Conduct and Code of conduct. Rule 1 and Code 1 state that members should maintain and develop their ability to work safely and competently within their scope of practise. The CSP expects the establishment and maintenance of a portfolio of learning.

    8. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Who do we do it for? HPC Requirements The HPC CPD standards took effect from 1 July 2006. First audit of profiles is to take place in 2008 (Dont worry its for feet people!). Physiotherapists audited prior to renewing their registration in April 2010 Expected to comply with the standards from their introduction.

    9. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare HPC Standards Maintain a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of CPD activity Demonstrate CPD activities are a mixture of learning activities Ensure CPD contributes to quality of practice and service delivery Seek to ensure CPD benefits service user Present a written CPD profile upon request

    10. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Who do we do it for? CTU Requirements To comply with MRC GCP and ICH GCP, all members of staff must maintain a complete record of their ongoing personal development to demonstrate that they are competent to perform duties appropriate to their role in each trial.

    11. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Who do we do it for? Yourself ?

    12. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Who is responsible for ensuring CPD is being conducted? CPD is based on individual responsibility, trust and self-evaluation However, employers do have a responsibility to support you with your CPD

    13. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Benefits of CPD Confident because you have the evidence to show that you can practice effectively. Capable because your CPD skills equip you to meet the changing demands of practice Competent because you have an up to date knowledge and skills base

    14. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare How do I conduct CPD? Follow the CPD learning process in a structured way Undertake CPD activities appropriate to meeting identified learning needs Capture your learning from these activities in an appropriate way and store it in a portfolio of evidence Consider how what you have learned will impact on your practice

    15. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare How do I conduct CPD? Link your development into your appraisal and personal development process Discuss with relevant colleagues what learning needs you have and what appropriate CPD activities are available to you to meet them. Employers can give advice and guidance.

    16. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare The CPD Process

    17. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare What is a CPD portfolio? This is a private collection of evidence that demonstrates learning and development as well as a tool for planning future learning. It is more than a folder with some certificates in!

    18. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare What is the difference between a CPD portfolio and a profile? A profile is a public collection of evidence which is selected and extracted from your portfolio for a particular purpose and to present to a particular audience e.g. the HPC, prospective employer or higher education institution for accreditation.

    19. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare HPC Profile Profiles for HPC re-registration should consist of: Front cover Contents page Summary of recent work/practice for the last 2 years (max 500 words) Documentary evidence provided by the registrant to support statements about CPD made in the profile (max 1500 words). See example for clinical specialist

    20. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare How do I make a CPD portfolio? Get a folder! Decide what CPD activities and evidence you want to include in your portfolio ? Section1 Personal Information ? Section 2 Personal development plan ? Section 3 Professional Development: Current Activities ? Section 4 Professional Development: Evaluation and Reflection ? Section 5 - Storage

    21. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare What about my CTU Personal Development Folder? Congruous to your CPD portfolio. The purpose is to demonstrate you are competent to perform the duties appropriate to your role in the CTU. Needs to be continually updated. Recommendation that you maintain a log of internal and external training in your CTU PD folder. Appraisal and evaluation documents will be kept separately as these are personal documents.

    22. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare When do I start my CPD portfolio? If not already, TODAY! No value in trying to recall incidental or informal training from the past move forward Acceptable to just include proof of previous formal training e.g. certificates and then start documenting the complete CPD process from now.

    23. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 1 Personal Information Tips for updating your CV CSP CV Proforma is suitable for your portfolio/PD folder but not for applications It is not meant to tell the reader everything you have done since you qualified! Guide through the most relevant aspects of your academic, working and personal life Careers Service Guide and web: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/careers/staff/crs/

    24. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 2 Personal Development Plan Identify your areas for development List what learning activities you are going to undertake to achieve this development State how the development links in with your individual needs, as well as those of your patients/clients and organisation Indicate the evidence that will show achievement of the learning in your plan Learning outcomes should fulfil SMARRT criteria: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, resources and time bound.

    25. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 2 Personal Development Plan Tools Learning styles questionnaire Skills for learning questionnaire SWOT analysis Key Skills for CPD APPRAISAL

    26. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 3 Current Activities Mandatory Training record e.g. moving and handling, fire training Internal Training Record Standard Operating Procedures sign-off form External Training Record Teaching/Facilitating Record Publications, abstracts, presentations Materials produced: forms, information, sheets/posters etc. Audit data

    27. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 4 Evaluation Significant Incident form The importance of learning from success (example University Lecturer) Conference/seminar/study day/course evaluation Evaluation of critical appraisal process Learning outcomes information (useful words etc.)

    28. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Section 5 Storage It is recommended that you audit your portfolio regularly and place in storage anything that isnt relevant to this year. Storage of archived materials is recommended for ~ 5 years.

    29. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare CPD Activities in CTU

    30. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Reflection on this session

    31. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare Questions?

    32. Warwick Emergency Care and Rehabilitation www.warwick.ac.uk/go/emergencycare THE END

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